Do you feel upset every day when you see the girl of your dreams being seduced by other guys who like her, even though you know that you are the only one who really loves her? Jealousy, hatred, and feelings of loss may arise at times like this. But what you need is to win the girl's heart. Read this article to find out how.
Method 1 of 3: Getting Started

Step 1. Don't be desperate at first
Let the relationship develop over time. Being too reckless at the start will almost certainly frighten him. Gradually, strengthen your feelings for him when you are in a relationship together.

Step 2. Be brave
Most girls like confident people, not selfish ones. Approach him and start a simple conversation. He will know that you are attracted to him. Start with a simple conversation starter:
- "That dress is very beautiful. Where did you buy that dress?"
- "Sorry, I just moved into this area. Can you tell me where the library is?"
- "Hi, my name is Budi. You seem fun to chat with. Would you mind if I had a little chat with you?"

Step 3. Approach another girl
This is not the same as flirting with other girls, which may not be a great way. Approaching another girl will tell the first girl that you are very attracted to another girl who feels that you are secure, reliable, and easy to get along with. If there are other girls who indirectly prove your nature like that, then you have made a big step.
Be friends with the girl's friends if it feels like the natural thing to do. We know it can seem flashy, but give it a try. If his friends like you, then you have a better chance of getting the girl. After all, girls often ask for advice and opinions from their friends. Make sure they have an opinion in your favor

Step 4. Keep it clean
Women love a fresh smell and a well-groomed appearance! This means that if a man maintains cleanliness, it will be liked by women. On the other hand, dirty things will usually immediately lead to an attitude of rejection. Believe it or not, clean, well-groomed hair is really a good thing. And a scented body is a must. Here are three things you can do to improve personal hygiene:
- Rain or shine, sweat or not, shower every day. If you can do better, then it's better to be too clean than not clean enough. Be proud of yourself being clean and smelling good. Especially if you exercise, then this step is a must.
- Shave or treat facial hair every day. Most women like men who don't have facial hair (mustache or beard): they feel piercing and don't look good unless you're an adult. So shave every day.
- Use deodorant, don't use cologne. Many men think that they can "mask" their natural body odor with curd. But body odor and kelonyo actually mix into an unpleasant body odor. Girls will prefer not to smell you at all than to smell this bun made. If you have to use a cologne, just spritz a little.

Step 5. If you can make a girl laugh, you will relate to her further
But don't abuse this. Let him be your best friend first, then move on slowly. A girl needs to know that she can trust you, and that you won't break her heart because you really care about her. Girls love to laugh and will laugh at anything you say, even if what you say isn't funny.

Step 6. Be sincere
Compliments, flattery, teasing, and caring are all meaningless unless you really care about them. When you want to compliment her, take the time to think about what you like about her, muster the courage to tell her, and do it sincerely.
It's okay to disagree with him, as long as you don't threaten him, you respect his opinion, and you give good reasons why you believe otherwise. Who knows, maybe he'll even respect you more for being willing to share your opinion, because it shows your personality traits

Step 7. Prove that you really like him
Show that you don't just have a crush or a crush on him. Ask about him, talk to him. Don't go straight to him for a kiss. Listen to him and look him in the eye.

Step 8. Praise him
Complimenting a girl is not easy, because everyone wants good things about themselves, but the right compliment is very difficult to express. Not only that, a little praise was enough to have a big effect on him. Pay attention to these guidelines when you're ready to start showing that you like him as more than just a friend:
- Improve his view of himself. If he considers himself an athlete, increase his fighting spirit or sports skills. If he thinks of himself as a thinker, praise his intelligence. Whatever he thinks of himself, praise that aspect of him in that regard.
- Always use safe compliments about his personality. Don't compliment her feminine nature, or compliment her appearance too much. Even though girls want to feel beautiful, they also want you to respect them for their intelligence and personality too. If you want to compliment a girl's appearance, compliment only these parts:
- Smile
- Hair
- Eye
- Lip
- Dress
- Style
- Try some of the following compliments. These compliments are just a baseline, so think of your own sentences that are more appropriate for the situation and the girl.
- "Sorry if it feels awkward, but I get really nervous around pretty girls."
- "You may hear this a lot, but I like your way of thinking."
- "I admire the color of your eyes that match your clothes. Did one of your parents have such beautiful eyes too?"
Method 2 of 3: Getting to Know Him

Step 1. Remember the eye color
Do this by looking into his eyes as often as possible when talking to him. But don't do it to every woman you meet.

