Statistics show that the name “Jesus” is mentioned three million times an hour, millions of people convert to Christianity every day, and Christianity is the religion with the most followers in the world. Surely you have heard of Jesus and the Christian life!
If you want to know more about Jesus, read the following instructions, but don't rely solely on this article. There are many other ways to get to know Jesus, for example by asking pastors, religious leaders in the Christian community, missionaries, or Christians.
Before reading the detailed information in this article, know that Jesus of Nazareth has fulfilled all prophecies about the Messiah written in the Torah (Old Testament).
In the Gospel of John 14:9, Jesus said: "He who has seen Me has seen the Father".
If you want to know how to accept Jesus as Savior, accept Jesus personally in your life as Savior.

Step 1. Learn about a holy God
Many people do not understand the concept of “Most Holy Trinity” so they give the wrong explanation. Faithful Christians believe in the truth of the words of Jesus which states: "One God, Three Persons". This means, God the Father, God the Son (Jesus), and God the Holy Spirit are one cause the three persons of God are one unity and only one Glorious, mighty, and loving God. The three persons of God are one an inseparable unity because God the Son has the same glory and power as God the Father and God the Holy Spirit who complement each other in all respects. When a person prays to Jesus, he prays to God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), not only to Jesus. God the Father and God the Holy Spirit sent His Son, to atone for our sins who have accepted Jesus because our God is a glorious, powerful, and loving God. So, when we say: God the Father sent Jesus into the world, it does not mean that God the Father is separate from Jesus. In the concept of the Trinity, God the Father and Jesus are distinct, but one persons.

Step 2. Seek to understand God's plan by asking yourself:
"For what and why should I be saved?" Faith in God and His words in the scriptures plays an important role in understanding “What is the meaning of the Savior in my life?” and “Why should I be saved?” The holy book is the Word of God that is proclaimed to mankind through the writings of people who are obedient to God's will so that they are chosen to write His word. They write scriptures because they get inspiration (words conveyed) from Allah Himself. The writers accepted the assignment wholeheartedly and lived lives focused on Jesus, the Messiah, even though they wrote the scriptures several hundred years after Jesus died. The Bible says that all humans are sinners.
Sin is an act that is displeasing to God because sin separates us from the perfect God so that we must atone for sin by experiencing “hell”, which is eternal separation from God.
Romans 6:23: “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
Hell has entered the world since Adam sinned.
Genesis 2:17: "But the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, do not eat of its fruit, for in the day you eat of it you will surely die."
Romans 5:12: "Therefore, just as one man entered the world through sin and death through sin, so death spread to all men, because all have sinned."
Romans 5:14: "Even so death reigned from the days of Adam to the days of Moses also over those who did not sin in the same way as Adam, who was the image of Him who was to come."

Step 3. Know who can free you from hell
As humans born with original sin, we cannot purify ourselves before a perfect God if we rely solely on our own will, strength, determination, and morality. However, God sent Jesus, His Son, as an intermediary and savior for us who are trapped in hell.
John 3:16-17: “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that everyone who believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to judge the world, but to save it through Him.”
Our belief proves our belief and faith that what God calls His Son is actually God Himself. He paid for our sins by giving His own Son to take our place. The death of Jesus on the cross became the atonement for all our sins in the past, present, and in the future, even though the method was a cruel death sentence for the innocent Jesus.
Hebrews 10:10: "And by this will we have been sanctified once and for all by the offering of the body of Jesus Christ."
Someone has to pay for our mistakes with his life. Hebrews 9:22: "And almost everything is purified according to the law with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness."
Jesus died on the cross to atone for human sins, but He was able to overcome death and rise again so that humans can experience salvation. Therefore, when you accept Jesus because of the power of the Holy Spirit, this happens not because of your own thoughts and desires, but because of the realization that this is all solely because of the goodness and grace of God. In fact, a person becomes a follower of Christ not only of his own volition. (Jesus chose His disciples because they came to Jesus not because they wanted to be His followers). We also cannot “take” Jesus for granted, but we receive what He gives through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit calls us all to repent (change our minds) and carry out God's commandments by listening to His word and receiving the news of salvation (through preaching). People who do not believe are rejecting God's grace because we believe in God because we have faith which is a free gift (grace) from God.

Step 4. Admit that you are a sinner to be worthy to receive Jesus
After understanding that you, we, and all humans are sinful creatures, rely on the Lord Jesus to get forgiveness of sins by repenting so that your life will be directed back to God.

Step 5. Confess Jesus as Savior
According to the words of Jesus in Romans 10:13: "For whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved" pray: "Heavenly Father, I believe that Jesus died for my sins" so that God may grant you eternal life.

Step 6. Know that Jesus said that everyone who wants to receive Him must accept God's messenger
(John 13:20). The Holy Spirit is the messenger of God. (John 15:26).

Step 7. Open your heart to receive the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit does not come naturally to believers because Jesus once said: "For everyone who asks receives…" (Luke 11:9-13).

