Before you can kiss the girl you like, make sure you both know each other well enough that she feels comfortable around you. When the time is right, seek private moments, explore with a light physical touch, and take the initiative by leaning in to kiss her gently, keeping lips closed. Trying to kiss "someone special" for the first time can be both a thrilling experience and a lot of anxiety. However, as long as you can build the right mood, success will be yours.
Part 1 of 3: Planning Your Move

Step 1. Plan fun activities together
The adrenaline rush you experience when you do something new or challenging will make your heart race, this is the same as when you have a crush on someone. The best part is, the girl will relate these feelings of pleasure to you, and this can help generate a growing romantic interest in you.
- Couples who engage in exciting activities are significantly happier in their long-term relationships. In addition, an excited state of mind can also increase sexual arousal in the short term.
- Go on a trip together before you can be alone. Do activities such as walking, climbing hills, dancing, watching concerts, or anything that will get the adrenaline going in both of you.

Step 2. Choose a time and place that evokes the mood
Nighttime is the best time of day as dim light and darkness are known to increase attraction, communication and connection, physical contact and sexual arousal. Also, a special or new environment will definitely make the kiss more memorable.
You can choose an outdoor location, under the stars, in a candlelit restaurant or a dark gym during lunchtime, but make sure you both have some privacy. The girl probably didn't want to be a spectacle

Step 3. Pay attention to your self-care
Apart from wearing clean clothes, you also need to comb your hair and look presentable for a date. Do not forget to pay special attention to oral hygiene. Brush your teeth, and don't eat strong-smelling or bad-smelling foods like garlic before and during your date. You can also bring mints or breath freshening gum with you just in case.
- Make sure your lips are soft. So, bring a lip balm or chap-stick.
- Wear red clothes. This color makes men look more attractive and sexually exciting.
Part 2 of 3: Get to know her better

Step 1. Talk to him
Your goal is to make friends first. So think of something that will make you both laugh and find out if you both have something in common. Read some jokes or make up your own jokes and tell them. Laughter is a powerful way to relieve the tension and awkwardness that is common on first dates.
- Start small talk about the weather or the teacher who once taught you both. Compliment her hair, clothes or smile.
- Seek information about his personal preferences by talking about movie scenes or songs to get an idea of what he likes and how he feels about romantic relationships.
- Lift your face when you talk to him. This action will make you look more masculine and attractive.

Step 2. Develop a deeper closeness
Make sure he feels comfortable and connected to you, more than he feels about other male friends. Sharing emotional and personal information can actually create very strong and long-lasting connections. Women often use kissing to establish closeness and strengthen that closeness.
- Some questions or prompts you can ask to strengthen your closeness include: How would you describe a perfect day? What are you most grateful for in life? What is the biggest achievement in your life? What memories are most precious to you? If your house caught fire and you could only save one item (your family and pets are safe), what would it be?
- Show that you like him by smiling and looking him in the eye.
- Tell him how you feel. He may not know that you want a relationship more than friends. So, the best thing you can do to avoid getting stuck in the “friend zone” is to let him know that you want more than that.

Step 3. Learn how to read body language
Make sure you pay special attention to how he treats you to decide if/when you can kiss him. Positive body language shows that he likes what you do, while negative body language shows that he doesn't like it. Pay attention to the combination of positive or negative behavior that will tell you how he feels.
- Positive body language can be seen when he is leaning towards you, positioning his legs towards you, not crossing his legs, holding arms and palms up, playing with jewelry or hair, smiling or maintaining eye contact.
- Negative body language can be seen from the way he is away from you, pointing his legs away from you, crossing his legs and arms, palms down, hands closed, moving restlessly, frowning or turning his gaze to the side.
- If you receive a lot of negative body language, maybe you should change your approach or try again at a better time or when you're in a better mood.
- If he makes a lot of physical contact with you, such as touching your hands, rubbing his knees, gently nudging you, tapping your shoulder or holding your hand, he's likely attracted to you.