Step 2. Practice teasing her
You may have started teasing him by complimenting him and talking to him. Now is the time to step up and show him your intentions.
- Whatever you do, visualize success and believe in yourself. You cannot seduce the opposite sex successfully if you are not confident in your own ability to conquer them. So do whatever it takes to get you excited, or wait until you're a winner in a sporting event or a win in a science contest, and start teasing him.
- Get rid of feelings that get in the way of touching the opposite sex. Gently, start touching it on the part of the body that is proper and polite. Lightly touch his hand when you explain or tell him the funniest part of a joke, rub his back quickly when you calm him down about something, and touch the top of his shoulder when you want him to notice you.
- Tease him with jokes. It's better to tease him about something he feels confident about or is good at, so he knows that you're teasing him instead of insulting him. If he's a good student at school, for example, say something like, "I wouldn't want to be a member of a scientific project group with you, because in the end I'm the one who has to complete all of the project work myself."

Step 3. Don't mess around
It is a waste of time and leads the relationship in the wrong direction. If you're trying to start a relationship on the wrong things (for example, you say you've been in a relationship for years but have never had a boyfriend), then that's most likely the end of your relationship. If you feel the girl is in a relationship for one reason, and you are in a relationship for a different reason, don't mess around with keeping the two of you together. Tell him what you want and make him realize what things really matter to him.
Don't go overboard unless you're sure it's going to work. Believe it or not, there are men who try to be over-the-top. And most of those attempts fail because the girl mistranslates the guy's walk away as disinterested

Step 4. Be a reliable man
Most girls want to have someone they can trust and rely on when things go wrong. And even when he's having a great day, let him know that you want to know how he's doing. If you know that he has plans after work or school, ask him about them. If you show him that you like him, he'll eventually pick up on the hint. You don't even have to say it outright.
- If you say you are going to do something, do it. If you say you will do something, be prepared to do it as you say. Girls (and guys, for that matter) don't like it when someone says they're going to do something but never does. Don't be that kind of person.
- Polish your reputation. Don't have a reputation he might not want as a date. This means it's better if you have a reputation like the following:
- Treat other girls well and don't bother them.
- Have good friends who are willing to support you when you need them.
- Become someone who is generally liked, respected, and admired.

Step 5. Let him wear your jacket if he feels cold
You'll make a better impression if you take off the jacket and give it to him to wear, but make sure it's clean and comfortable. When you do this, you are showing the girl that you care about her. He will feel safe and cared for.

Step 6. Feel attracted to her
Ask how he is. This is a simple way to show that you are interested in what he is doing, and that you care. When he starts talking, you have to give him your full attention. Look into his eyes. And most importantly, don't interrupt his words. Ask him questions to show him you're listening, and give your opinion if you have one.
Method 3 of 3: Solution

Step 1. Share your emotions with him
If he gets a perfect score for a math test, cheer up for that! If he's having a bad day, let him know that you feel his sadness too and that you want him to feel better. Ask him if there is a way you can make him feel better.
If you know a surefire way to make her happy, do it when she's feeling down. Maybe he likes certain foods that are only available in another town not too far away. It's also possible that he likes a teddy bear that will make him laugh. Either way, go the extra mile to help show him how much he means to you

Step 2. Love his unusual behavior
Everyone has something they don't like about the person they love, but if there are too many things they don't like, then it becomes a problem. You have to love him for the things that make him special, as well as what makes him unique. Tell him that.
- If he's nervous about something, for example, then you have a golden opportunity to make him feel better. Say something like, "I love your freckles. They highlight your beauty." A simple sentence like that can encourage her and show her that you like her for the right reasons.
- Be especially careful about his restlessness. Most girls (as well as guys) feel uneasy about some aspect of their personality and appearance. As you get to know him more, you may come to know and understand more about his anxiety. Don't take it as a concern, let it be, and encourage him to see other qualities that make him a good person.

Step 3. Make her feel like the most beautiful girl in the world
You can say it directly like that. Girls like being complimented and knowing they're beautiful, but don't overdo it, especially in a fledgling friendship. Say something like, "You look really pretty today," which will make her happy, as long as you say it sincerely and mean it. If not, then they won't trust your opinion on anything else.

Step 4. Develop good communication skills
Share interesting things you're thinking about, or stories about people you've met. You may have asked him a lot of questions, but he probably doesn't know that much about you. Share a part of yourself that you feel comfortable telling about, and maybe even a part of yourself that you are still afraid to say.
- If she's showing a fragile part of herself, don't be afraid to show her a little bit of a fragile part of yourself too.
- Put yourself in his position. What does he enjoy talking about? How does he respond to criticism? What makes her different from other girls? What is he proud of? Answer the questions from his point of view and make a plan accordingly.

