Nowadays everyone seems to use text messages and e-mail to communicate with each other. As such, there's something in love letters that are both ancient and good-especially handwritten-that make them rare and special. Love letters are souvenirs that can be held, reread, and treasured. A love letter is also the perfect gift for someone you love. Writing a love letter isn't difficult, but it does take time and reflection to express your true feelings.
Method 1 of 3: Preparing to Write a Letter

Step 1. Create the mood
Go into the private room and close the door. Try to eliminate distractions as much as possible, such as annoying electronic equipment and interrupts. Create an atmosphere that inspires you with candlelight or music.
- There may be a song that reminds you of a loved one. Find the song and play it while you're thinking.
- You can also bring a photo of your lover to look at.

Step 2. Imagine your feelings
We all have moments when we feel deep feelings for someone we love. Awaken those feelings-the moment when all attention is focused on the person, and you are completely immersed in love. Feel the physical and emotional feelings of the moment as deeply as you can. Be sure to write a description of how you feel and any words that come to mind to describe how you feel.

Step 3. Think of your loved ones
You fell in love with him for a reason. There's something about him that grabs your attention in the first place and something that helps you fall in love and stick around. He has specific aspects such as personality, character, disposition, humor, or strengths that you want him to know if you value him. Tell him all the things you love about him and how you appreciate who he is and what he does for you.
- Think, what does a partner mean to you? Good friend? Soulmate? Make a list of everything you appreciate and admire about your partner.
- Now make up the sentences in the list. “I love how soft your hand is in mine,” or “I love the way you look at me and tell me everything is going to be okay,” or maybe, “Your smile and laugh make me happy.”
- Don't just focus on physical characteristics. This can make the letter feel shallow and imperfect. However, you shouldn't avoid physical attraction altogether in a letter, as that would be a little platonic. Love letters are meant to feel sensual and appreciative-not erotic.

Step 4. Use memory to guide you
You may have shared many special moments with your loved one. You have a history of being with a couple that only works for the two of you. Memories of those experiences can enrich your relationship.
Think of a story about when the two of you first met or were attracted. There are moments when you realize that you want to be with that person. Write down the story and everything you remember-from the clothes she wore to the meeting location and how anxious or confident you felt when you approached her

Step 5. Think about the future
Your relationship has a past, but it also has a future that your love letter wants to show you. If you live apart, describe all the things you want to do together when you reunite. If you have a commitment, discuss some goals, dreams, and fantasies you have about a future life together. Write everything down.

Step 6. Consider if it was the last day of your life
Many love letters have spread from soldiers on the battlefield throughout history. This can provide a thoughtful insight into what you would say if there was no tomorrow. Make every word meaningful and don't be shy.
Method 2 of 3: Drafting a Love Letter

Step 1. Write down a rough draft
Don't worry too much about grammar and spelling at this stage. Messages are important and as you write them, you can research the letter and correct any mistakes. Your letter is an acknowledgment of how you feel, and now you want to focus on being completely honest and open with how you feel and why.
- Take your time and don't rush. If this is the first love letter written, keep it in mind. There is a learning stage for everything, so accept it if you run into difficulties or make mistakes.
- Use voice to express feelings. Don't imitate the way other people write or speak. You want this message to be something that is uniquely your own and can reach your partner in a way only you can do it yourself. The letter should be sincere and reflect who you really are on paper.
- Keep your partner and relationship stage in mind when writing letters. Confessing love to someone for the first time may be a little different on paper than writing a letter to a wife of 20 years.
- Do not forget to express love in the letter. A simple "I love you" is good enough.

Step 2. Start with the opening
Tell your lover why you are writing this letter. You need to state clearly if this is a love letter. Think about what made you decide to write the letter. You could say something like, "I've been thinking a lot lately how much I love you and I want you to know how much I appreciate you."
Don't insult your lover or belittle yourself or your feelings in a letter. Be confident in how you feel and what you say to avoid confusion

Step 3. Write the body of the letter
This is where the memories, stories, and all the things you cherish about your loved one will come in handy. Tell him what you love in him, why you love him, and how he affects your feelings and remind him of the unique story of your relationship. Tell him how your life has changed for the better and how your life is incomplete without it.
- The purpose of a love letter is to express deep feelings that are difficult to express in person. Take this opportunity to say what you usually say and take it to a more serious level. Use pre-written ideas to guide you.
- If you're not used to writing poetry, consider inserting a poem from your favorite poet or a phrase that expresses a wider range of words than you want to say. Always include the author's name so that you don't appear to be stealing and tricking your partner into believing that the poem is your work.
- If you want to be sentimental, that's fine. Just be real, and if your partner loves you, he will love your love letter too.

