Captivating a girl can be scary, whether you meet her at a club or cross paths while shopping at the supermarket. If you want to attract and win a girl's heart, try to be fun, cheerful, and show a genuine interest in her. By being calm and being yourself, he will immediately be attracted to you.
Part 1 of 3: Getting Close to a Girl

Step 1. Identify the right time to approach him
One of the most important things in capturing a girl's heart is knowing when it's time to start. If he gives you signs like eye contact, looks at you with a smile and then looks away, or looks out into the crowd when he's with friends, you can assume he'll welcome your greeting. While it is impossible to wait for the best of circumstances, you must carefully choose the right time to increase your chances. Here are a few things to consider before you approach it:
- Observe her body language. Is he more focused on the crowd and looking around him rather than hanging out with his friends? If so, this is a sign that he is approachable.
- Find out if he looks bored with his friend. If he often checks his cellphone, plays with his hair, or fumbles in his bag, then this may be a sign that he is open to making acquaintances.
- Make sure that the girl is not discussing seemingly serious things with her friends. If their position tends to be close to each other, talking intensely, and one of them looks teary eyed, then this is not the right time. You don't want to interrupt their important moments to talk to each other.

Step 2. Impress them with your confidence
A girl is usually attracted to a man who is confident, and if you want to win her over, you have to make her see that you are comfortable with yourself. While it may take some time to really build your confidence, there's nothing wrong with pretending to be confident when you approach her so you can feel more relaxed about your confidence. Here are some ways to charm a girl with your confidence in no time:
- Show that you are not afraid. Look into her eyes as you approach her and smile. Don't look shy while keeping your eyes on the floor.
- Show confidence in your body language. Turn your body towards him, stand straight, and avoid slouching or crouching.
- Don't put yourself down right away. If you start making comments like, "You probably don't want to talk to a guy like me…" then you'll be canceling his conversation with you.
- Part of self-confidence is paying attention to appearances. Wear neat, clean, fresh, and appropriate clothes. Most importantly, wear nice, comfortable clothes so you don't look nervous.

Step 3. Start the conversation steadily
If you want the girl to take you seriously and even consider dating you, be careful with your words. It's been said that a girl decides whether or not she likes you in the first fifteen minutes, so you shouldn't waste too much time just chatting, but enchant her with your words and demeanor. Here are a few things you should keep in mind:
- Don't seduce him with cheap words. Whatever you read on the internet or hear from friends, this method rarely works. Furthermore, the girl will think that you just want to conquer her, not get to know her.
- Introduce yourself and ask the girl's name. Simple. Just say, "Hi, I'm Chris, what's your name?" Keep it short and simple.
- Dare yourself. Don't be shy when you approach him. Show that you want to talk to him, and don't act like you think you're bothering him or bothering him. If that's true, you'll soon find out.

Step 4. Try to seduce her a little
Once you start talking to him, this is the perfect time to start flirting with him in moderation. Look into his eyes, move your body closer to him, and show that you are attracted to him. You can even tease him a little, as long as it doesn't go too far and offend him. Just give a light, funny, and fun joke and make sure he responds well. Teasing him is important to get his attention.
- Say something like, “Do you always wear pink because it suits you so well?” Comment on her outfit or something she's wearing to show your interest without taking it too seriously.
- Give a small compliment. Say you like her hairstyle, or something else that's worth paying attention to.
- Don't be afraid to compliment what you think he's heard before. Even if you're sure every guy she knows has complimented her beautiful eyes, that doesn't mean you should ignore them.

Step 5. Show your interest only in her, not her friends
While you may think that you have a better chance of attracting a girl if you are trying to win the hearts of many girls at once and just waiting to see who you are, it's actually better to focus your energies on just one girl. If you seem to enjoy flirting with his friends as well as chatting with them, he'll think you're a prankster and he won't be interested in you anymore. Instead, you have to make him believe that he is the only person who is right for you.
- No girl wants to feel insignificant. He wants to feel that you consider him special, not just a girl you want to attract.
- Plus, if you start trying to lure her friends in too, they'll influence the girl to dislike you because they'll think you're a girl who likes to play with girls too.

Step 6. Approach him other than a bar or nightclub
If you want to increase your chances of capturing a girl's heart, try thinking in a slightly unconventional way. Of course, a lot of guys like to seduce girls in bars and nightclubs, but it might be easier to win over a girl at a coffee shop, market, mall, or even a game, because she won't expect it and is less reserved. Don't think that you can only meet a girl in certain places, and be prepared to find the girl you're interested in.
- If you're at a coffee shop, maybe you can start a conversation with a girl about the book she's reading. Your friendliness and intelligence will impress him.
- If you're at the supermarket or even at the grocery store, don't be afraid to start a small talk about how to cook or ask what his plans are with the bunch of cabbage he bought.
- If you're at the game, look a girl in the eye while you're working out and come to her later, while she's tidying up her gym equipment, so you don't startle her.
Part 2 of 3: Keeping a Girl Attracted to You

Step 1. Ask him
If you want the girl to be attracted to you, try to give the impression that you really want to get to know her. You don't have to interrogate him, but at least you need to ask him a few questions about what his interests are and who he is to make him aware of your efforts. Make sure that you're also open about yourself, so it feels balanced. When you're captivating a girl, you have to show more interest in her than you do yourself. Here are some things you can ask:
- Hobby
- The pet
- Her friends
- The city where he grew up
- Favorite music group, movie, or actor