Step 8. Feel and see that all that God has given is good
Believe that God loves you because He has proven this by allowing His Son to undergo punishment and die on the cross to replace you by paying for all the mistakes and sins you have ever committed.
Repentance is a decision to stay away from sin by relying on God and obeying His commands. If you've already done this, the next step should work itself out fine. Rely on Jesus as Lord and Savior if you are still having trouble understanding this concept

Step 9. Talk to God in your own words
When communicating with God, you can compose your own sentences without following certain rules because He still hears unspoken prayers. However, God is always ready to hear if you ask Him for help and forgiveness. God does not judge us arbitrarily because He is not human like us! God is your Father, brother, bodyguard, and mediator. He wants to be his best friend forever! God wants you to confess your sins to Him because He wants to forgive you and expects you to tell a secret even though He knows everything about you. This is God's promise: Matthew 7:7-9: “7 Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives, and everyone who seeks finds, and to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened for him. 9 Does any of you give a stone to his son when he asks for bread?”

Step 10. Tell God what you want to tell Him
However, remember what Jesus said in John 9:31: "We know that God" no listen to sinners, but those who are pious and do His will.” You can communicate with God in many ways, for example: praying or talking to other people. Use this guideline when praying: “Read the following prayer text, but pray in your own words. Instead of praying while reading the following text, convey your wishes to God and express your love for Him through your own sentences”:
“My Lord and Savior, I know that I have disobeyed Your commandments and made many mistakes, but with You Lord, I am ready to face anything in my life because You have sent Jesus, Your Son, to be humiliated by those who petty, unjustly judged, crucified, and He has paid for all my sins. Lord Jesus, I come to You to confess all my actions and regret them. Today, I acknowledge You as the King of my life, thoughts, and actions. I want You to be my Saviour. Lord, forgive me for having sinned. My Lord and my God, reign over my life, for Your power is perfect and Your kingdom is eternal. Amen . As you kneel, feel God's presence with faith. If you want to concentrate solely on prayer, the most appropriate position is on your knees.

