The goldendoodle is a cool dog breed that is the result of a cross between a poodle and a golden retriever. This dog has a unique coat that comes from a mixture of two breeds. Her fur looks curly and slightly frayed. To take care of the fur, you have to take care of the goldendoodle dog regularly. The treatment in question is cleaning the dog's entire body, trimming its fur, trimming its nails, and cleaning its ears and teeth. This will keep your dog looking great while also ensuring that it stays healthy and clean.
Method 1 of 4: Cleaning the Goldendoodle

Step 1. Comb the dog's hair
Before cleaning a goldendoodle, you must first comb its fur. This will smooth out any tangles and get rid of any dust that's stuck to the fur.
- Goldendoodle dogs should be regularly brushed. Comb your dog's coat daily to keep it tangle-free.
- Use a thin comb to brush the goldendoodle's fur. This comb is perfect for the coat and can be purchased at almost any pet store.

Step 2. Trim away any tangles and clumps with a clipper
Trim non-combable dog hair with a trimmer mat. Besides being able to smooth out the tangled area, this method allows you to comb the dog's hair that has been trimmed.
- Purchase a trimmer specifically designed for dog grooming, and purchase a special comb that attaches to the tip of the tool. This tool can smooth the hair quickly and effectively. Special trimmers for grooming dog hair are usually sold at major pet stores and online stores.
- Do not use trimming shears on goldendoodles. Scissors can cut and injure dogs accidentally. Only professional dog groomers are allowed to use these tools.

Step 3. Bathe your goldendoodle
Prepare a bathtub filled with warm water, then put the dog in it. Scrub the fur with dog shampoo and rinse thoroughly. This method will show the original condition of the dog's fur while also keeping the coat clean before trimming.
- Dog shampoo can be purchased at pet stores and online.
- Do not use shampoo for humans. Dog shampoo is specially formulated for dogs so it will not strip the natural oils on their skin and coat.

Step 4. Dry the dog's fur
Once your dog is clean, you should dry it first before trimming its coat. It's important to let the hair dry first so you can determine the length of the hair you want to trim. Dog hair that is still wet will shrink so you can't predict the end result of the trimming process.
- Rub the dog's fur with a towel until it's slightly dry. After that, let the dog shake itself and let the coat dry.
- After the dog's coat dries, you should also make sure the dog's ears are dry. Goldendoodles are prone to ear infections so it is important to dry their ears.
Method 2 of 4: Trim the Hair on the Goldendoodle's Head

Step 1. Trim the hair on the dog's ears with a clipper
To get a precise cut on supple dog ears, you'll need to look for a dog grooming trimmer.
The hair on the outside of the ear should be trimmed to a uniform length. Usually, the length is about 2.5 cm

Step 2. Trim the hair that is blocking the dog's ear canal
Trim the fur around the dog's ear openings until they are short. The fur in this area should be short enough so that the dog's fur doesn't cover the ear openings. Trimming this coat short will help sharpen your dog's hearing and increase air circulation in the ears, reducing the risk of ear infections.
Never put the trimmer in a dog's ear as you could accidentally injure him

Step 3. Trim the hair on the dog's face
To help your dog's vision, you should trim the hair in front of his eyes. Use a trimmer to do this. You'll also need to trim the hair between the eyes with thinning shears so the hair isn't too thick in that area.
Be careful when trimming the hair around the eyes. Make sure your dog is calm and motionless before using the trimmer to shave the area so as not to accidentally injure his eyes

Step 4. Trim the fur on the muzzle
The hair on the goldendoodle's muzzle can turn thick and thick and needs to be trimmed. However, keep the sides longer than the top and bottom. You can adjust the length of the fur on the top and sides of the muzzle to your liking, but make sure the fur on the sides of the muzzle isn't too long so it doesn't get into the dog's mouth.

Step 5. Trim the remaining hair on the dog's head
Start trimming the hair on the back of your head with a dog trimmer. Trim the fur along the dog's neck while adjusting the length to match the length of the fur on his body.
The hair on the dog's head and body may be the same length or the hair on the head may be slightly longer. It completely depends on your taste
Method 3 of 4: Trimming the Hair on the Goldendoodle Dog

Step 1. Trim most of the hair on the dog's body with a trimmer
Prepare a dog trimmer with a 2.5 cm guard, then trim all the hair on his body. Make sure you trim large areas of the body, such as the back, several times.
- Also, make sure you trim all small areas, such as the base of the foot and on the hind legs.
- Using a trimmer guard will keep the coat length uniform as long as the dog is not moving.

Step 2. Trim the hair on the legs shorter than the hair on the dog's body
The fur on the goldendoodle's paws is usually trimmed shorter than the hair on its body. This will make the footprints cleaner and neater.

Step 3. Trim the hair between the dog's toes
It is very important to trim the hair between the goldendoodle's toes. This area is often overlooked, but it's a good idea to trim the area to make it comfortable for your dog.
If your dog panics easily, you will need to tie him up so that the fur in this area can be trimmed without hurting the dog
Method 4 of 4: Giving the Goldendoodle the Final Touches

Step 1. Trim the dog's nails
After cleaning the fur on the goldendoodle's paws, you should also trim the nails. Dog nails should be trimmed regularly, especially if the animal is often walking on soft areas that do not make the nails sharpened.
- Dog nails must be trimmed with a special dog nail clipper. This tool is available in almost all pet stores.
- You have to restrain the dog while trimming his nails.
- When trimming the nails, don't cut them too short. You should not cut the veins on the inside of the nail (quick).

Step 2. Brush the dog's teeth
When caring for your dog, you should also clean the inside of its mouth. Buy a dog toothpaste and toothbrush, then use it to brush the dog's teeth. Dog toothpaste is usually sold at pet stores or online.
- Dogs need time to get used to the process of brushing their teeth. So, don't expect your dog to obey right away.
- Make sure you use a special dog toothpaste. Human toothpaste can be toxic to dogs. So don't use it on dog teeth.

Step 3. Clean your dog's ears
One part of dog grooming is making sure the ears are clean and healthy. Pay attention to the dog's ears and use a special veterinary cleaner to remove dust and debris.
- Be careful when cleaning your dog's ears. Do not let any dust get into the dog's ear canal when cleaning it. If there is dust in your dog's ear canal, you should take him to the vet for cleaning.
- Ear cleaners for dogs are usually sold at pet stores or obtained through veterinarians.

Step 4. Comb the goldendoodle's fur again
Once your grooming routine is complete, you should brush your dog's hair one more time. This will remove any remaining trimmed hair and ensure you've trimmed it evenly.
If there is an uneven area, trim it immediately so that the fur in the area looks uniform
- To calm your dog down during grooming, talk to him calmly, treat him when he's well behaved, and give him time off during grooming sessions.
- If you are having trouble caring for your goldendoodle, you should take him to a professional nurse. They can usually fix a dog's coat problem if you can't groom it.