So far, dice games have not received the right positive ratings, and have even tended to be considered criminal acts. The street "shoot the dice" game, often known as street craps, is actually a simplified version of the old Casino Craps, and it's a very interesting classic. You can also learn the Mexican "drinking dice" game Farkle, as well as other games that just require a few rules and a few dice rolled in a small bowl. So the next time you need an activity to pass the time, forget about the usual board games and try playing craps. See Step 1 for further explanation.
Part 1 of 4: Learning the Rules of the Game

Step 1. Learn the basics
Street dice shooting games are usually played with two dice by only one player in each round. However, this game can also be played by any number of players who are watching.
- Players will shuffle the dice to determine who gets a turn to shuffle in that game session. Then, all players will place bets while guessing, whether the dice shaker will "pass" on the first roll (get 7 or 11) or "lose" (get 2, 3, or 12). If any of these numbers appear on the first shuffle, the game ends and the stake will be distributed according to each player's share.
- The player who gets a turn in rolling the dice is the first to place a bet, and every other player must place a bet at least equal to the shaker's bet. Otherwise, the shuffler can lower the bet so that other players can match it, or cancel the bet. If the bet number is the same, all other players can place additional bets.

Step 2. Learn the rules about “point” numbers
If the shaker does not pass or loses on the first shuffle, then the number that appears on the dice becomes a "point" number. Now, the only numbers to watch out for are points and 7.
- The shaker must continue to shuffle the dice until he gets a point or number 7. All bets placed for the "pass" shaker are now bets for the shaker to get a point number before getting a number 7. All bets placed for the "lost" shaker are now the bet for the shuffler to get a 7 before getting a point number.
- If a point number or 7 appears, the game ends and the bet money will be distributed according to each player's share.

Step 3. Learn the terms
You'll learn a lot faster if you don't ask questions all the time about the terms spoken by the other players. Learn the basics so you can get started right away:
- The “shuffler” is the player whose turn it is to roll the dice, and this is a different person in each game.
- “Result” (“come out”) is the result of the first shuffle
- “Pass” (“pass”) means getting a 7 or 11 on the “result”
- “Lose” (“crap”) means getting a 2, 3, or 12 on the “result”
- “Point” (“point”) is any number between 4 and 10 in the “result”
- “Seven out” (“seven out”) is getting the number 7 before getting the number “points”

Step 4. Learn the difference between street craps and casino craps
In the casino, of course there are large tables to place bets on, there are experts who control the movement of money and games, and there are elegant looking people ordering drinks for you. In a street dice game, the stakes are much less formal and you may roll the dice against a wall, but the principles of the game are basically the same.
Since no expert is observing, ensure that the pile of bet money remains balanced throughout the game and the results are divided fairly according to each player's share. Things will quickly heat up if you don't keep the game going by the rules or if you cheat

Step 5. Understand the legal aspects
Unofficial gambling games such as street dice are considered illegal in many countries. It's true that simply playing for fun isn't wrong, and it's rare that you'll get in trouble for betting small money with close friends, but you should always be aware that gambling illegally outside of proper places (e.g., casinos) is a nuisance. illegal action.
Part 2 of 4: Start Playing

Step 1. Start by paying your initial share
Just like a card game, if you want to play, you have to pay your initial share (according to an agreed number, this number is usually quite small). This is the first thing to do before you determine who is the shuffler and before you place a bet.
The number you pay is intended to make you one of the choices to be a shuffler. You do not need to place a bet after paying this initial portion. Just like a card game, if you don't want to participate in the shuffle but want to just watch and think about placing a bet, you need to pay your initial share first

Step 2. Shake the dice to determine who will be the shaker
All players who have paid their initial share will shuffle the dice to determine who will be the shaker. Whoever gets the highest number is entitled to become a shuffler. There are different rules for different games. You can also determine the shuffler based on who gets the number 7 first, or use any agreed method of determination. Importantly, this shaker must be determined at random.

