The many religious teachings and opinions that have sprung up about how to communicate with God make this seem very complicated, when in fact it is not. You are free to choose the most appropriate way to communicate with God because this relationship is spiritual and personal. This article describes an effective, universal way to communicate with God and does not refer to any particular belief or religion.
Method 1 of 3: Talk to God according to your beliefs

Step 1. Determine your perspective on God
So that you feel confident that God can be communicated with, first determine who God is to you. What is your definition of God? Do you think of God as a father or mother figure, a teacher, a distant friend, close friend, or closer than a sibling? Is God an invisible spiritual guide? Is your relationship with God rooted in spiritual understanding? Do you know God according to the views or teachings of a particular religion? Your view of God and the way you talk to God is determined by what you think is right. That view will determine your attitude when you talk to God as _ (who God is in your view).

Step 2. Establish a relationship with a good God
The desire to communicate with someone who makes you feel cared for makes it easier to start a conversation. Sharing joys and sorrows is one way of establishing a close relationship with God. The first step to drawing closer to God is realizing that God is willing to listen to all your joys, sorrows, and thoughts. To open awareness, read spiritual or religious books that reveal how great God's goodness is, for example by reading the scriptures.

Step 3. Communicate with God as if you were talking to a close friend who you can rely on in every way
Talking to God as an all-in-one friend will be different if you're praying just to fulfill an obligation or want to make a request. As a friend, the conversation will go both ways because you can get answers, help, or guidance, whereas prayer is usually more one-way.
- Choose the most appropriate way to communicate with God, may speak or speak in the heart.
- Find a quiet place to be alone and concentrate, but communicating with God can be done by talking silently when you are standing in line at the supermarket, waiting for your turn at the bank, taking a break at work, before a school exam, etc.

Step 4. Talk to God
Talk to God as if you were talking to someone you are talking to, for example by sharing your daily problems, desires, and dreams. Thank God and yourself for all the things you are grateful for. Discuss casual or serious topics as if you were discussing with an empathetic friend.
- For example: you are having a disagreement with a friend. Express your feelings by saying: “God, I'm confused about Fachry. We've been fighting for almost two weeks and haven't come to an agreement. I wanted so badly to make up with him, but didn't know what to do."
- When you feel happy because you had a great day, thank God for His blessings. “Lord, this morning the weather is very sunny. I want to exercise in the park to enjoy the fresh air and warm sunshine.”
- If you are having problems with a family member, tell the Lord: “I am so sad that you won't listen to my explanation. Mom couldn't understand how I felt and what I wanted. I hope you will understand my explanation. Lord, give me the strength to be able to be patient, listen, and understand mother."

Step 5. Watch and listen to God's response
Instead of listening to verbal responses like you are chatting with friends, you can get answers through scriptures or by listening to sermons during worship. Also, be prepared to receive responses through intuition, inspiration, reading, situations, or events that relate directly or indirectly to the things you tell God.

Step 6. Tell God that you understand and believe in Him because behind everything that has and will happen, God has reasons and plans the best for His people
What you want is not necessarily achieved, but this happens solely because God wants the best for you.

Step 7. Live a life according to God's word in faith and love so that your life goes according to God's plan
However, keep in mind that what happens to you may be influenced by a selfish “third party”, deciding/not deciding something, or taking actions that are “against your ideas and wishes”. Why has God never opposed or influenced the behavior of the opposite party to you? Just like you, everyone has the free will to ignore the teachings of love, morals, God's will, including choosing to continue to behave badly. Such unwise and detrimental choices may result in you not being able to live a calm and peaceful life. However, you can talk to God at any time, when you feel afraid, hopeless, or helpless. Do not be afraid! You can ask God for help at any time because God has already planned the best for you, even though everyone is free to live their life according to their own choices.
Method 2 of 3: Talking to God through Writing

Step 1. Use writing to communicate with God
There are people who find it difficult to talk to God verbally, have trouble concentrating when speaking silently, or don't like both ways. If you are experiencing the same thing, write a letter to God as a means of expressing your thoughts to connect and communicate with God the way you want.

Step 2. Prepare a notebook and pen
Choose a medium for writing that you like, for example: a notebook that is bound in a spiral or an agenda for writing a daily journal so that it can be placed in an open position on the table.
Write a letter by hand, instead of typing it using a computer or other device because it will easily distract you. Plus, typing makes you think more than writing by hand

Step 3. Find a quiet, distraction-free place to write
While you don't need to speak out loud, it's best if you write in a quiet place to make it easier to concentrate.

Step 4. Set aside a specific time to write
Before you start writing, set a timer to sound after a certain amount of time, for example: five, ten, twenty minutes, or as needed. Write without stopping until the timer sounds.

