Everyone must have encountered obstacles in his life, even for people who seem to have all the conveniences in their lives. So, how does everyone cope? Would you give up and move to Antigua instead? We will help you to change your perspective with some strategies and skills and we will go through the steps you need to take together to enable you to overcome these obstacles like a winner.
Part 1 of 2: Troubleshooting

Step 1. Accept that the obstacle exists
Many people resist the obstacles that come their way. They will convince themselves that their problems are smaller than they really are or that they didn't exist in the first place. You need to recognize those hurdles when you start thinking this way because what they say is true: the first step in overcoming a problem is acknowledging that you have a problem.
This is not a pleasant thing. Admitting that the obstacles are real and that you have to overcome them can be very scary. If you are afraid of the obstacles you face, remember that during your life you have faced every obstacle that comes your way and you can overcome it. There is no reason to think that the obstacles now are different from before

Step 2. Take action
It is very important to initiate action on your problem as soon as possible for any obstacles you face. Your every inactivity, becomes an activity. By doing nothing, you are actually doing something. And maybe it won't help your situation. Problems usually multiply when you let them, like rabbits. The faster you face obstacles, the easier it will be for you to overcome them.

Step 3. Evaluate the Facts
So, are you ready to start solving your problem? Good! The best first thing to do is to evaluate the facts. What do you know from what happened? Are you sure you understand the situation? Don't just find out what the problem is; the most important thing is probably what you don't realize is the real problem. Take the time to make sure you understand the situation as best you can.
- This usually means that you have to talk to people, even if no one is reliable in your situation. Are you having problems at school? Talk to your teacher. Problems at work? Talk to your boss or co-workers. Problems in your relationship? Talk to your partner. Troubled with your health? Talk to your doctor. You must understand it.
- Listing can help you. An obstacle usually involves not only a single task or problem, but is usually made up of several different parts. Make a list of the smaller obstacles and the things you need in order to overcome them.

Step 4. Use what you have
When you understand what you are dealing with, you may think about what you have available to help you overcome this obstacle. What is the most important thing that will help solve your problem, but there are many things you can consider. Think about your strengths, the people who can help you, and any physical resources you have (like money). You also need to think about your weakest areas. This can allow you to plan ahead so that you can compensate or at least be prepared for certain areas where problems may occur. Be realistic about the good and the bad that you need to do: Excessive optimism is not good.
Suppose you are facing obstacles in your marriage. What do you have that can help you overcome these obstacles? You can communicate how you feel. It is very important to understand interpersonal issues. You also have parents who are always there for you, as they have experienced to stick together in the face of some serious fights. The brand may have some suggestions. You also know that you are not good at changing your habits, so you will know that you need to be prepared to pay more attention to them

Step 5. Look for more information
Now that you know what the situation is and what you have, you can now start looking for information that can help you. Find out about the obstacles you are facing. Talk to people who have similar obstacles. The more facts, similar situations, and other people's experiences you know, the easier it will be for you to overcome those obstacles. It also helps you from feeling lonely.
- You can find information online and use Google to find web pages that talk about your problem.
- For example when you are facing obstacles at work; You will be reviewed and the quality of your work will deteriorate. Now, search on Google for a performance review. You will learn and hear about the process and how it has happened to other people. You can also learn about what needs to be done to increase your chances of keeping your job if your review does not go well.

Step 6. Look at all the possibilities
When we worry, we tend to see very little of the obstacle. You might see something like “should I do this or that”. However, it is rare to have an accurate view of the situation, this way of thinking can jeopardize your decision-making process. Challenge your ideas about what is really important for the situation and what options you have. Find some ideas that you can imagine very clearly. You can understand that some things can be suitable for you to do, even if they don't work out the way you think things are going to happen.
If you get stuck in a situation and find an alternative route, one of the easiest ways is to talk to someone you trust. Ask for advice. If you are alone, look at your main goals (things you are trying to achieve). There's a problem getting there, right? Now, look at the actual function of the goal. Is there any other way to achieve that? This can open up other avenues for you to take

Step 7. Talk, talk and talk
If the hurdles you are facing involve other people, then most of your hurdles can be solved by talking to other people. Most of our problems first arise when we fail to communicate in the way we should.
- For example, when you have problems in your relationship. The best thing you can do to solve the problem is to talk to your partner. Be honest about how you feel and what you want and encourage them to do the same. If they don't want to talk to you, keep trying.
- Another example is when you face problems at school. Talk to your teacher or your school counselor. Whatever the case may be, one of them will have ideas to help you. You may also think that they will scold you, judge you, or make things worse, but that is unlikely to happen. You probably won't tell them anything that will surprise them and they have a lot of experience with troubleshooting and may have good ideas for you.

Step 8. Find an advisor
When you're facing an obstacle, one of the things you can do to change your experience of a particular situation is to seek out a counselor. This advisor can be a person, a website, a book: anything that can give you advice on your current situation and inspire you to do it like a winner. Having a counselor can also make your experience more positive and can help you change how you do what is going on.
- For example, if you have a problem with a friend, talk to your older sister. He may have had the same problem as you, so he can give you some advice. He can also support and make you feel comfortable.
- Online communities can also fulfill this role, so don't worry if you find it difficult to talk to people or ask for help in person.

