The Shih Tzu dog is a descendant of the Chinese royal dog and was originally bred to be a good human friend. Although the appearance of a shih tzu dog looks elegant and gentle, it is actually very energetic, cheerful, and fun; making it a great family pet dog choice. In order to keep a shih tzu in your family and raise it well, you need to take care of its hair, behavior, and take care of its health on a regular basis.
Method 1 of 3: Grooming your Shih Tzu

Step 1. Bathe your shih tzu and comb his hair
You need to bathe your dog at least once a week, and brush his hair at least once a day to keep it from getting tangled.
- Shih tzu dogs have hair, not fur. That is, he will not lose hair all over his body. Just like human hair, shih tzu dog hair must be cared for properly. Otherwise, the strands will get tangled.
- Pay close attention to the section of hair around the dog's eyes. If the hair is left long, you should tie it around your eyes and upwards. Thus, the hair will not block the eyes and food or drink when he eats.

Step 2. Trim your shih tzu dog's hair regularly
Shih tzu dog hair does not fall out so the strands can grow very long. Take your time to trim the dog's hair to make it more manageable. Or, you can also consider cutting your shih tzu's hair short in a "puppy" style, instead of giving it the classic long hair look, to make it easier for you to care for it.
Pay close attention to the area around the dog's eyes, and be careful when you use scissors to cut hair in that area! Trimming the hair around the Shih Tzu dog's eyes is important to keep his eyes clean and unobstructed by hair. However, you may have a hard time keeping your dog still when you cut his hair. Therefore, be patient and be careful. You can also ask someone else to help hold the dog's body from moving for a while

Step 3. If you are unable to groom your shih tzu's appearance yourself, take your dog to a professional pet salon
The appearance of a shih tzu dog needs to be groomed at least every 2-3 weeks for optimal dog health. If you want to groom your dog yourself but can't do it every 2 weeks, take your dog to a dog salon when you don't have time to do it yourself.
Method 2 of 3: Training a Shih Tzu

Step 1. Get the shih tzu sociable and allow him to meet other dogs from an early age
This will make it easier for your dog to get along and experience life outside the home.
Every now and then, take your shih tzu dog for a walk in the city center so that he is not afraid of lights, noise, cars, and other people. In addition, expose him to other things that can usually irritate small dogs, such as bicycles and skateboards. The more often he sees and interacts with various kinds of life experiences, he will feel more comfortable

Step 2. Train your shih tzu to perform basic obedience skills
This dog has an attitude that can be said to be arrogant, so it becomes a little more difficult to train. Be consistent and be patient.
Shih tzu dogs in particular are notoriously difficult to train to defecate in designated places. Use positive affirmation, not punishment, and be patient with it

Step 3. If your shih tzu is still small, give him a ring to chew on
Shih tzu dog breeds that are still small tend to like to bite/chew. However, you can break the habit with good practice.
Remember, regardless of any factors, shih tzu puppies have a habit of biting and this is perfectly normal. But don't let him get used to it
Method 3 of 3: Keeping your Shih Tzu Dog Healthy

Step 1. Get your shih tzu dog to exercise as much as possible
This dog may be small in size, but he still needs to stretch his leg muscles and play. Shih tzu dogs love to play, so buy them (or make your own) toys. Take him out to dog parks as often as you can.
- Despite the appearance of the shih tzu dog that sometimes looks weak, the shih tzu dog is actually a strong dog and doesn't mind occasionally doing active activities that make them dirty.
- Remember, dogs that bite and act wild indoors may need more exercise outdoors! Besides being useful for the dog's body, exercise is also beneficial for his mentality.

Step 2. Provide your Shih Tzu dog with healthy dog food
Remember, there are some shih tzu dogs who have allergies or sensitive stomachs. Try changing the type of dog food that is not suitable for your shih tzu. If the dog's condition continues to be problematic, consult with your veterinarian about recommendations for good dog food brands for dogs with "certain breeds".

Step 3. Get your shih tzu dog checked by a veterinarian once a year, as a basic health check-up
Just like any other pet, it's your job as a dog owner to take care of it to keep the dog happy and healthy. The vet is the best person who can help you fulfill the task. Make sure you take care of and check your dog's health regularly. Important procedures related to the health of pets include, but are not limited to, vaccination, control of external and internal parasites, castration, and the process of implanting microchips into the animal's body.

Step 4. Find out about breed-specific health problems
For the Shih tzu breed, regular veterinary checkups are especially important because shih tzu dogs are often prone to a variety of unique health problems, including groin dysplasia, von Willebrand's disease, and autoimmune hemolytic anemia.
- Shih tzu dogs are also prone to eye health problems, such as Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA), a group of diseases that affect only certain dog breeds. The hallmark of this disease is a bilateral decreased function of the retina of the eye, which basically refers to a progressive loss of vision that leads to blindness. Be on the lookout if you find your dog bumping into something, your dog not looking at the toy, or your dog losing self-confidence unexpectedly in unprecedented situations.
- Shih tzu dogs are also prone to disc problems and back pain. Although back problems are related to the dog's genetics and so can't always be avoided, you still have to do some things to reduce the chances of your dog getting injured. First of all, you can minimize the risk of your dog's discs slipping by preventing your dog from jumping from high places, and keeping his weight trim. Also, take your dog to the vet if he seems to be in pain. The veterinarian can examine and diagnose the dog's health, or at least provide treatment that can relieve the dog's pain.

Step 5. Try brushing your shih tzu's teeth
Shih tzu dogs can have dental problems, including missing teeth or misaligned teeth from birth. It's a good idea to brush your dog's teeth while you brush your teeth. Like humans, the shih tzu dog's oral health can also have problems with gingivitis and plaque formation on his teeth, which can lead to tooth loss or infection. In the worst case, the dog will lose the ability to eat due to an oral infection.

Step 6. Remember to always take care of the daily needs of the other shih tzu dogs
Make sure he gets an adequate supply of drinking water when he feels thirsty. Bring your dog to go to the bathroom too. Like humans, dogs need to urinate regularly to stay healthy.
You should also trim your shih tzu's nails every week or two

Step 7. Treat your shih tzu with love
Every dog needs affection. Caress and compliment him as often as possible. Even if you just let him sit on your lap while you're reading or watching television, the shih tzu knows that you care about him.
Remember, shih tzu dogs have hair, not fur. That is, it cannot shed its fur. This breed can be a great choice for people who don't want the hassle of cleaning up loose hair, or have allergies to most other dog breeds
- Almost all shih tzu dogs like children, but every dog has a different temperament. Be careful when you try to introduce any dog to children that the dog doesn't already know.
- Remember, some dogs think that humans are just like dogs. He will be fierce and rude to you when you are with other dogs. Dogs naturally play with their mouths – even when they play with humans.