Making your own cool dreadlocks at home is easy to do. You can go to a salon, but why pay when you can make your own dreadlocks naturally? All you need is a regular hair kit and a lot of patience as growing your hair out and creating dreadlocks can take several months. Keep reading to learn how to grow, shape, and care for dreadlocks.
Part 1 of 3: Starting the Dreads Forming Process

Step 1. Wash your hair with shampoo
It is important to start this process with clean, dry hair. Use a cleansing shampoo to remove oil and hair softener, as slippery hair will make the process of shaping dreads difficult.
- Do not use hair softener or other styling products after washing your hair.
- Make sure your hair is completely dry before you start the dreads shaping process.

Step 2. Divide your hair into square sections; each part is the same size as the other parts
Each of these small sections will become a knot of dreadlocks. This same size will create a neater look when your dreads are ready. It can be difficult to change the size of the dreadlocks once the hair is "locked."
- Use a comb to part the hair and make small square sections. Tie each section with a small rubber band to separate it from the rest.
- The size of this box-shaped part is free. If you want to make dreadlocks medium in size, make them 2.5 cm x 2.5 cm. The size of 1.3 cm x 1.3 cm will make each knot of the dreadlock smaller and look quite elegant. However, the manufacturing process is longer and the maintenance more complicated.
- You will see your scalp between each knot of the dreadlocks. Some people like the patterned look of rows, but if you want to choose a model that's less rigid, go for a patterned one like a brick wall or a zigzag.

Step 3. Comb sections of your hair in the opposite direction, from the middle to the roots
Take a section of hair that has been divided and untied it. Hold the ends of your hair away from the scalp. Point the comb through the hair about 2.5 cm from the scalp, then comb the hair toward the scalp so that the strands will gather around the roots of the hair. Once collected, move the comb slightly away, which is 2.5 cm from the last position, and do the same. Continue combing like this until one section of the hair has become thick, and tie the ends with an elastic. Finish the rest of the hair.
- While you're brushing your hair toward your scalp with one hand, use your other hand to twist the section of hair. This will help maintain the same inferred shape.
- This process can take a very long time, especially if you have thick hair and you make a small knot size dreadlock. Find friends to help you and save time.
- Spend the same amount of time knotting the rest of the hair. Comb the section of hair that has been divided towards the scalp and twist it carefully. If you do some of the other knots in a hurry, they won't be the same shape as the rest of the knots. You may not be satisfied with the results.

Step 4. Tie the hair knot with the second rubber
Each hair knot should already be tied with a rubber band at the bottom end, but you can add a knot at the top end with a small rubber band, just above your scalp. These two rubbers will prevent the hair from unraveling along with the formation of dreads.

Step 5. Consider oiling your hair
Some people suggest applying hair oil or wax to the section of hair that is being formed into dreadlocks. The hair oil will protect your hair and keep it from breaking down. However, others argue that oiling your hair will actually have the opposite effect, and will prevent your hair from locking properly. Here are some factors to keep in mind:
- Applying hair oil to your dreads will help if your hair is inherently healthy, and also if you're concerned that some sections of your hair will fall apart. If your hair is coarse and you won't have any problems during the styling process, you don't need to apply oil.
- If you are going to use a special oil for dreadlocks, use a product that is natural and without chemicals in it. Some chemicals and oils will make your hair smell, so make sure you use a brand that is guaranteed quality.
- Use aloe vera instead of hair gel if you prefer. Make sure the aloe vera used does not contain other additives.
Part 2 of 3: Shaping Dreads

Step 1. Wash your hair as often as possible
Use a residue-free shampoo without softeners or fragrances. Washing your hair frequently helps the knotted hair stay in shape, and helps the knot to become tight and smooth, also known as locking. This locking process takes at least three months.
- You can buy a special bar of soap to wash your dreads, or just use an unscented, softener shampoo.
- Rub a bar of soap or shampoo on the scalp, and rub a little and then rinse. Don't rub your hair more than you should.
- Don't blow dry your hair with a blow dryer or towel too vigorously, or some of your hair will fall out of the knot.
- Wash your hair in the morning so it can dry before you go to bed. Of course you don't want mold growing on your head.

Step 2. Make sure the knots of the dreadlocks remain damp
You'll need to moisten your dreadlocks every few days to prevent dry hair and strands from untying. Spray your hair with a mixture of water and a few drops of lavender or tea tree oil. Don't use too much oil, as it will make your hair look greasy.
- Avoid using vegetable oil, almond oil, or other food-based oils. Materials like this will leave an unpleasant odor in your head.
- You can buy moisturizing products specifically for dreadlocks online.

Step 3. Insert the loose strands of hair
To make your dreads look neat, you need to insert the strands that fall off during daily activities. You can use the needle you used for knitting or tweezers to thread the strands back into the knot so they can be tied back together.

Step 4. Roll up and round the ends of the dreadlocks
This is a matter of personal preference, but some people like to roll the dreadlocks and blunt the ends of the dreadlocks to make the shape more rounded. Gently roll the dreadlocks between your hands for a few seconds every few days. Create a rounded end by pressing the ends of the dreadlocks with your palms and rolling them around your palms. The hair will be curled into a knot in the dreadlocks.
- Roll your dreads gently, or you can make them come loose.
- Don't pull on the dreads, you can cut the hair off the scalp.
Part 3 of 3: Caring for Dreads

Step 1. Untie the rubber band
After a few months, when the dreadlocks are locked, you can release your hair from the rubber bands that have been tying the dreads together. Carefully remove the rubber from the roots and ends of the hair. You may need to cut the rubber with scissors.

Step 2. Treat your hair roots
As the dreadlocks lengthen, the new hair growing from your scalp will need to be threaded into a knot in the dreadlocks. Twist the newly growing hair between your fingers, and twist it together in a knot of dreadlocks.
- You don't have to roll your dreadlocks as often. Newly grown hair will naturally knot into the dreadlocks about 2.5 cm from your scalp.
- Don't force the newly grown hair into the knot too much; because it can make the knots of dreadlocks fall off, especially if they have lengthened and become heavy.

Step 3. Don't let your dreads get flat
Try to position the dreadlocks so that they are not squeezed between your head and pillow when you sleep at night. Don't wear heavy hats that can flatten the dreadlocks. When you can't stop it, take the time to gently roll the knot between your hands, to restore its rounded shape.