While there are no specific requirements or qualities to be popular, there are some habits you can do to get people to like and respect you. Approach others with warmth, kindness, and a sense of humor. Feel free to hang out, get involved in group activities, or take on a leadership position so people can see your qualities. Show confidence and no pretense in everything you do. That way, people will know and like you for who you are. If you can be yourself, you have a great chance to be liked and smile everywhere.
Method 1 of 4: Be a Fun Person

Step 1. Radiate positive and cheerful energy
If you're constantly complaining, stressed, bored, or moody, other people won't be happy to be around you. Don't be negative or affect other people with low energy because they will be forced to cheer you up. Instead, try to always be happy, optimistic, and positive, which shows your passion for life. Use that contagious positive energy to make other people happy. Also, remember that no one wants to be around a popular person who is mean, rude, and thinks he or she is better than everyone else. Try to be nice to everyone.
- Speak with a lively expression. Use facial expressions and body movements, in a rhythmic tone of voice.
- Instead of being tense and quick to blame people, try to relax and make other people more relaxed. Don't let the little things get you emotional, yell, or yell at the person who did something wrong.
- Avoid boredom and indifference. If you act like you're the coolest, people will notice, but not in a good way.
- If you're in a boring situation, look on the bright side. If you and your friends are stuck in a long line, lighten the mood by saying it's an opportunity for all of you to be together longer. Then, find something to talk about to distract from boredom.

Step 2. Use your sense of humor to make people laugh
Show your funny side, whether with good friends or new people. Add a little joke in the chat. Point out something funny around you, play a silly pun, and try to make people smile or laugh. Laughter brings joy, so the more you make people laugh, the more they will like your presence.
- Look for funny connections between different parts of the chat. This shows that you're not only a good listener, but also capable of cracking familiar jokes, even with new acquaintances.
- Try laughing at yourself when things get awkward. Show that you are aware of your own idiosyncrasies or uniqueness and don't take it too seriously, then others will feel comfortable showing their uniqueness around you.
- Watch out for sarcastic humor, which can sometimes sound insulting or rude.
- Remember, use humor at the right time and place, and avoid malicious jokes.

Step 3. Show genuine interest in everyone
Don't pretend to be interested just to get attention, but really are. Ask a few questions about themselves. Ask about school or work, and family news. Encourage them to share their opinions, personal tastes, and aspirations. Ask the development of the situation they have told. Listen carefully and react enthusiastically, and respond in a way that shows interest.
People usually like to talk about themselves and love it when someone is interested. If you let other people talk about him, you will gain popularity in his eyes
Method 2 of 4: Get Involved

Step 1. Prepare to socialize
If you're always "too busy" to hang out, or if socializing is at the bottom of your priority list, people will be disappointed. Make time for social activities, and accept the invitations that come. Keep the promise. Be the type to coordinate easily and don't cancel last minute appointments.
- The more you hang out with friends, the more opportunities you have to get to know each other, and the more your popularity will increase.
- Invite other people to meet. Host a party, organize a team lunch, or create a group chat.
- Make sure you are easily contactable via phone, email, or social media. So people will know they can contact you in case of a sudden event.

Step 2. Show friendliness and introduce yourself to strangers
When you attend an event, don't just sit in the corner. Make sure people are aware of your presence. Approach one of the guests and say hello. If you don't know the person sitting next to you very well, take the opportunity to get to know him better. Ask a few questions about other people and see if you have anything in common with them.
- For example, if you are stuck in the back row of the class because of the alphabetical arrangement, ask the person sitting next to you if he or she is always stuck in the back. Find out what he likes or hates, and try to lighten the mood. Next time we meet again, give a warm and friendly smile.
- Use a smile and open body language to make you appear approachable.
- Don't wait for someone else to come over and start a chat. Take the first step.
- If you're introverted, shy, or quiet, try practicing getting out of your comfort zone in social situations.

Step 3. Join a team or club to socialize with like-minded people
Joining a sports team, extracurricular club, or hobby group is a fun way to broaden your horizons and meet new people. Find something you are interested in or enjoy doing, then make a commitment to attend all group meetings.
- Team sports are not only great for exercising and self-gratification, they can also broaden your horizons and make friends. Try taking a test to join a school sports team or join a local sports league.
- Once you feel like you're part of the group, try to make plans to socialize with your teammates outside of group gatherings.
- Don't worry about what people think of the club or group you're in. It's better to focus on doing something you love and meeting lots of people in the process.

Step 4. Be an active participant in school, work, or community
If you are actively involved in your classroom, office, or home environment, the more people will know you. Try joining a work committee to meet people from other departments. Consider volunteering once a week with a church community or community organization. Get involved in the classroom and take the opportunity to help with initiatives within the school.
- You don't need to raise your hand at every question to stand out in class. Popularity can be earned in other ways, such as being friendly to those sitting near you, offering to answer teacher questions, and being enthusiastic about group activities.
- Not only can volunteer work help other people's lives, but you can also learn to interact with people from different backgrounds. The more types of people you know, the better your ability to interact with new people.