Step 4. Make physical contact
In order to get close enough to kiss him, you have to enter his private room and see how he reacts. It takes trust and expectation for you to get closer to him, and if he doesn't refuse then you have a good chance to kiss him. In addition, touch confirms that you are attracted to him and enjoy physical contact with him.
- Be a gentleman. Pull up a chair for him in the restaurant and push it back after he sits down. This gives you the opportunity to gently touch her shoulder, arm or upper back.
- Hold her hand. If he doesn't pull away from you, it's a sign that he likes what you do.
- Trim her hair. Touching your hair is as intimate, but impersonal as a kiss is, and allows you to see how he feels about you. If he's flinching or distancing himself, chances are he's not ready or interested in a kiss. If it looks like he likes him, you can take the next step for a first kiss.
- Try to kiss the cheek first. Lean over and give her a small kiss on the cheek to see if she responds positively or negatively. Then, you can decide when is the right time to kiss his lips.
Part 3 of 3: Getting a Kiss

Step 1. Determine the right time
Make sure you build the mood and determine the right time to melt the tension with a kiss. However, don't wait too long, or he'll think you're not interested. When the two of you are close together, touching regularly, making longer eye contact, showing positive body language, and giving unflinching attention, take your chances.
- A good time for both of you might be towards the end of your first or second date, but it's best to kiss her sometime before the night is over so you won't be sitting in the car or standing in the door awkwardly.
- Be spontaneous. Great kisses happen when everything is just right. You do not need to wait a certain time while with him. The opportunity may come before the two of you enter the restaurant at the start of the evening, while dining, at the movies, or while out for a walk in the light of the full moon.
- Try not to ask first. Asking permission to kiss her shows a lack of confidence and can ruin the moment. His body language should tell you when he's ready, but if you're really unsure, you can ask.

Step 2. Take the initiative
When kissing, assertiveness will be considered attractive. So, show commitment and just do it. Look at his lips, moisten your lips to lubricate them, tilt your head slightly to the right, and lean in to kiss him with your lips closed. Wait a few moments so he leans in to welcome your kiss.
- Use touch to make the kiss more interesting, such as holding her cheek or head, pulling her hair back, touching her neck or hugging her.
- While you can maintain eye contact until he kisses you back, it's best to close your eyes once your lips touch.

Step 3. Show your sensuality, and don't be too aggressive or careless
The beginning of the kiss should be done with closed lips, without involving a lot of saliva, and keep the tongue in the mouth. Kiss him for a few moments, and pull your lips together while he does the same. Even so, you can still maintain physical touch and eye contact.
Now it's time to keep up with what he's doing and keep pace with his moves and passions. Listen to his breaths to see if he's enjoying the kiss and make sure you give him a chance to breathe

Step 4. Learn to accept rejection
Sometimes the girl you want to kiss doesn't show any interest, and you have to forget about it. Don't beat yourself up if he doesn't want the kiss, maybe he's on a lot of thoughts, or is already in a relationship with someone else or just had garlic for lunch.
- Don't jump to conclusions if the girl doesn't want to be kissed. Know that being rejected in certain situations with a girl doesn't mean that the other girl will reject you too, or that something is wrong with you. It's important to keep in mind that what happens doesn't reflect anything about your self-worth or value as a person.
- Give yourself a chance to “work through” your feelings for this girl and try again with another girl you like.
- If he seems very nervous about your actions, ask him out by saying something like, "how about I ask you out" or "would you like to date me?" Some girls don't want to be kissed, unless you and she are already dating.
- If he pulls away or doesn't return the kiss, you probably picked the wrong time. It's possible that the reason isn't that he's not interested, but that he just ate some garlic or didn't have a chance to brush his teeth and felt awkward kissing you at the time. If you get the chance to be with him again, try one more time.
- Don't be too pushy, girls don't like it.