3 Ways to Clean a Leather Jacket

3 Ways to Clean a Leather Jacket
3 Ways to Clean a Leather Jacket

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Quality leather jackets never go out of style. However, to keep your leather jacket in top condition, you need to take good care of it. Unlike other types of clothing, you can't just put a leather jacket in the washing machine because this can cause it to shrivel, crack, and wrinkle. If your leather jacket is dirty or dull, you can do some quick and easy ways to clean and care for it so that it looks new for a long time.


Method 1 of 3: Using Soap and Water

Clean a Leather Jacket Step 1
Clean a Leather Jacket Step 1

Step 1. Make a mixture of a mild soap solution

Pour a few milliliters of warm water into a large, open container. Add about two teaspoons of liquid dish soap and stir until the soap is completely dissolved in the water. This will create a solution that is so gentle that you can rub it against the jacket without damaging it.

Detergent that is too much can cause skin quality to decline and the color to fade. This can make your leather jacket stained and discolored

Clean a Leather Jacket Step 6
Clean a Leather Jacket Step 6

Step 2. Wet a soft sponge or towel

Dip a sponge or towel in the soap solution. Squeeze out the excess liquid. The sponge or towel should not be wet, only damp. If it's too wet, the water can seep into the skin and make it wet. This can cause damage to your leather jacket.

Use a soft cloth. Rough fabrics can scratch the delicate layers of skin if you're not careful

Clean a Leather Jacket Step 3
Clean a Leather Jacket Step 3

Step 3. Wipe the outside of the jacket

Wipe down the jacket using a towel or sponge that has been moistened with the solution in a smooth, longitudinal motion. Don't rub it vigorously. Pay special attention to areas with water spots, discolored areas of skin, and places where dirt builds up. Thoroughly clean the jacket, re-wetting your towel if necessary.

Clean a Leather Jacket Step 8
Clean a Leather Jacket Step 8

Step 4. Wipe off the soap and dry the jacket by patting it

Wipe your jacket again, this time using clean water to remove any remaining soapy residue. Make sure there is no water still on the jacket. With a dry towel, pat your leather jacket completely dry. Hang the jacket in the wardrobe and let it dry on its own.

Direct application of heat can be bad for a leather jacket, especially if the jacket is freshly moistened. So, don't dry your jacket in a washing machine or hairdryer

Method 2 of 3: Using a Skin Cleanser

Clean a Leather Jacket Step 1
Clean a Leather Jacket Step 1

Step 1. Buy a special cleanser for the skin

This cleanser contains ingredients that can remove stains and dirt. It also contains oils that can help soften the skin and keep it in top condition. You can get leather cleaners at the supermarket, or at a leather specialty store.

A bottle of leather cleaning solution can be purchased for several tens of thousands of rupiah and will not run out for years

Clean a Leather Jacket Step 2
Clean a Leather Jacket Step 2

Step 2. Apply leather cleaner on the jacket

Apply a small amount of leather cleaning solution on the dirty part of the jacket. Some skin cleansers come in gel, spray, or bar form. If you use any of these three types of cleanser, start with a small amount and add more if needed.

Clean a Leather Jacket Step 7
Clean a Leather Jacket Step 7

Step 3. Rub the cleaning solution on the skin

Use a soft, clean towel to massage the cleaning solution onto the leather jacket's surface. Use slow, outward circular motions to rub it in. When you apply it to your skin, it collects dirt and removes water spots that are trapped in the skin.

Keep scrubbing until the cleanser is completely absorbed

Clean a Leather Jacket Step 8
Clean a Leather Jacket Step 8

Step 4. Remove any remaining solution

Use another towel to wipe off the leather cleaning solution left on the jacket. When you're done, the jacket will be clean and shiny. After that, your jacket will look like new and the leather will be moisturized and protected which keeps it in top condition for months.

  • Skin cleansers don't need to be washed off after you've applied them because they're designed to soak into dry, cracked skin.
  • Leather cleaners are designed so that the wearer doesn't have to bother with cleaning the jacket, but you may need to apply it several times if the jacket is very dirty.

Method 3 of 3: Caring for a Leather Jacket

Clean a Leather Jacket Step 9
Clean a Leather Jacket Step 9

Step 1. Check the manufacturer's instructions

Read the label on the jacket. Jacket manufacturers will provide specifications that match the type and texture of the leather, as well as several other important caveats. Usually, the manufacturer will advise on a suitable cleaning method. We recommend that you always follow the advice given to prevent damage to your jacket.

Clean a Leather Jacket Step 10
Clean a Leather Jacket Step 10

Step 2. Make your jacket water resistant so it doesn't get damaged

No matter what type of leather jacket you have, you should periodically spray it with a waterproof solution. This will close the pores in the skin. Water will only drip and slip off the skin so your jacket won't be damaged when worn.

  • Ideally, you should spray a waterproof solution on a leather jacket as soon as you own it.
  • Wear another jacket if the weather forecast says it will rain that day. Excessive water can shorten the life of a leather jacket.
Clean a Leather Jacket Step 11
Clean a Leather Jacket Step 11

Step 3. Treat your jacket with leather conditioner

After using it for a year or more, apply a cream of leather conditioner all over the outer surface of the leather jacket. Conditioning will protect the jacket against moisture, keeping it soft and supple, and preventing cracking and cracking.

You can also scrub it with saddle soap. This soap may be too harsh for thin or delicate skin, but it is suitable for tough and rough leather jackets

Clean a Leather Jacket Step 12
Clean a Leather Jacket Step 12

Step 4. Take the soft leather jacket to a professional washer

To prevent damage to the jacket, do not clean jackets made of soft or textured leather, such as sheepskin or suede (leather that has a smooth, velvet-like surface). A qualified leather expert must have the knowledge and equipment to clean your jacket even if it has stubborn stains. You also don't have to worry about the jacket tearing or shriveling.

  • Dry cleaning can be expensive, but you usually don't need to do it more than once a year or more.
  • You can keep your suede jacket clean by scrubbing it regularly with a hand brush.
Clean a Leather Jacket Step 13
Clean a Leather Jacket Step 13

Step 5. Store your leather jacket properly

Spread out your jacket or drape it on a hanger when you're not wearing it. Place in a cool and dry place. Clean and condition leather jackets once a year. Provided you take good care of it, your jacket will stay in tip-top condition for years, and may even outlast you.

  • If you don't wear it very often, keep the jacket in a clothing pocket.
  • If your leather jacket shrivels up when you take it out of storage, place a towel on it and iron it on medium heat. You can also hang it in the bathroom when you take a hot shower. The heat and humidity will naturally loosen the wrinkles on the jacket.


  • If possible, it's a good idea to deal with any spills on your jacket immediately, especially if it's been exposed to liquids like coffee or red wine which can leave permanent stains.
  • To test if your jacket can be safely washed with water, try applying a few drops of water to a less visible area of the leather. If the water forms lumps on your skin, you can wipe it off with a damp towel. If the water soaks into the skin, take your jacket to the dry cleaner for a dry cleaning.
  • Clean and dampen leather jackets at least once a year.


  • Do not clean leather jackets using natural oils, such as coconut oil and olive oil. This can give a deceptive shine, when in reality the oil will over-moisturize your skin, making your leather jacket feel greasy and break easily.
  • Some leather cleaners and conditioners contain flammable oils and can emit harmful fumes when inhaled.
  • Always wipe your skin gently. Rubbing the leather vigorously can tear the outside of the leather and cause the color to fade.
  • Never put a leather jacket in the washing machine and/or in the dryer. This can cause the skin to crack, shrivel, and dry out. Even the size of your jacket can be reduced.