Step 5. Write down everything that comes to mind spontaneously
Don't think too much about what to write, grammar, punctuation, or judging your writing. When writing, let the words flow by themselves. For that, your condition must be relaxed enough to be able to write down everything you think and feel.

Step 6. Imagine that you are writing a letter to a friend or writing a personal journal
If you haven't found inspiration yet, start by writing down things that often weigh on your mind. In addition, jot down daily events, ask questions, share your life goals, or things you are grateful for. Use the following examples as a source of inspiration.
- “Good Lord, my life right now seems to be going without a direction. I feel like I made the wrong decision and chose the wrong people. I feel like I'm playing a long drama. When all this will end? When will my life change for the better?”
- “God, right now I feel very happy. This afternoon, I met a woman who worked in the field I dreamed of. This meeting was very surprising because I was able to cross paths with the person I dreamed of in the crowd. If I don't nudge his shoulder so that his wallet falls, I don't get a chance to read his business card. Thank you God for giving an answer to my prayer.”
Method 3 of 3: Talking to God through Prayer

Step 1. Take time to say a prayer to God
Prayer is considered a formal way to talk to God because it comes from religious teachings, but everyone is free to choose the most appropriate way of praying. While you can pray anytime anywhere, set a regular schedule for quiet prayer each day. Think about when you have time to be alone and to concentrate, for example: when you wake up in the morning, before you eat, before going to bed, when you are under stress or difficulty, and when you are alone while exercising or on your way to work/school.

Step 2. Find a quiet place to pray
So that you can pray quietly for a few minutes, find a quiet place to be alone and free from distractions.
If you can't pray in a quiet place, don't worry. Pray in crowded public transportation, in a busy restaurant, or anywhere else as long as you can concentrate. You can pray while driving down the road, as long as you can focus on the traffic situation while praying

Step 3. Prepare before praying
Some people make preparations by tidying up the place of prayer and calming themselves down so they can communicate with God. Determine the most appropriate way to prepare before praying according to individual religious preferences and/or procedures.
Some of the ways that are often done, include: reading some scriptures that are relevant to your condition, lighting candles or air freshener, purifying yourself, concentrating your mind, meditating briefly, chanting a mantra, or singing

Step 4. Decide what you want to say when you pray
If you are facing a problem, prepare in advance the things you want to express or may also be determined while praying.
- Pray as if you were having a casual conversation with God about daily experiences or recent events. For example: “Lord, today I started college. I was so nervous, but so happy. Hope everything goes well today.”
- Use prayer to admit guilt, share feelings, or make requests. For example: “God, I feel guilty for gossiping about coworkers. I'm afraid he heard it from someone else. I don't know what to do to fix it. Forgive me God. Give me the strength to apologize. I hope he will forgive my mistakes."
- If you are going for a job interview, pray: “Thank you, God, for the opportunity to have a job interview. Help me to be able to show the interviewer that I am the best applicant so that I get hired.”

Step 5. Pray in the way that works best for you
Prayer will be different for everyone and there is no right or wrong way to pray. In places of worship, the procedure for praying is usually determined based on standardized rituals. However, you don't have to follow any particular rules other than open yourself to God and speak from your heart.
- Some people pray while bowing their heads and closing their eyes, but there are also those who pray while prostrating or kneeling. Pray in a respectful and effective way for you to have a personal relationship with God. You can pray while standing and opening your eyes or kneeling and still.
- Many people say their prayers out loud, but there are also those who pray silently.

Step 6. Pray with others
Praying with like-minded people will be a very rewarding experience. Take this opportunity to hear others talk about their relationship with God, learn new ways to pray, and understand the religious rituals you can practice when praying. If you have never prayed with other people, join a prayer group.
- Look for prayer groups in your religious community or where you worship. Look online for people who are holding meetings or prayers in nearby locations. If you don't have one, start forming your own prayer group.
- In certain religions, prayer group members usually prepare a list of the names of friends and closest people in the community who need to be prayed for, for example because they are sick or experiencing difficulties.
- Choose the way of praying that works best for you. Don't imitate someone else's way of praying just because you think it's the right way. Pray in a way that works for you.
- Use a pen and paper to write letters to God. Although it takes more effort, it will help you concentrate.
- A quiet place is the best place to pray. Even if there are many distractions in other places, try to do various ways so that prayer time becomes a sacred moment for you.
- Read the scriptures. The Word of God is a message that God sends to us to show us how to live a good life. History proves that many parties wanted to destroy this book, but now, the holy book is the most popular book in the world and best seller.