Various forms of dice have become popular in many cultures, with the 6-sided cuboid dice being invented in China around 600 BC. Dice were originally used for fortune-telling activities, then quickly changed their function as game aids, including games of chance. While the game of chance that involves dice is the most popular game of craps, other gambling games, whether in the form of street or casino gambling, that use dice are Hazard, '' Cho-Han Bakuchi, '' Under-Over 7, Mexico, and Shut the Box.
Method 1 of 7: Playing Bank/Casino Craps

Step 1. Choose a dice thrower
He is the one who will roll the dice for himself and the other players bet on the result of rolling the dice. All players, including the pitcher, play against the dealer when they place their bets.

Step 2. Give the dice to the thrower
The stick holder (the person who picks the dice using a long curved stick) will offer the thrower a choice of five dice (usually this number), who will choose two of them. In street craps games, usually the two required dice are already provided.
The dice used for casino craps usually have sharp edges and are carefully marked so that each side weighs the same as the other opposite sides

Step 3. Place your initial bet
The thrower must bet on the final result of the first roll of the dice before rolling it, while the other players are allowed to bet as they wish based on the available betting options, provided they make an initial bid when a betting round begins. This starting offer includes:
- Pass (skip the turn): An even number of bets to guess that the winning number or the "true" number will appear before the losing or "wrong" number. This pass bet is placed on the Pass Line (a special line for passes) or the losing number while playing at the marked craps table. This is one of the options for the mandatory dice roll bet.
- Don't Pass: An even amount of money bet on guessing that the losing or “wrong” number will appear before the winning or “true” number (sometimes this is called “negative play” and is considered bad play by several people). A don't pass bet is placed on the Don't Pass Line at the craps table. This is another option for the dice thrower's mandatory bet. Some casinos also require other players to place a pass or don't pass bet before the first roll of the dice.
- Odds / Free Odds (betting on odds): These are bets that can complement the pass, don't pass, or come bets. These bets are paid out based on the actual odds of a certain number appearing rather than the odds that the bookie usually offers for any of the other types of bets. Adding an odds bet to a pass bet usually involves a bigger bet for a smaller win, although the casino may be able to limit the maximum number of pass or don't pass bets that can be paired with an odds bet.
- Proposition / service (specific bet): This bet is placed on the outcome of a specific roll of the dice, such as the total number of a specific number or a specific range of numbers, or a specific combination of face values on two dice. These bets are usually probability and are made multiple times, as the result appears less frequently than the result in pass or don't pass bets.

Step 4. Throw the dice
The first throw is known as the “come-out” throw. The outcome of these throws determines which bets will be paid out, lost, or held for the next rolls.
- If this come-out roll is 7 or 11, the pass bet wins and the don't pass bet loses. The next throw will be a new come-out throw for a new round of play.
- If the come-out roll results in a 2, 3, or a total of 12, the pass bet loses. Don't pass bets win if the result of the throw is a 2 or 3, but are returned to the player (“pushed”) with no winnings if the result is 12 (in some casinos, a throw of 2 is a “push/return” number, while in some casinos others allow the player to select a number to be considered a “push” number.)
- If the first throw produces a number other than one of the numbers above, then the resulting number becomes a "point / benchmark" which will win when it appears, then the round will continue. Pass and don't pass bets will continue.
- In casino craps, the dice thrower must roll both dice with one hand and make sure they touch the far wall of the table for the roll to be counted correctly. If one of the dice is thrown off the table, the thrower can choose one of the dice that was originally offered by the stick holder and not used, or request that the dice that came out be returned (in this case, the box keeper, i.e. the person who manages the table and the bets, will check the dice to make sure the dice are not sabotaged or modified).
- In street craps, players may choose to use barriers such as rocks, walls, chair edges, blankets stretched to limit the dice, or toss with no restrictions at all.

Step 5. Place a bet on an attempt to earn points
Service, pass, don't pass, and odds bets can be made before each throw when the thrower tries to score the same points as the previous roll. In addition, there are two other types of bets that may also be available:
- Come: Bet that the thrower of the dice will hit a 7 or 11 on the first throw or will score the desired point before hitting a 7.
- Don't come: Bet that the thrower of the dice will not get a 7 or 11 on the first roll or will produce a number other than the desired point, then get a 7 before the point is earned.
- Similar to pass and don't pass bets, players can add come and don't come bets to odds bets. These bets cannot be placed until the come-out points appear.

Step 6. Throw the dice to try to get the points
The thrower will continue to roll the dice until a point is reached or a 7 comes out.
- If the pitcher scores a point on the first throw, the pass and come bets win, while the don't pass and don't come bets lose. The thrower doesn't always have to score points with the same combinations that were used to determine the previous points: if a 4 is a result of rolling a dice with a 1 and 3 result, this point can later also be a 1 and 3 or 2 and 2.
- If the dice thrower scores a point on any roll after the first roll, the pass bet wins and the don't pass bet loses.
- If the thrower of the dice scores 11 on the first roll of points, the come bet wins and the don't come bet loses. Pass and don't pass bets will continue for the next roll (the sum of the number 11 after the first roll of the dice will not affect the outcome of the pass, don't pass, come, or don't come) bet.
- If the dice thrower gets a 7 on the first point roll, both come and don't pass bets win. The pass and don't come bet loses.
- If the pitcher scores a 7 on the point roll any time after the first throw before earning the point, the don't pass and don't come bets win, while the pass and come bets lose. The pitcher's turn ends and a new pitcher is selected.
- If the pitcher scores a 2, 3, or 12 on the first point throw, the come bet loses. Don't come bets win if the roll is 2 or 3, but are pushed if the result is 12 (getting one of these results after the first point roll will have no effect on the outcome of the pass, don't pass, come, or don't come bet).
- If the pitcher scores another result on the first point throw, the new come points will be considered as valid points for both come and don't come bets, while the initial come points remain the benchmark for pass and don't pass bets. If the come point appears before 7 is obtained, the come bet wins and the don't come bet loses. If 7 is scored before the come point, then the don't come bet wins and the come bet loses. If the original point is scored before the new point, then the pass bet wins, the don't pass bet loses, then the come and don't come bets will be maintained while a new round of play begins to determine the new come-out point.
Method 2 of 7: Playing Street Craps

