Witr prayer is worship in Islam that is carried out at night. Unlike the five daily prayers, the Witr prayer is not obligatory, but is sunnah (highly recommended). Along with fasting and praying the five daily prayers, the Witr prayer is very important in the faith of a Muslim. There are many options in doing Witr. Muslims can pray Witr as much as one to eleven rakaat (units of prayer), and are allowed to change from one method of performing Witr prayer to another. Muslims can also choose to perform the Witr prayer at night after the Isha prayer before going to bed, or at the end of the night just before dawn. Whichever method you choose, you must read your intentions clearly and pray regularly.
Part 1 of 2: Making Sure You Are Ready for Prayer

Step 1. Know the importance of the Witr prayer
Witr is the last prayer of the day and has an odd number of rak'ahs. Along with fasting and praying Duha, Witr is an important aspect of the Muslim faith.
Discover the various options for performing the Witr prayer. There are many choices given by the Prophet regarding the Witr prayer at night, for example in determining the number of rak'ahs to be performed and the time of prayer at night

Step 2. Choose a time to perform the Witr prayer every day
Find a time in the Witr prayer time range that is legal and according to your daily habits. Witr prayer can be performed between after the Isha prayer until dawn. If you feel that you can get up before dawn, you can pray after sleeping. If you're worried that you won't be able to wake up on time, it's best to pray Witr before going to bed.
Make time for prayer when traveling. When the Prophet was traveling, he still performed the Witr. Therefore, try to keep praying Witr even when you are traveling

Step 3. Determine the number of rak'ahs to be performed
The minimum number of Witr prayers is 1 rakaat. However, you can choose more, as long as the number is odd, for example 3, 5, 7, and 9 rakaat.

Step 4. Make sure you have time and place to pray Witr
Witr prayer is performed in the evening so make sure you have a place to pray. This is especially important if you are traveling or visiting friends. You also need enough time for Witr prayer. Because there are so many choices, you should still be able to do the Witr prayer while traveling.
- For university students, most campuses have a prayer room or mosque. Ask the security guard or campus administrative staff to find the location of prayer places on campus.
- Make sure your place of prayer is clean.

Step 5. Wear appropriate clothing
Men must wear clothes that cover their aurat, from the navel to the ankles. Women must cover their entire body except the face and palms.
- For example, men can wear loose-fitting cotton trousers.
- Women can pray wearing a telekung/mukena.
Part 2 of 2: Performing the Witr Prayer

Step 1. Read the intention of the Witr prayer in your heart
Determine the number of rak'ahs of the Witr prayer to be performed. It is important to have good intentions and pray to please Allah.

Step 2. Learn how to perform one rakaat in the Witr prayer
Begin the rak'ah by standing up straight. Then, bow forward (rukuk) and prostrate. Finally, sit down and bow down again. Now you have done one rakaat of Witr.
- Start by standing. Place both palms on your chest and hold your left hand with your right hand.
- After that, bend your waist and rest your palms on both knees. Keep your back straight and recite the bow in your heart (for example, Subhaana robbiyal 'adziimi wabihamdih, which means "Glory be to God Almighty and praise me to Him").
- To prostrate, place your forehead on the floor and place your palms beside it. Try to keep your elbows off the floor. In this position, recite the recitation silently (e.g., Subhaana robbiyal a'laa wabihamdih, which means “Glory be to God Most High and praise me to Him”).

Step 3. Learn how to do Tasyahud
Place your palms on your thighs and cover your knees. Then, hold your right hand with your thumb and middle finger touching each other and form a circle. The index finger is straightened to point the Qibla. Now, you can read the tahiat: At-tahiyyaatul mubaarokaatush sholawaatuth thoyyibaatu lillaah. Assalaamu 'alaika ayyuhan nabiyyu wa rohmatullaahi wa barokaatuh. Assalaamu 'alainaa wa 'alaa 'ibaadillahish sholihiin. Ash-hadu allaaa ilaaha illallaah wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadarrosuulullaah. Allahumma sholli 'alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad, wa'alaa aali sayyidinaa Muhammad. Kamaa shollaita 'alaa sayyidinaa Ibroohiim, wa 'alaa aali sayyidinaa Ibroohiim. Wabaarik 'alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad, wa'alaa aali sayyidinaa Muhammad. Kamaa Baarokta 'alaa sayyidinaa Ibroohiim, wa'alaa aali sayyidinaa Ibroohiim. Fil 'aalamiina innaka hamiidummajiid, which means “All honor, blessing, happiness and goodness to Allah. Greetings, mercy and blessings I extend to you, O Prophet Muhammad. Safety may remain for all of us pious servants. I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. O Allah, bestow mercy on the prophet Muhammad and on the family of the prophet Muhammad. As You have mercy on Prophet Ibrahim and his family. And shower blessings upon Prophet Muhammad and his family. As You have blessed Prophet Ibrahim and his family. In the entire universe, you are the one who is praised and exalted.”

Step 4. Learn how to do taslim and say greetings
Sit down and turn your head to your right shoulder and say "Assalaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah." Then, turn your head to the left and repeat the same sentence. Now, you have done taslim.

Step 5. Perform the witr prayer with an odd number of rak'ahs
You can do one, three, five, seven, nine, or even eleven rakaat. For example, you can choose from the following options:
- Perform the Witr prayer one rakaat. You have implemented the Sunnah.
- Witr prayer three rakaat. There are two options for performing the three rakaat Witr prayer. The first option, you can pray three rak'ahs in a row and end with tasyahud. Tasyahud is a test of faith. For the second option, you do taslim after performing two rak'ahs, and continue with one more rakaat.
- Witr prayer 5-7 rakaat. If you want to do as many as 5-7 rakaat, it means that the prayer must be carried out continuously and ends with one tasyahud. Then, finish the prayer by doing taslim.
- Witr prayer 9 rakaat. Here, rak'ah must be done continuously. In the eighth rak'ah, you have to do tasyahud. In the ninth rak'ah, you perform the final Tasyahud. After that, finish the prayer by doing taslim.
- Witr prayer 11 rakaat. If you want to pray 11 cycles of Witir, you have to do taslim every two cycles.