The obligatory prayers are a series of prayers at five different times of the day which are one of the key rituals in Islam. Fajr prayer or Fajr prayer is one part of this worship. Worship in Islam is done with specific prayer movements and recitations, so it is natural for you to feel doubtful or nervous when you want to do it. We are here to help you! Through this article, you will find answers to some of the most common questions about how to properly perform the Fajr prayer.
Question 1 of 9: What is Fajr Prayer?

Step 1. The Fajr prayer is one of the five obligatory acts of worship in Islam every day
The Holy Qur'an states that prayer is obligatory. Each prayer is performed at a different time of the day and the Fajr prayer must be performed before dawn. Muslims believe that performing the five obligatory prayers is equivalent to upholding the five pillars of Islam.
- Other obligatory prayers are the Zuhur, Asr, Maghrib, and Isha prayers.
- Children should be taught to start praying from the age of 7 and should be punished if they do not pray five times a day from the age of 10.
- The first thing that will be examined on the Day of Judgment is the obedience of a servant in performing prayers. This will be the key for Allah to decide whether a servant is put into Jannah (heaven) or Jahannam (hell).
Question 2 of 9: When is the Fajr Prayer performed?

Step 1. Fajr prayer is performed before sunrise so the times vary greatly
In the Islamic religious tradition, the Fajr prayer is the prayer at dawn. The sun rises at different times of the year and varies by location. Check the sunrise time in your area and perform the Fajr prayer before entering that time.
- Since a Muslim's day begins at sunset, the Fajr prayer is technically the number three obligatory prayer according to the Islamic calendar. However, because in general the change of day is calculated from midnight, this makes the Fajr prayer the first prayer of the day.
- If you have trouble checking the time for the Fajr prayer, there are special apps and websites to find out the prayer times in your area.
Question 3 of 9: Do I have to perform the Fajr Prayer every day?

Step 1. Yes, in Islam the five daily prayers are obligatory
This is an important part of the Islamic religion and all Muslims take it seriously.
You can also perform sunnah prayers at different times of the day in addition to the obligatory prayers. However, sunnah prayers cannot be performed at the same time as the obligatory prayers
Question 4 of 9: Which direction should I face when praying?

Step 1. You must face the Qibla or the direction of the city of Makkah
This is an essential part of all the prayers that Muslims perform. Mecca is the holy city of Muslims and all Muslims pray with their faces facing there. Look for the correct Qibla direction and face it while performing the prayers.
If you're not sure which Qibla direction to go, there are websites and apps to help you find the right direction
Question 5 of 9: How many rak'ahs does the Fajr prayer consist of?

Step 1. The Fajr prayer consists of two rak'ahs
“Rakaat” is a series of prayer movements and recitations that become a unit in prayer worship. The Fajr prayer consists of two rak'ahs. In other words, you will repeat the same movement and prayer twice.
The Maghrib prayer consists of three rak'ahs, while the other obligatory prayers consist of four rak'ahs
Question 6 of 9: How to complete the first rak'ah?

Step 1. Start by reciting the intention to pray
Say something like "I intend to perform the Fajr prayer for the sake of Allah". You can recite the intention in your heart in any language. After that, raise both hands until they are in line with the ears and position the palms facing the Qibla. After that, follow these steps:
- Stand with your arms crossed in front of your body and place your right hand on top of your left hand. This is referred to as the qiyam position. Recite the following prayers in this position: the iftitah prayer ("Subhanaka Allah humma wa bihamdika, wa tabaraka ismuka, wa ta'ala jadduka, wa la ilaha ghairuk"); ta'awadh prayer ("A'udzu billahi minas syaitanirrajiim"); Tasmiah Prayer ("Bismillaahi rahmaanirrahiim"); as well as the letter Al-Fatihah ("Alhamdulillahi rabbil aala-miin. Arrahmanir rahiim. Maaliki yaumiddiin. Iyyaka na'budu wa iyyaka nastaiin. Ihdinas shiraatal mustaqiim. Shiraatal lazhina an'amta a'laihim, ghairil maghduubi.".
- Complete the series of prayers by reading a short letter or a few verses from the Qur'an.
- Say "Allahu Akbar" and bend forward with your hands resting on your knees. While looking down, recite "Subhaana rabbiyaal adziimi" three times.
- Stand back up and say "Sami'allahuliman hamidah, rabbana lakal hamdu."
- Get on your knees and place your palms and forehead on the floor while reciting “Allahu Akbar”. After that, recite "Subhaana rabbiyal a'ala" three times.
- Sit with your hands on your thighs while reciting "Allahu Akbar". Kneel on the ground and say "Allahu Akbar". While the position of the face and palms are still on the floor, say "Subhaana rabbiyal a'ala" three times, then stand up. This marks the end of the first rak'ah.
Question 7 of 9: How to complete the second rak'ah?

Step 1. Stand back into the qiyam position while reciting “Allahu Akbar”
Repeat the same prayer as the first rak'ah, then repeat the recitation of another short surah from the Qur'an. Follow the previous steps to complete the second rakaat:
- Complete the same series of processes as the first rakaat.
- While still on your knees after completing the same process, recite the tasyahud prayer. When reciting the last line of the prayer, straighten the position of the index finger on your right hand.
- Say salawat to the prophet while you are still on your knees. After that, say another short prayer that you like to Allah.
- Turn your head to the right and say "Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullaah". After that, turn your head to the left and say the same thing. The Fajr prayer is now over.
Question 8 of 9: Do I have to say a prayer in Arabic?

Step 1. Yes, Islamic tradition requires you to recite your prayers in Arabic
This sounds difficult, but you just need a little practice. After repeating the recitation of the prayer several times, you will surely be able to recite the prayer correctly every time you pray.
- To help you memorize your prayers, we recommend that you read the translation in English or your native language.
- Islamic religious leaders usually understand people who cannot speak or understand Arabic. They will only ask that you make an effort to learn how to pray in Arabic. Some modern kiai allow you to read prayers via text or use your mother tongue when you start studying.
- Remember, performing the five daily prayers, including the Fajr prayer, is obligatory. In Islamic law, there are very few reasons that allow a Muslim not to pray.
Question 9 of 9: Do men and women equally perform the Fajr prayer?

Step 1. Yes, both men and women are obliged to perform the Fajr prayer
Although there are some special worships for men and women in Islam, the Fajr prayer is an act of worship for both genders. Both men and women are required to pray Fajr every morning.
- In Islamic tradition, women are not allowed to lead worship and this also applies to the Fajr prayer.
- Fajr prayers are often performed in the early hours of the morning, especially in the Northern Hemisphere in summer, but the timing cannot be changed.
- Leaving the Fajr prayer intentionally will make you sin and get rewarded in the hereafter.
- If you want to see a demonstration of the Fajr prayer or other Muslim worship, there are plenty of videos online to watch.
- Do not hesitate to ask a Muslim friend or Islamic religious leader to help you perform the Fajr prayer. They must be happy to help.