Step 3. Place the first bet based on your guess about the shuffler, whether he will “pass” or “lose”
If a shuffler has been determined, that shuffler will place the bet first. This bet number can be placed on the shaker “pass” or “lose” position, although in most cases the shaker usually places a bet that he will “pass”.
- The other players must match the shuffler's stake (total, together) before placing any additional bets. This means that the bets of other players must be placed on the other side of the shuffler (if the shuffler places a bet that he will “lose”, then the other player must place the same number of bets that he will “pass”). If you have paid your initial share, you can participate in placing a bet, or you can also wait and place an additional bet later.
- For example, the shaker places a “pass” bet of IDR 10,000. Other players have to collect IDR 10,000 bet money too, but for the "losing" position. If you place a bet of Rp. 2,000 as a contribution to the total number of Rp. 10,000, the biggest win for you is only Rp. 2,000 plus Rp. 2,000 of the shaker's bet money.
- If other players have accumulated bets equal to the number of the shaker, you can place additional bets against other players who are willing to place bets as large as you have placed. This could mean you placed a “lose” or “pass” bet.

Step 4. Shake the result
The shaker shuffles the dice to get the result number. If he passes or he loses, the game ends and the bet money will be distributed according to each player's share. If the shuffler scores a point, all qualifying bets will turn into points bets and all losing bets will become 7s bets.

Step 5. If necessary, shuffle to get points
The shaker must continue to shuffle the dice until he gets a point or number 7. In some types of games, if it is a point number, sometimes the bet will increase. placing additional bets when the game is at this point point stage is usually done, just like placing a bet in a poker game. However, it is rare for players to double their bets. Often, the initial bet numbers last until the end of the game, because this game doesn't take long.
Part 3 of 4: Studying Game Strategy

Step 1. Study statistical data
You use two dice in this game, then the possible number of results that appear depends on what number it is. There are numbers that have a higher probability than others, because there are more ways to reach that number. By learning a little about how to calculate statistics like this, you can place bets smarter.
- The number 7 is the number that is most likely to appear in each shuffle. There is a 17% chance that a 7 will appear on each roll, because there are a total of 6 ways to get a 7 by adding the numbers from the two dice. In total, there are 36 possible numbers that come from the combination of the numbers of the two dice that are shuffled.
- The possible numbers that emerge from the shuffle form a kind of pyramid. The numbers 6 and 8 are the next most likely numbers, because each has 5 ways to get it, so the percentage chance is 14%. The numbers 5 and 9 are the next most likely numbers to appear, and so on. The numbers 2 and 12 are the numbers that appear the least, because each has only one way to get it: 1+1 and 6+6.

Step 2. Use statistical data to determine the right bet
Pass bets are usually more likely to be right. Placing a bet on the number 7 is also generally a smart choice, because the probability of the number 2, 3, or 12 appearing is not as large as the possibility of the number 7 or 11 appearing. If you know the probability of each number appearing on each shuffle, you can place bets smarter.
For example, you have placed a losing bet in the game, and it turns out that the shuffler gets the number 4. Now the odds are reversed, and the shuffler is cornered. On the next shuffle, it will be more likely for him to get a 7, so your initial bet will pay off. Now the odds are on your side

Step 3. If you are the shaker, roll the dice properly
Hold the dice so that the three sides form a V facing up. This is a common way of holding the dice, and in this way other players will see that you are not cheating.
Usually, there is a certain flat surface on which the dice must be thrown. In the game of casino craps, the dice must roll all the way to the back wall of the table for the result to be considered valid. This is why the game of shooting dice on the street is usually played against a wall. Generally, you will take a position 1-2 meters from the wall and then roll the dice against a wall or some other form of retaining wall

Step 4. Place a large bet when you are a shuffler
Usually if you place a losing bet, the shaker will place a big bet for him to pass and the other players will place a smaller bet for him to lose. Why? As you've learned in terms of probability, the result of the first shuffle is very likely to bring up the number 7. So don't get caught up in placing stupid big bets for him to lose, which is actually very unlikely. Wait until you become a shuffler to get a winning bet.
Part 4 of 4: Various Variations