Step 5. Ask her out if you haven't already
Reaching the dating stage is the hardest part. After you've been on a few dates, you'll quickly find out if she's still the girl of your dreams. But getting to that stage can be difficult. Luckily, you are confident, calm, and have a plan:
- You don't have to call it a date to ask her out. Things can get awkward if you call it a date. Instead, say something like, "Hi, I have two tickets to a new movie on Saturday, and my friend can't watch it with me. Would you like to watch it with me?"
- Increase your chances of success on a date by doing something interesting, something that gets his heart rate up. It might be a haunted house, or an amusement park with roller coasters, or it could be a horror movie. An interesting date has a better chance of improving the bond between the two of you because you both feel like you've been through something together.
- Be a gentleman. Open the door for her, show up on time, pay the fees when dating, and don't expect a kiss on the first date. Don't rush into the dating stage and make him feel comfortable. If you make him feel comfortable at every stage of the relationship, he will melt in your arms.

Step 6. Let him always know that you love him
Love him for who he is, both physically and mentally, and show it. This is the most important step. If he knows that you love him, then he will be more interested in the relationship.
- If you like it, you will wait for it. First, make sure that she is the girl you want. Every ending is a new beginning and means a new opportunity, but if you like him, you will wait for him no matter how long it takes for him to come to you.
- Speak politely to him, especially when the two of you are fighting. Try to make yourself a humble man, it will be the best side of you.
- Have a cheerful nature. Tease him a little, and when he teases you, respond with something funny. It's like two puppies wrestling, so cute. But girls tend to be sensitive, so make sure you don't hurt her feelings and let her be the last one to tease once in a while.
- When you are talking to him, look at his mouth, then his eyes, and back to his mouth (when he is talking). This will subconsciously make him want to kiss you.
- If a girl asks you to get away from your friends and go somewhere quiet, don't assume she wants to ask you out. There was a high chance that he would ask a completely different question.
- Believe in yourself. Walk, talk and act with confidence. Be a leader. Give him as much security as you can.
- Respect him above all else. He is special and unique. Don't stand still even if your closest friend insults him no matter what. After all, don't you love him?
- Be honest with him.
- Don't look too excited. Sometimes let him call and text you (make sure you at least text him to show that you're thinking about him, but don't overdo it).
- Making the first move doesn't always work, but it does if you get to know him well enough. Wait for the right moment for example when he's not happy, or says something nice to you, or if he's scared, but eye contact is key.
- Be happy. Always speak with passion and energy, no matter the topic. Never look down when you're talking to him. Even if you feel sad, always show joy.
- Advancing into deep conversations is a tricky thing. It will be weird if you advance too fast, so better be patient. The best way to start moving forward is to spend time with him without making him appear to be your primary concern. For example, going to the movies with friends, studying in groups, or other things related to the person who introduced you to them. It may be a good idea to bring in a close friend as a "companion" to support you, depending on the situation.
- Sometimes, an indirect way of talking to him (for example, via text) can be more mysterious and interesting, but nothing really compares to direct communication. Do that as much as possible.
- Do it persistently and let it happen naturally. Remain calm in all situations. If he gets a partner, for example, their relationship may not last long if they don't like you who truly love him. And most importantly, always try to be close to him. Time matters a lot for someone who really cares.
- Make sure you have fun. Relax and enjoy your company with him. There's nothing more painful than watching stupid people try to win over a girl's heart when they look like they're constipated.
- Don't be afraid to tell other people how you feel. He'll know that you're not the least bit embarrassed to tell him how you feel.
- Don't interrupt. Show respect for everything and everyone. Be kind, understanding and appreciative.
- If he makes an approach, go after him and tease him.
- Approach and talk to his family. The next time he hears about you, don't give them a bad impression of what you did, but let him only have good things to say about you.
- When you ask her out for the first time, bring a red rose as a gift.
- Consider giving him a ring to express your love and show your good intentions. This will make him realize how much you love him.
- The good still goes on! Open the door for him. Do the dishes for him. Take out the trash when visiting it. He will love it! Service is guaranteed to be one way to conquer his heart.
- If you're trying to conquer a girl you don't know very well, then it's obvious that you have to gradually develop a relationship with her. If you try to jump from being just an acquaintance to being a friend or partner, then you'll come across as a weirdo.
- Don't be narrow-minded. Don't complain about trivial things.
- Take him to see a movie at the cinema.
- Don't cheat on him. You may never be able to win her heart back, and you can hurt her emotionally and prevent her from engaging in a romantic relationship again.
- Never go on a fad date just to fill the void with another girl right after the breakup. If you recently broke up with a girl, don't get into a relationship with anyone too soon after that. This can show your ex that you never loved him.
- Never risk it all on just one girl, unless you are ready for marriage or a long-term relationship. Understand that you can get hurt.
- Don't worry if you don't agree with all of these suggestions. If you feel the same way and love him, you'll be fine.
- Never badmouth him when he's not there, because he'll find out. Girls are really good at things like this!