Step 4. Be positive
Everything you write will probably be saved. Try not to talk about negative things in the letter. Don't criticize or hesitate. This is an opportunity to tell your boyfriend how happy he makes you and how much fun your life is with him, instead of talking about your mistakes or bad stories.
- A good way to get a letter on a positive note is to talk about how you feel right now. Yes, you need to talk about special stories about how you fell in love, but you also need to be sure that your partner realizes your love is still strong or even stronger.
- Try saying something like, “Now, ten years later, I still get nervous when you smile at me,” or “I love you more than ever.”

Step 5. Restate your commitment
Talk about the future you hope to live together. Remind him how important your relationship is and how long you want it to be. Explain your level of commitment and if nothing is holding you back from your love and fidelity, speak up. Explain what "forever" means to you and what it's like to be together forever with your partner.

Step 6. End the letter
You need to end the love letter positively. You can end with a sentence that briefly describes your feelings of love. You could write something like, "I wish I could dream of you tonight," or "I can't spend the rest of my life without you."
Method 3 of 3: Completing Letters

Step 1. Choose a good paper
Give your loved one something beautiful that you can touch, feel, and if you're lucky, tuck under your pillow at night. It's best to write on paper in a simple (like white), soothing (like beige), or sensual (like flesh color) color. Choosing high-quality paper will add a touch of sweetness and show care in writing letters.
- If you don't have stationery available, a plain sheet of paper or notebook paper is fine too. The message is more important than the type of paper it is written on.
- You can make plain paper look worn or even make your own if you want something fun.
- Use black or brown ink to make your writing look humble and classy. Avoid “teacher colors” like blue, green, and red that will make you look like you're grading homework.

Step 2. Use a friendly greeting
Address the person with “beloved,” “dearest,” “beautiful,” “most precious,” or if appropriate, the name of the pet. If you're already in a romantic relationship, you can say "my sweetheart" (for example, "To My Beloved---"), but don't do this if you're using a letter to acknowledge your feelings-this can seem arrogant and defensive. Instead, use something more objective like “To the Beloved-----.”

Step 3. Date the letter
Put the date on the love letter (month, day, year). This is a sign of love that will be treasured years later. Dates are important, and will help bring your love back to the moment he or she received a love letter from you. It is recommended that you read it over and over again, so accept the phrases in life now written in letters to be quoted for you later.

Step 4. Rewrite the love letter
Use letter drafts to create letters. Make sure there are no smudges on the paper and that the handwriting should be clear. Beautiful writing is important, so take the time to write and try to make the letter as neat as possible. You want your lover to be able to read and enjoy seeing your love letter.

Step 5. Sign the letter
This is the end of the breakup. Appropriate parting words are “Yours,” “Yours Forever,” “Hug and Kiss,” “Kiss,” “All My Love,” and “Always Love You.””
If you want to be a little more romantic, try a simple but passionate parting. Words like “With my eternal love” or “Yours forever” are good to use

Step 6. Add a personal touch
You can put something special in the letter as an extra sign of love. This could be flower petals, a favorite tea bag, or even perfume or cologne sprayed on a letter. You can also draw a hand on the back of the letter or leave a lipstick kiss on the letter.

Step 7. Put the letter in the envelope
Fold the letter and put it in the envelope with the address. You can choose an envelope that matches the lettering paper to add a pretty effect. If you want, you can make an envelope or even fold the letter into an envelope.
- Alternatively, roll up the letter and tie it with a pretty ribbon or string.
- Romantic stamps, such as flower bouquet stamps, can add a pretty embellishment to an envelope. If you want, put the stamp upside down, which usually means, "I love you."

Step 8. Surprise your lover
Send a letter with express delivery if you really want to get your lover's attention. Surprises can enhance the message and make the experience more emotional and memorable for the couple. You can also hide letters under pillows, drawers, or on plates at dinner or breakfast.
You need to wait a moment before sending the letter. When you're done, set the letter aside and check it before sending it. Look for mistakes and make sure there's nothing to regret later in the letter. Then send it and be prepared to receive an enthusiastic response from your letter

Step 9. Write another love letter
Don't just write once. Make it a habit to write love letters to loved ones on birthdays, anniversaries, when apart, when together, or even for no reason at all. The more often you do this, the easier the love letter will be and the more meaningful it will be.
- For a memorable surprise, write a letter in calligraphy. This not only makes you think more about what was said, but it's also much more memorable.
- A love letter is a “refresher” in a relationship, maybe for a special anniversary or something.
- The most important thing in writing a love letter is to be sincere from the heart. Don't just copy sentimental romantic phrases from the internet and don't let friends/family write them down for you. Let the heart do the talking.
- Really mean what you say.
- If you spray perfume on a letter, don't get the paper wet!
- When writing a letter, don't beat around the bush. Get to the point-if the letter you're writing is about undying love for your partner, focus on that. Don't write anything else like “I love your dog collar, it suits your eyes” or anything off-topic like that.