There are many reasons why you want to impress others. Maybe you want to show your boyfriend that you are the right husband. Maybe you've just moved to this city and are trying to make new friends. Maybe you just want to show your boss that you deserve a promotion. Whatever the reason, impressing other people isn't that hard, if you can put in a little effort and do a few tricks.
Method 1 of 3: Impress a Friend or Acquaintance

Step 1. Look for new, exciting experiences
Being a slacker who can sit all day on the couch and never miss a television show at prime time won't impress anyone. Seek new experiences, and better yet, do things that most people aren't used to. Impressing other people means that you have to do something to make that impression.
- Care about what you do. If you're trying to achieve something you really don't care about, you're less likely to succeed.
- Be prepared to work hard. You need to choose something you care about enough that you can persevere to keep doing it in the midst of adversity. And indeed there will be difficult times. If it was too easy, surely everyone would do it too, right?
- Do the right thing. It's natural to want to impress others, because we all want to stand out. However, make sure that what you're doing to impress others doesn't hurt or harm you or anyone else. Trying to impress others with your pickpocketing skills is dangerous, and so is taking on a daring challenge that's too risky.
- Have high goals, but start small. Mastering a skill, or achieving a goal, requires a number of steps in the process. Start with small things that are easier to do. Taking jumps that are too drastic will make you think that you are unlikely to succeed in achieving your goals. For example, if you want to lose weight, start by quitting fizzy drinks and walking for ten minutes, during the week.
Step 2. Care for others
It's easy to focus too much on yourself and try to impress others just because you want to feel better about yourself. It's natural for you to want to be noticed and to feel important. However, you need to do it in a healthy and positive way.
- It's okay to try hard to stand out, but realize that who you are right now is valuable. Even if for example you never impress others with your art, this does not mean you are less valuable as a human being.
- Find people who agree with you. If you want to achieve a goal, it's helpful to associate with a community of similar interests and goals. It's also an excellent way to build friendships.
You can't impress everyone at once. Especially in the beginning, maybe you are not impressive at all. And, some people probably won't care what you do. This does not mean that you will not succeed.
Impress Someone Step 2
Step 3. Develop your talents
Everyone is born with a set of talents, and you can develop the talents you have with minimal effort. You can try new things and develop the skills you've always wanted.
- Talent has a certain limit. Yes, indeed some people have amazing abilities that seem to just happen without effort, like a child doing this and that with a level of ability on par with a skilled adult. However, without learning, perseverance, interest, dedication and optimism, talent is really useless.
- Stop making excuses by saying things like "I'm not that kind of person" or "I'm not talented enough for this". Just do it.
- No one becomes an expert the first time they try, and really interesting skills take time to learn. But just studying it will impress others.
Ridiculous talent can become something wild and common, if managed properly. For example, a funny trick can be a great icebreaker at a party, although it may be less useful in other situations.
Impress Someone Step 3 - For example, drawing is a good example of a talent that some people naturally possess. However, drawing is actually a skill that can be learned and does not require any particular type of personality or prior skill.
- Starting to learn to play the piano is also relatively easy and doesn't cost too much. Just buy a cheap used keyboard and start learning yourself using our guides and videos from Youtube.
- Try learning origami. Origami is a relatively easy skill to learn, but the results will soon look impressive. Mastering origami also means that you will have an inexpensive gift that you can give to others at any time.

Step 4. Try to get as much information as possible
Make sure that you are aware of the latest news and political developments so that you are always prepared if any discussion on these topics suddenly arises. You'll be able to join in and be involved in the conversation, and even add sides that other people don't know or understand. This will impress them.
- Being an insightful person is very beneficial, because it does not require too high intelligence. Reading newspapers and understanding political developments does not require a genius brain. However, the knowledge and information you gain can help others make wise decisions as well as make yourself appear greater.
- Remember, you must always be curious and not trusting. Ask about everything. People will make mistakes, and it's very likely that what you've read or believed before is now being proven wrong.

Step 5. Be humble
Of course, while doing all these things to impress others, you should always remember to be humble. Don't be arrogant and brag about what you do in front of other people. In fact, you should try not to tell them this directly at all. Instead, let them see all these things you do for themselves. This will make it look more natural and allow you to present yourself without coming across as annoying.
- For example, when a friend invites you to a party, say something like, “I'll try to come later, but I usually work as a volunteer at church every Friday night. Maybe I'll come a little late."
- When you have an appointment with a friend somewhere, arrive early. Do something that will impress her, like reading a classic novel or practicing playing the guitar. Your friends will “catch” you doing just that and be impressed by it. You don't even have to say anything.
Method 2 of 3: Impress Your Lover

Step 1. Do something you don't normally do, to make her happy
The easiest way to impress a lover or potential lover is to do something you don't normally do, just to make her happy. Just do it without thinking about yourself and just because you want to make him smile. Almost always, he will be able to see the difference. Try to make what you do is in line with what you know or know about him and the things he likes.
- For example, you can bring him a box of his favorite donuts when you know he's feeling down. Include a short note like “I was looking for something as sweet as you, but I only managed to find a dozen of these donuts.”
- Another example is filling your boyfriend's fridge with ready-to-eat food when he's sick or so busy that he can't cook for himself. He would definitely be very touched.