Step 1. Learn other types of dice games
Dice is a very simple object, but it has so many possibilities that result in many different types of games. Some of them may not be popular anymore. However, you don't really need a complicated board game or X-Box to have fun, as there are plenty of dice games that are both simple and fun. Study some of them, and mix them up.
It is very important that you distinguish street dice shooting games from other types of dice games. There are dice games that use bets, and some that don't. If someone asks you to play craps, they probably mean another type of game, although they usually mean a game of shooting dice

Step 2. Try playing cee-lo
This popular game is sometimes called "dice lo". Each player holds three dice, usually in a small glass-shaped container, then they all shuffle simultaneously after each placing a bet. The winner is the player who gets the highest number, and the way the score is calculated is similar to a poker game.
- The highest possible combination is when the player gets the numbers 4, 5, and 6. This is like the “royal flush” position in a poker game.
- The next highest combination is the same three numbers. If you get three 1s, this means a very high score, which is only lost by three other numbers of the same or a combination of numbers 4, 5 and 6.
- The next highest combination is the number of twins and other numbers (“pair and a spare”), which is similar to the “full house” position in poker. This means that the same two numbers are added to one of the other numbers. If there are two players who each get the same two 4s, the winner is the player who gets the higher number on the third dice. If a player gets two 2s and one 6, while another gets two 6s and one 2, the winner is the first player, because the win is determined by the higher number on the third dice, and the number of twins is not taken into account.
- If two players each get the exact same three numbers, the shuffle must be repeated.

Step 3. Play drinking dice
This game is also known as the Mexican dice game or the dice game. This is a fun game, especially when things get "hot". In this game, players pass each other a glass containing two dice, and take turns guessing the number under the dice, while agreeing or questioning the previous player's guess.
- The first player rolls the dice and announces the number that appears. He can tell the truth (telling the truth) or lie. This player then passes the glass carefully to the next player so that each can make a guess.
- The next player may agree or question the number announced by the first player, or place a bet on the number he guessed himself. The game will continue until one of the players questions the number announced. If this happens and it turns out that the initial number announced is correct, the player who asked and all other players lose, except for the player who has made the correct guess. If it turns out that the initial number announced was incorrect, the liar loses and usually has to drink a drink.
- The number of points varies in each game, although usually a combination of 1 and 2 is considered the highest number that may appear. The game can also be played "blind", where players are not allowed to see the dice until someone questions the numbers that have been announced.

Step 4. Bone dice game
Usually the term "bone dice" refers to a game of shooting dice, but actually the term "bone" itself is a complex ancient game similar to the game "Yahtzee", and is sometimes referred to as "hot dice" or "Farkle" (although each game actually have a different way of calculating the score). The game uses five or six dice and a glass to be passed between the players. The winner is the player who collects the highest number of points in that round, or who collects the highest number of points in an agreed number of rounds.
- The first player shuffles the six dice, takes some and sets them aside, then returns the rest to the glass. The dice drawn are those that show the number 1 (which results in a score of 100), and those that show the number 5 (which results in a score of 50). If you get three of the same number at once (for example, three 2), you must also take all three dice, as this results in a score of hundreds. Three 2s score 200, three 6s score 600. Return all non-scoring dice to the glass, then roll them again.
- The player continues to shuffle until he takes all his dice, or gets a number that cannot be scored (such as 2, 4 and 4). In subsequent shuffles, you can increase the score of the dice showing the same three numbers you picked earlier. For example, let's say you keep three dice showing the number 3 each, then return the remaining three to the shaker. On the next shuffle you get another 3. You can save this dice and multiply your score from the three dice you have saved earlier.
- Throw the dice so that they fall as far from the wall as possible.
- Do a quick whisk. Don't upset other players by holding the dice too long before rolling it.
- Practice, practice, practice!