Step 2. Find out what you have in common with him
The similarities don't have to be in everything, but finding something that can unite you with them is certainly not a problem. It could be a passion for the Warriors basketball club, an obsession with the television series Community, or even the fact that you both attended the same university three different classes. You may even find other, more ridiculous similarities, such as a distaste for barmaids, or a fondness for the color black. Once you find those similarities, build friendships through them.
If you don't share a common interest in sports, shows, or music, you can tease his taste buds a little, but only if he makes fun of you too

Step 3. Show that he is special to you
Let him know that you think he is very different from the usual girl. Compliment her eyes or clothes, explain why you think she's unique, and reassure her that you're not just being sweet-talking. Make him feel that you really care and that you don't want to find just any girl to take him to your house. Come up close and tell her that her laugh is your favorite laugh, and show in your actions how special she is to you.
- No girl wants to be considered insignificant. Show that you accept him as he is, and he is not just a girl.
- If he really is different in a good sense, tell him. Say something like, "I've never met anyone who knows so much about indie rock."

Step 4. Don't go after him openly
While you want him to realize that you're trying to win him over, you don't want to scare him either. Say that you like him without saying that you want to marry him, and ask without discussing how many people have kissed him. Show that you're fun, cool, and easy-going, and that you're not trying too hard on this. The more clearly you appear to be trying, the less interested he will be in you.
- Don't be jealous of other men. If you see another guy watching the girl or seeing her chatting with a guy friend, don't start interrogating her about who the guy is and how he knows him. Take it easy and don't look nervous.
- Don't ask him how he feels about you, or seem like you really want to please him.

Step 5. Don't take it too seriously
Remember to always keep things relaxed and fun. You don't have to constantly be nervous or worry about what he thinks of you. Think of this as an exciting conversation that could lead even further. If you worry too much about the way he responds to you, he will notice and possibly make the situation awkward. Instead, stay relaxed, talk about light topics, and don't take things too seriously.
Remember that the girl goes to have fun too. If you immediately force yourself to want to have a special relationship with him immediately, your actions will actually prevent that from happening

Step 6. Don't flaunt your wealth
You might think that the girl at the bar wants to hear everything about how rich you are, but you really need to avoid this topic if you're going to be successful at getting close to her. Girls want to impress your personality, not how much you have in your bank account, and if you make a big deal about your expenses or talk about your sports car, they'll soon lose interest in you.
Even worse than showing off your wealth is lying about your wealth. If you want to successfully approach a girl, don't do this
Part 3 of 3: Finish What You Have Started

Step 1. Break down the barriers that restrict you from touching it
Once you and the girl start to get along, feel free to flirt a little and touch her. Just move your body close to him and place your hand on his arm or shoulder, then observe his attitude. If he evades or walks away, don't continue with the action. But if he approaches or even returns your touch, then this is a sign that he wants you to break down the barrier.
- You can also pat their arms when they're flirting with each other, so it looks like you're just kidding.
- You can dare to compliment her earrings or bracelet while touching her as an excuse to get closer.
- If you're sitting with him, move closer so your knees, thighs or feet touch him.

Step 2. Take him away at the right time
You should invite him when the situation is good. When he's laughing, having fun, and when he's really enjoying the conversation, you should say things like, “I want to continue this conversation, but I have to get going. Can we continue this at dinner or over a drink sometime soon?” Make your invitation sound casual, so he won't be surprised. If all goes well, he will most likely agree.
If you wait too long to talk to him and the conversation starts to get boring, he'll be less likely to want to talk to you anymore. If he had run out of topics, why did he continue it another day?

Step 3. Casually ask for the phone number
Just say, "Hi, can I call you some other time?" Or, “I want to see you again. May I keep your number?” Don't exaggerate or say that she is the perfect girl for you. Just ask for her number, plain and simple, and let her see that you're not trying too hard to get your number. Remember that the worst thing that could happen is that he refuses, which isn't really a big deal.
Don't ask if you can contact him via social media as a first option. Although you may find it easier to say, "Hi, can I contact you on Facebook later?" in fact you will look less serious. If you really want to win her over, ask for her number

Step 4. Take him away again
If you want to know if the girl wants to come home with you tonight, you really should politely ask. You could say, "Hey, let's get out of here," or you could be a little more polite and take her to the wine bar across the street or some other public place for a chat beforehand. Some might even say, “I really enjoyed talking to you, but I wanted to go somewhere more private. What do you think?" Show that you really want to spend more time with him, and that you're more interested than just sleeping with him.
If you really just want to make love to him, there's nothing wrong with that, but if so you shouldn't make him think that you expect more from him

Step 5. Identify situations where you are not welcome
Be aware of the signs that indicate that you should leave it. If the girl looks away, stares at the floor, checks her phone multiple times, or waits for a friend to come to her, your approach may not work. If he doesn't respond at all and is gently walking away from you, you shouldn't try to seduce him. Maybe he already has a girlfriend or he just doesn't feel the same way. Whatever the reason, it's better to walk away before something bad happens.
- Understand his body language to see if he is interested in you. If he keeps moving away from you, crossing his arms across his chest, or backing away slightly when you touch him, he probably doesn't feel the same way.
- It's okay to admit that he rejected you. Maybe the girl just wants more time with her friends. Don't let it get to you and focus your energies on other girls that catch your eye.
- Show affection through your appearance and smile
- Be a confident person (required)
- Try looking directly into his eyes
- Be a person who likes to be funny but don't overdo it because it can stray too far from the topic
- Be gentle and show respect (mandatory)
- Don't show that you really need it (mandatory)
- Be a person who is not easily rejected
- Try to find the beauty from within
- Pay attention to whatever he says
- Hold his hand and try to predict his hand line