Step 2. Remember the things he said
Pay attention to what your lover says and digest the important information later, although you may even have to write it down. Remembering small, spontaneous comments and following up on them will greatly increase your value in his eyes.
For example, maybe your girlfriend happened to mention that Valentine's Day is her favorite day of the year, because that's when she can find a heart-shaped candy with the words sweet, and this is her favorite candy. Find a place that sells candy like this and surprise him by giving him a bag full of these on his soon-to-be birthday

Step 3. Care about what he cares about
Show your lover how much the things he cares about you care about too. Doing something selfless to make him happy or taking up a hobby he really enjoys will go a long way toward showing that you're a lover who stands out above everyone else.
- For example, maybe your girlfriend really likes ballet. Maybe you don't like it yourself, but you can take some ballet training classes in secret from a nearby course and surprise her by asking her out on a special date and dancing with her.
- Another example is if your boyfriend has a brother who has autism and he is very close to that brother. Play with the sibling and maybe even take the sibling out to see a movie or visit fun places. Since your boyfriend has often witnessed his sibling being mistreated, he will be very impressed by your distinctly caring and non-judgmental personality.

Step 4. Show all sides of your personality
This is especially important when you are in the early stages of getting to know someone you like. Let him see your mature and very attractive personality, which will come as a surprise to him, especially if he's previously only met people with “ordinary” personalities. Express your opinion, point out the things that excite you the most, and do something, don't just sit around. All this will show what he will get if he becomes your lover.
For example, you may have been secretly collecting books. Don't hide this "nerdy" hobby. Show him. Invite him to browse your collection of books and show him a book that reminds you of him. He will be surprised and amazed by your interest and hope that you will be just as excited about him

Step 5. Don't be shy about being yourself
When you focus on being yourself, without being shy or trying to hide your likes or dislikes, you are actually showing a high level of self-confidence. And, don't we all know that confidence looks super sexy and impressive? The ability to calmly be yourself is also an ability that many people feel they don't have. If this person sees that you have it, he will be impressed and will want to be around you more often, so he can learn by observing you and become more confident in who he is.
Method 3 of 3: Impress Someone at Work

Step 1. Work hard without expecting anything in return
To impress your boss, potential employer, or co-worker, you generally have to start working really hard without expecting anything in return. This makes you a team player who is selfless and ready to work hard for your own honor. People usually want to reward this kind of behavior, and your boss will be impressed if he or she notices you.
- You also need to do all of this work while remaining positive. Try not to complain too much and when you need to raise a problem, remember to do it while offering a solution and in a calm manner.
- For example, keep abreast of technological developments so you can quickly find out if there are certain things that can improve work efficiency in your office.
- Another example is actually trying to get work done before the deadline, so you have time to do more work or improve the quality of previous work.

Step 2. Take on the extra responsibility
Another behavior that will impress supervisors, potential employers and co-workers is taking on more tasks than is required/described. It's fine to do only what is written as your task, and doing it well will usually make other people happy, but doing more than that by getting more work done and doing it well will really catch the attention of others.
- For example, if your boss has a pile of forms to follow up, offer to do it to help him out, so he can shift his focus to developing all the work in the office.
- Another example is really trying to get work done faster and then cleaning up the office area at the end of the workday so everyone else can calmly focus on their work.

Step 3. Be aware of emerging needs and find solutions to problems that arise, even if they are not related to you
Good workers do not only do the written work as their responsibilities, but anticipate and find ways to solve problems so that everyone can work better and the quality of this work will be better as well. You have to pay attention to the problems that arise in your daily work and look for ways you can do to overcome them. However, if you also see a problem that is affecting your colleague's work, find a solution as well and suggest that solution to your colleague, even if the problem doesn't affect your own work at all.
For example, you may notice that two of your coworkers can't work together because they think each other is working too slowly and hinder each other's work. You can suggest solutions, such as making changes to work processes or work schedules, so that the work of your two colleagues runs more smoothly

Step 4. Find ways to do more quality work with less effort
When you do find a way to do this, you can usually save the company quite a bit. And of course, companies will love it! Look for ways you can save money on your work and that of others, and make work more efficient. Your boss will be very impressed.
For example, you may notice that almost exactly the same forms have to be completed by you and another colleague. Discuss this with your boss and suggest that one of you or your partner can complete both forms, to make this work faster and more efficient

Step 5. Be a supportive team player
Coworkers, bosses, and potential bosses love to see good team players. Enjoy the rewards together with your colleagues, even if you are the one who has done most of the work. Compliment your partner for their strengths, and ask for their advice when you are working on something that they are particularly good at. Likewise, help other colleagues who need your help. This behavior shows that you want to work with everyone to ensure that the company produces the best quality of work.
This is especially impressive if you are under 35, as the older generation tends to view the younger generation as bad team players
Always be prepared to compete with other students, and use kind and sweet words to impress others
- Don't be too arrogant or too pretentious.
- Don't harm or hurt other people in order to impress them or others.
- Always be energetic and ready to face difficulties.
- Take exceptional cases seriously.