Step 9. Keep trying until you find a solution
The key to dealing with life's problems is to keep trying. Do not ever give up. If you give up easily, you will not experience success in anything you try. Of course, you shouldn't try the same approach over and over again, but never stop looking for solutions. Every challenge can be faced and every situation can get better, as long as you keep your mind open.
Sometimes, the solution to a problem is to accept fate. For example, your challenge is that you are diagnosed with a chronic disease. You don't have to try to get rid of the disease; in fact, you may not be able to recover from the illness. However, in this situation, a good solution is to find community identity and identity with other people with the same disease, and learn to accept reality and see the good things that are happening in your life
Part 2 of 2: Change Your Perception

Step 1. Recognize that it is something you have to go through
So you have a formidable obstacle: now you must try to overcome it. How do you deal with the most annoying thing that has happened to you? It is very important to remember that time passes and things change. Always remember. The thing that remains is that the sun rises every rice. No matter what you're facing, how bad and lasting you feel, it's important to remember that you won't always feel this way. Your obstacles won't last forever. A new reality will form and you will find your way through life. Keep reminding yourself: This has to be passed.
For example, when your partner who has been with you since you were young leaves you. It will feel terrible, like you will never be happy again and will not find someone else you really love. Maybe you feel like you'll never find anyone else again. But when time passes, you go out and suddenly… a handsome prince will walk into the room. He is funny and handsome and he will think that Abda is the most extraordinary person on earth. It will happen. You need to be patient and give it a little time

Step 2. Remind yourself of the good things in your life
When bad things happen to us or when we feel depressed, we tend to forget the beautiful things that happened in our lives. No matter how bad things were, the world would still be a nice place. Enjoy the good things in your life. Spend time enjoying the good stuff and telling the people who love you that you love them too. Not only will this keep you awake during a difficult time, it will also help you find a way to overcome obstacles.
People sometimes have a hard time seeing the good things in life. Don't let this happen to you. Do you have a valuable person? You still have friends and family. Is having friends and family not enough? You are alive and have a good chance to go out and find friends and gain experience. There is always a valuable experience waiting to be picked up by you

Step 3. Always be flexible
No matter what obstacles you face, being flexible will make a big difference in helping you overcome the obstacles. See yourself as a tree that has fallen into a river. You can try to go with the flow, but you have to try and you will bump into rocks during your journey. Instead of going with the flow, changing every direction the river will take you, you will slide gently until the river takes you to the river bank.

Step 4. Look for the attri in your life
When you have a purpose or find more meaning in your life, you will find that it will be easier to face each obstacle. This is because it can be useful, hopeful or inspiring and make you happy. There are many ways to achieve this. You can set a goal, such as you want to buy a house in five years. Some people become more religious and find comfort in their religious community. Some people volunteer and find strength in helping others. Find something that can be of use to you.
Finding meaning in life can be tricky if you haven't found it yet. As with most things in the world, the best thing to do is to try it. When you find the right thing for you, you'll find out. Stay open to as many possibilities as possible and don't allow yourself to give up and not try

Step 5. Let yourself be challenged
Managing stress takes practice. You will find it easier to deal with a problem if you deal with it more often. When you allow yourself to continue to hide and always choose the safe path in life to avoid challenges, you will never show yourself that you are actually capable of facing those obstacles. Let the obstacles happen. Take risks that have promising rewards. You will find that you can do more than you think.
It's the same when you learn to ride a bicycle: you have to fall and get off the bike and may get scratches or bruises when you practice your balance. However, every time you limp, it will teach you a lesson to stay upright. If every one of you limps and stops studying for a few years, you will never learn

Step 6. Be grateful for the obstacles you have
Be grateful when you are facing obstacles in life. Every obstacle you face will teach you more about yourself. It will explain who you really are… and that you are a great person. You are unique and great and obstacles made you who you are. You may be challenged for now. But remember that even if you're worried or upset, obstacles can make you a better person.

Step 7. Believe in yourself
The most important thing you can do to meet any challenge is to believe in yourself. When you doubt yourself, you will feel indecisive. You will make bad decisions. You want to make good decisions! Not believing in yourself can powerfully change what you get out of these experiences. Believing in yourself and what you get is great and you learn from it…or you don't believe in yourself and think these experiences are negative because you see them as part of your failure. Which experience would you like to have?
Sometimes, life feels so cruel when we really don't want to believe in ourselves. Please don't let your experiences please, don't let your experiences dampen your extraordinary enthusiasm. You are very strong. Watch everything you've done so far! We know that you can handle these obstacles well. We believe in you and we are very proud of you. Keep trying and don't forget to stay awesome
- Realize that you are not the cause of any particular event. (such as death or job loss)
- Realize that not all negative situations are directed at you! (or just you!) Some things happen for many reasons, and they happen just to at least annoy you. Don't think too much about why and how the event happened.