Step 11. Receive baptism according to the New Testament
Baptism is a symbol of the death and burial of the old sinful man so that we experience resurrection as Christians whose sins have been forgiven through the gift of the Holy Spirit in the same way as when Jesus was baptized. (Romans 8:11, Colossians 2:12-13). Baptism is one of the conditions for “forgiveness of sins” (Acts 2:38). “For by grace you are saved by faith; it is not the result of your labor, but the gift of God, it is not the result of your labor: let no one boast. For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance. He wants us to live in it” (Ephesians 2:8-10). Cornelius, a believer who had been imprisoned by the Roman government, experienced salvation with his family and servants after his baptism. (Acts 10:48). People who are able to live a life of faith and trust in Jesus may be baptized in order to have the right to experience salvation! (Acts 2:41; 8:13; 8:37, 38; 9:18; 16:30-33, etc.)
The prophet Isaiah wrote very detailed and proven scriptures to provide understanding. Read Isaiah chapter 53 to the end, but focus on verses 3-5: “He was despised and avoided by men…:
But in fact, it is our sickness that he bears, and our misery he bears,
even though we think he was hit by a plague, beaten and oppressed by Allah.
But he was pierced for our rebellion,
he was crushed for our iniquities;
the reward that brought us salvation was upon him, and
by his stripes we are healed.” Thus, Jesus is the fulfillment of an ancient prophecy about the Messiah.
- Read the testimonies of people who have fully accepted Jesus and lived His teachings to strengthen faith.
- For youth, if parents do not agree with ecclesiastical life, consult a pastor or youth leader at the church. Consulting a pastor or youth leader does not mean belonging to a church.
- Since you have decided to accept Jesus and get forgiveness of sins, don't use this to sin again, for example: ignoring other people who need help, having an affair, wasting time watching useless movies, reading pornographic magazines, etc. However, don't blame yourself if you sin because we can only become perfect humans when we go to heaven! A person who sins and then says that God will forgive shows that he does not yet understand the meaning of accepting Jesus.
If you currently accept Jesus as Savior,
Romans 10:13
“For whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved”
- right now, you are becoming a child of God. Believe in God's words written in the Holy Scriptures and apply them in daily life correctly according to what is written.
- You can communicate with God at any time. Talk to God like you are talking to a friend. We already have direct access to make requests to Him!
- The Christian life can be likened to a running race. We run with the goal of reaching the finish line (heaven), but the way we race is more important than the success of reaching the finish line. We need to stop helping others (for example: doing good and inviting others to accept Jesus) and occasionally facing obstacles so that we fall (because of sins that we or others have committed). Living life as a Christian is not an easy thing. “Running the first lap” may still seem easy, but the race gets tougher as we mature in faith. Don't forget to ask Jesus for help because we are not alone in this “race”.
- The church is not just a building. Since the founding of the early church, the church has meant a gathering of a group of people who have accepted Jesus as the only true God to celebrate what they have gained and tell each other about God's work in daily life. This meeting can be held anywhere at any time or scheduled.
- Remember that the Lord Jesus is the Savior of all mankind, not just for certain groups or people who have attended religious education. Anyone who accepts Jesus as Savior and lives a new life like Jesus will be accepted into the Kingdom of Heaven with joy. Because our God is a forgiving God, who gave up His Son for our salvation and forgives our sins including original sin, we are also entitled to enter heaven like the Pope and Mother Teresa of Calcutta.
- Join a church community or youth group. They will help you to learn more about Jesus and get closer to Him. Don't be proud because you can communicate directly with God. Join as a church member as soon as possible because Christian friends can provide encouragement so that your faith is more developed.
- Think of all church members as family members in the Lord by remembering the event when Jesus was crucified: “When Jesus saw His mother and the disciple He loved at her side, He said to His mother: "Woman, here is your son!" Then He said to His disciples: "This is your mother!" And from that time the disciple received him into his house.” (John 19:26-27). So, prepare to receive Jesus and welcome God's family into your heart and home. (According to tradition, Catholics usually ask God's blessed Mother of Jesus to be their mother in spiritual life.)
Important things as a guide
Learn things about Jesus and believe that He died, rose from the dead as Savior. Pray and ask forgiveness from Godsaying: “I am sorry for all my sins and mistakes. I want to change and thank You for Your mercy so that I am forgiven and freed from the penalty of sin because of Your grace. In Jesus name I pray. Amen." Testify to others that: “Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Jesus is the Lord and Savior of everyone who believes, repents, and follows Him.” Following Jesus means attending church community meetings, being baptized as a sign that you have received a new life, praying to Jesus, showing God's love for others by doing good, forgiving others, maintaining harmony, praising God with other believers. If you sin, ask for (and receive) forgiveness, suffer the consequences, and make amends in the name of Jesus Christ. He is God as the only Judge who has the right to judge the good and the bad.
- Beware! Once you accept Jesus, the persecution will continue. Once you know and feel the love of Jesus, you will become the devil's main target. Do not be afraid because nothing can shake our faith if we always rely on God. So don't worry and keep this message in mind when you feel tempted to sin.
- For some, becoming a Christian by accepting Jesus into their life is an emotional experience, but for others, it is simply an act of faith that does not involve emotions. Emotionally or not, God will save you.
- Don't expect all your family members and friends to accept the new person in you, but this is normal. Jesus never said that everything would be easy. It just says that this is the truth. Don't worry if they don't want to accept Jesus because they have to be willing to accept God's gift in order to experience a new life like you.
- Don't be petty. Open your heart to accept the gift of faith as very relevant. Open your mind to broaden your horizons by studying the Bible and biblical doctrine. "You are the light of the world", but a candle cannot be lit if there is no wick (to burn) as a symbol of faith in God who will emit the light of Christ to illuminate the darkness of the lives of unbelievers.
- If you've wronged someone else, meet up immediately to apologize. No matter how difficult it is, never blame or demean others because making up will always be beneficial for both parties. However, do not continue to regret mistakes. Instead, immediately return to following Jesus and live according to His example.
- Don't expect the decision to accept Jesus to make life easier. Many Christian books and magazines reveal what a true life of faith is like throughout the world. Others may ridicule you for doing this, but you will still experience ups and downs as you go about your daily life. You can feel eternal happiness for life after believing that you have accepted Jesus and been accepted by Jesus as his friend and brother/sister.
- Don't think that God doesn't care what you do from now on. Always remember that He doesn't want you to go back to your old life and sin again. God has changed you into a different person forever so that you will leave a life of sin. So don't let yourself fall into sin again. Realize that you will be tempted to sin, but pray daily that God will strengthen you. If you fall again, immediately ask God for forgiveness and ask His help so that you do not sin again.
- God always loves you no matter what you do as He loves you from the past until now. However, once you become a Christian, you cannot live the same life as before. As a new human, it doesn't mean you can make mistakes that have never been made.
The blessings that Jesus gives will forgive all sins. Nothing you say or do can prevent you from receiving God's salvation and love. This applies only if a person blasphemes against the Holy Spirit when he has accepted Jesus and speaks words or intends to perform actions that insult the Holy Spirit.
Luke 12:10
“Everyone who says something against the Son of Man will be forgiven him; but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven."
Apart from the excluded, the blessings from Jesus will be yours who have faith and are committed to Him.
Ephesians 1:12-14
“that we, who previously had put our hope in Christ, might be the praise of his glory. In Him you also -- because you have heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation -- in Him you too, when you believed, were sealed with the Holy Spirit, which He promised. And the Holy Spirit is the guarantee of our share until we have all, the redemption that made us God's, to praise His glory."
If you need more advice, consult with the pastor at your local church, other Christians, or communicate with God. The Holy Spirit will lead you every day of your life. God knows what is best for you and He always loves you.
Study recommended scripture verses (about the work of salvation and “Life in Jesus”) that you will want to memorize for the futureas a free resource to help you “retain rote”. Long-term memory formed by memory traces due to paused repetition, discussion and evaluation, experience, association, visualization and appreciation of the importance of information is able to form connections that last longer with less effort than when first memorizing.