Hmm… So, you met this guy and maybe he threw a bit of a spoiled flirt. But how do you know if he's attracted to you too? While the signs described in this article are not an exact science, there's a good chance they will show some of them if they're interested in you. Therefore, pay attention to his attitude. Maybe he is unconsciously giving clues about his true feelings.
Part 1 of 3: Reading Her Body Language

Step 1. Look into her eyes
If he looks back and makes eye contact, there's a good chance he's attracted to you too. Gaze can also be the right "technique" of seduction. Hold his gaze, especially if you're talking to build a relationship quickly.
If you often catch him staring at you when you see him, that can be a positive sign. There's a good chance he's excited to see you, but maybe too shy to show his affection or approach you

Step 2. Notice if he often leans over or leans closer to you
Subconsciously, a person wants to be closer to the person he likes. If he leans over or brings his body closer to you, he's actually feeling comfortable and wants to be around you. This is a strong indicator of his interest.
- If he shifts or moves to be closer to you, that can also be a good sign. For example, you two are walking together and his arm often hits yours.
- This kind of body language may be subtle (often an involuntary movement), or it may be presented in a more "frontal" manner. You can also take the initiative and approach him to try to seduce him. For example, while on a walk together, you can avoid puddles and walk beside him to get closer to him.

Step 3. Notice if his body language follows yours
People subconsciously tend to follow the body language of the person they like. If he's following your movements or posture, there's a good chance he's been watching you subconsciously.
- For example, he may gulp down his drink moments after you drink. He may also fold his arms across the table while you do the same.
- You can use this to seduce him. Follow some of his moves. If he crosses his legs, cross yours. While he's enjoying his drink, wait a moment, then take a sip of yours.

Step 4. Pay attention to the touch he gives
Touch is a “potent” indicator of attraction. There's a good chance he won't touch you often, unless you've been friends long enough and he feels comfortable with you.
- There are some forms of "ambiguous" touch, such as the rubbing of your hands when you walk together (maybe intentional, maybe unintentional) or a pat on the back (touches like this are more like a physical interaction between friends). In addition, "typical" male physical interactions (eg fist fights, high fives, and the like) can also become ambiguous physical interactions.
- Some other touches can reflect interest. For example, he may put his hand or arm against your back to direct you. He can also hug you and the hug lasts a long time (he may also rub your back or sides). His embrace can also reflect his interest.
- You can also use touch or physical interaction to return the flirt. Put your hand on his arm while chatting. Flick or poke him when you say something funny (then throw a mischievous smile).
Part 2 of 3: Measuring His Actions

Step 1. Notice if he stays with you
If he's attracted to you, even when he ignores you, he still wants to be around you. Every time you look around, you will notice that it is as if he is always near you. Again, even if he seems to be ignoring you, he'll still be around (perhaps while still not showing any interaction) if he's really interested in you.
- If he remembers what you said, that's a good sign. Apart from showing that he is listening to what you have to say, it also shows that he cares. If he only approaches you for sex or to satisfy his ego, he will pretend to be listening to you, but isn't really paying attention to you.
- Make sure you listen to it too. He will be happy to know that you are attracted to him and remember what he has to say. Your attitude shows that you think of him as an important person.

Step 2. Look for signs that show he gets nervous around you
Often times, if a guy is attracted to you, he will feel a little nervous around you. That feeling arises because he wants to make a good impression in your eyes so he will try to be "cool" or relaxed.
- Watch for things like sudden laughter, sweaty palms, or restlessness. However, if he "restraints you" in the friend zone, don't think too much about it. It's possible that he's having a hard time keeping eye contact with you without feeling nervous or agitated.
- Try to make him feel comfortable. Tell him about a funny experience (e.g. when you spilled a drink on your clothes at an office event) or something that shows your goofy side (and reflects that even with your flaws, you're still an awesome person).

Step 3. Notice the good for you
If he likes you, he wants to impress you and give you his presence. When he is doing you a favor, there is a good chance that he will be attracted to you, especially if his kindness is accompanied by some other signs of attraction.
- He might do something like lend you his jacket when you're cold, or buy you coffee even though you're not on a date. He may also want to drop you off at the airport when you need to catch a flight.
- Reply the kindness. That way, he knows that you are not someone who underestimates other people and wants to appreciate their kindness. If you're not attracted to him, try not to take advantage of his attraction to you.

Step 4. Listen to the compliment
Someone who likes you will show their appreciation for you, openly and implicitly. Hopefully the praise is not limited to your appearance, although compliments on your appearance are still sweet to hear.
He may compliment your new haircut (this also shows that he cares about you) or say that you did your best for your schoolwork
Part 3 of 3: Knowing His Disinterest

Step 1. See if he won't listen to you
As mentioned earlier, if he likes you (or really likes you), he'll want to know more about you. This means he will listen to what you say and remember it. If he doesn't pay attention to you, there's a good chance he isn't interested in you. Take it easy! You can find a better man!
He probably won't even ask you questions. A man like this is someone you need to avoid. Regardless of whether he is not interested or is, he is a narcissist who is unable to see you as an attractive individual

Step 2. Notice if he doesn't show eye contact
While some guys do get nervous about making eye contact with someone they like, they can eventually make that contact. If he's just looking the other way (e.g. the room), instead of looking at you, especially if he doesn't seem to be listening to what you're saying, he's probably not interested in you.
A big warning sign for someone like this is that he is too busy playing on his phone and not listening to what you have to say. This means that he is more attracted to other people, and not to you

Step 3. Observe her body language
Body language can reflect how he feels, whether he's attracted to you or not. If he's not interested in you, his body language will reflect that.
- He will never try to approach you or touch you, even subtly. If he's not doing you any favors (or whatever), there's a good chance he's not interested in you.
- Again, even if he is shy or tries to deal with his crush by ignoring you, he still wants to be around you. If he's never been around you, there's a good chance he isn't really interested in you.

Step 4. See if he wants to return your call within 24 hours
Although there are few exceptions, a man will still interact and maintain communication with the woman he likes. Yes, he will. Text messages only take about a few seconds to write and send (even messages like “I'm at work. I'll get back to you later”). A guy who is attracted to you won't "hang on" you, especially if he really wants you.

Step 5. Observe if he often avoids your friends
If he often refuses when asked to meet your friends, there's a good chance he's not interested in you. Yes, you can't immediately introduce it to your friends. However, if you've known him long enough and he's still a mysterious figure in the eyes of your friends, maybe he's just not interested in you.
He's also not interested in you if he doesn't want to introduce you to his friends. This shows that he is not serious with you because if he is serious, of course he will want to introduce you to his friends
- Sometimes, the best way to find out if he's interested is to ask. Although it may seem stressful, it is the most mature way to handle the situation at hand. Who knows by asking, you can get a lover!
- Pay attention to clues conveyed through body language such as a smile, a macho stature when he stands in front of you, a wink, and so on. Such clues clearly reflect his interest in you.
- To get to know him better, make friends with his friends. In the end, he will try to win you over because he feels that you are attracted to one of his friends.
- Keep in mind that the explanations or steps in this article are not exact sciences. Every man has a different personality and while there are similarities in attitude, the same rules don't always apply.
- If you feel like he's using you to increase his popularity, don't hang out with him. This is something that needs to be avoided and if left unchecked, it can eventually break your heart.
- If he treats you like one of his “boyfriends,” there's a good chance he's not interested in you from a romantic perspective.