Step 5. Take a leadership position so that you are more recognized
In order to be popular and liked by many people, you must be known. If you are a member of a group or organization, step up to lead. Apply to do tasks that others will notice, offer to organize group activities, and try leading a new project. This way, your actions and presence will be more visible.
- Offer to distribute weekly email updates to all members of the organization.
- If your school has a radio or TV club, try being a broadcaster. Or, offer to read the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution or raise the flag at a school flag ceremony. If your friends see or hear your voice often, they'll know who you are.
- If you have a talent for soccer, join a soccer team and try to be the team captain. You will be a valuable team member and be able to use your leadership and appearance to get others to like and respect you.
- To be a leader, you have to take a few risks on a social level. Choose activities and opportunities that you are truly passionate about, and don't be afraid to stand out.
Method 3 of 4: Spread Kindness

Step 1. Be kind to everyone
Popular people are friendly to almost everyone, not only friends, but also teachers, bosses, social workers, parents, children, and anyone they interact with. Approach everyone with a kind, warm, and caring attitude. Be open to everyone, and treat them well, don't alienate anyone.
- Try to have friendly, short conversations with everyone, even when you're at the convenience store or library.
- It's nice to have a group of close friends, but don't just hang out with them and exclude others outside the group. Instead, welcome other friends to join or invite them to join in on discussing a new book, for example.
- If you see someone who seems alone or isolated, approach them and invite them to join you.
- Greet and smile when approaching people, and if they greet you, ask how they are.

Step 2. Don't be mean and rude to other people
Condescending, gossiping, and grouping may seem intimidating, but they are definitely unpopular. Treat everyone with kindness and respect. Even if those around you gossip or make fun of others, don't join in. If you can, defend the people who are the victims.
- While it may seem that bullying can help you stand out from the crowd, your friends won't like your treatment and may even hate you.
- If your friends start making fun of other colleagues, change the subject: "It looks like he's been trying his best to give a presentation, we'd better understand that. Speaking of presentations, how did you prepare?"
- If you can't say something nice, it's better to keep quiet.

Step 3. Open your mind by welcoming and accepting new ideas
If you stick to your own opinion and shun other people's ideas just because you don't agree, other people won't want to be around you. When communicating, listen carefully to what the other person has to say, especially if it contradicts your personal views. Don't interrupt, or argue. Instead, ask questions to try to learn the idea and see things from their perspective.
- Apart from ideas, this also applies to activities. Show that you're ready to try a new sport, watch a new band, or hang out with a new group of people.
- Being open-minded doesn't mean having to agree with or copy everything that other people do. You still have to be yourself and be true to your principles, but also give equal rights to others.

Step 4. Show that you can listen actively and empathetically
When chatting, give your full attention to the person you are talking to. Make eye contact and use body language to show that you are listening and want to hear more. Don't interrupt, let the other person finish before you say anything. When responding, use supportive language that validates what he is saying.
- While listening, show concern by nodding encouragingly, shaking your head in surprise, showing an excited expression, or some other response appropriate to the situation.
- You can share your own experiences to show that the other person is not alone. However, refrain from keeping the conversation focused on you.

Step 5. Offer to help generously
To be popular, you have to be on good terms with everyone. The trick is to help others without expecting anything in return. Try to give more than receive. Give compliments sincerely and without hesitation. Reach out to help without negotiating for a reward. If you're in a position to give other people a big chance or brighten their day with a small kindness, do so.
- Try small kindnesses like lending a pencil to a classmate or holding the door for the person behind you.
- Also consider the great good. For example, help people carry large piles of boxes to their cars or volunteer in the community.
Method 4 of 4: Be Yourself

Step 1. Cultivate high self-confidence
You don't have to be perfect to be popular. Even if you feel you are far from ideal, the first step is to believe in yourself completely. Accept your weaknesses and highlight your strengths. Don't be afraid to speak up or defend yourself. Keep your head up and have good posture. Focus on loving yourself for who you are and enjoying what you do. If you love yourself, others will want to join in too.
- If you have low self-esteem or are always asking other people for approval, they won't be able to enjoy your company.
- Just fake it until you really believe in yourself. Even if you're not so sure, acting confidently is a great way to make it happen.

Step 2. Accept who you really are
To be truly popular, you have to be yourself so that other people can know and like you. Don't change just to fit in or follow a trend you don't really like. If you are comfortable with yourself and show personality, people will like you for who you are.
- Show your worries and fears, there's no need to hide them behind a mask of perfection.
- Remember that popularity doesn't define who you are. Popularity only accentuates who you really are. Don't change just to be popular.

Step 3. Have your own style
You don't have to dye your hair red to be different or style like other people to fit in. Instead, find your own style through the clothes and accessories that are most comfortable for you. Let others see that you are comfortable being yourself.
- You don't have to buy the trendiest or most expensive clothes. Try on second-hand or homemade clothes to show off your unique personality.
- Whatever you wear, wear it with confidence. Don't keep looking in the mirror or asking everyone if you look okay. If you doubt it, other people will see it.
- Keep your body clean and dress appropriately so that you are always fresh and look harmonious.

Step 4. Pursue your interest with enthusiasm
Find out what your strengths are and activities you enjoy. Then, pursue those activities, projects, hobbies, and interests with pleasure and dedication. Share those interests with others. Have a variety of interests so you can meet a lot of people. If you have fun activities and just be yourself, others will be encouraged to do the same.
- If you like art, create as much and as often as possible. Encourage others to try it too.
- Engaging in various activities will make you better known and get to know other people.
- Sometimes it's better to have good friends who are caring and fun than to be popular and cool because everyone needs friends.
- Realize that popularity has its ups and downs, and may fade quickly when you enter a new school or get a new job. No situation is the same and sometimes you have to start all over again.
- Don't be disappointed if you're not the most popular person. There are many factors that determine popularity, but that doesn't mean your self-worth diminishes.
- Grief can affect studies and grades, which are a major factor in popularity among students. So you have to study diligently.