Step 1. Determine the thrower of the dice
This person will roll the same pair of dice. However, before throwing it, he had to place a bet.
A barrier or barrier is not required for a game of street craps, although players can use a wall or stone as a barrier or hold the dice by throwing them on a cloth

Step 2. Have the other players bet against the dice thrower
Other players may choose to “fade” or bet any amount with an upper limit on the dice thrower's bet amount. If they don't want to fade the entire roll of the dice's bet, then the thrower must draw the portion that wasn't faded.
Players can also place extra bets on the outcome of whether the pitcher will get a winning number or a certain combination of numbers

Step 3. Roll the dice to get benchmark points
The results here are similar to a bookie/casino game of craps.
- If the come-out roll results in a total of 7 or 11, the pitcher wins the money from the other players. The thrower can bet again and make another come-out roll, or stop by passing the dice to the player to his left.
- If the come-out roll results in a total of 2, 3, or 12, the thrower loses the bet against the other players. The thrower will then have the option to bet again or pass the dice to a new player.
- If the come-out roll results in another number, then that number becomes the benchmark point. The other players can then increase their bet on whether or not the thrower of the dice will get the same points again.

Step 4. Roll the dice to get a standard point roll
The end result here, again, is similar to the end result in a game of craps with a dealer.
- If the dice thrower gets a point, he wins and can bet and play another round or pass the dice.
- If the thrower gets a total of 7 (crap out / lose), then the thrower will lose all bets and must pass the dice to the next player.
- If the thrower gets another number, he must roll the dice again until he gets the points or craps out. Unlike the city craps game, there are no come points here.
Method 3 of 7: Playing Hazard

Step 1. Determine the thrower of the dice
In the game Hazard, the dice thrower is usually called the caster instead of the shooter (the term for the dice thrower in the game of craps).

Step 2. Have the dice thrower determine a number from 5 to 9
This number will be the main number (main) and determine the winning and losing numbers when the dice have been rolled.
- In some versions of the game Hazard, especially those using French rules, play is determined by the initial roll of the dice.
- Since 7 is the most likely number to get in a game of two dice (1 in 6 odds), most pitchers will choose this number as play, so they excel in this game.

Step 3. Bet on the outcome
The dice thrower bets against the other players either individually or in groups, or against the dealer (setter). Betting on this round is on whether the pitcher will get a play or the amount that will also win if a play is made.

Step 4. Throw the dice
The result of the first roll determines whether a bet wins, loses, or passes on to the next roll.
- If the dice thrower gets a main, then he wins (this condition is called nick').'
- If the thrower of the dice gets a 2 or 3, he loses (this condition is called a throw out).
- If the dice thrower chooses to play with a score of 5 or 9, but gets a result of 11 or 12, he loses.
- If the thrower of the dice chooses to play with a 6 or 8, but gets a result of 12, he wins.
- If the thrower of the dice chooses to play with a score of 6 or 8, but gets an 11, he loses.
- If the thrower of the dice chooses to play with a score of 7, but gets an 11, he wins.
- If the thrower of the dice chooses to play with a 7, but gets a 12, he loses.
- If the dice thrower loses this round, he may make a new play, bet, and roll the dice again, unless this is his third loss in a row, which requires the player to the left of the thrower to take his place.
- If the thrower of the dice gets a number other than the game that has been determined, but not one of the numbers lost, then that number becomes an opportunity (point) that must be obtained by the thrower in order for him to win.

Step 5. Bet on the outcome of the odds roll if this type of bet is provided
The dice thrower and other players can increase the amount of their initial bet on the basis of whether the number of odds can be obtained before the initial play amount. Bets are given a odds count based on the probability of getting this amount before getting to play.

Step 6. Throw the dice to make a chance roll
The final result of this throw determines whether the dice thrower wins, loses, or has to roll again.
- If he gets the number of chances, then he wins.
- If he gets a play in this round, he loses. If this is his third loss in a row, then he will pass the dice to the next player.
- If he gets another number, he will roll the dice again until he gets the chance or play number.
Method 4 of 7: Playing Cho-Han Bakuchi

Step 1. Put two dice into the cup
In Japan, where the game originates, gamblers who enjoy traveling to various places will sit on tatami floors and use cups or bowls made of bamboo.

Step 2. Roll the dice in a cup, then place them upside down to see the dice
Traditionally, the dice shaker would roll while sitting on his knees, with his buttocks touching his heels and the tops of his feet flat on the floor (this position is called the seiza position). The shaker will not wear a shirt to prevent charges of cheating on keeping extra dice in his sleeve or pants.

Step 3. Bet on the odds whether the total number of dice is even or odd
Players can bet against each other or against the dealer.
- Those who bet “Cho” are betting that the sum of the dice will be an even number (2, 4, 6, 8, 10, or 12).
- Those who bet “Han” are betting that the sum of the dice will be an odd number (3, 5, 7, 9, or 11).
- When players bet against each other, usually the number of "Cho" bettors will equal the number of "Han" bettors.

Step 4. Lift the cup to see the result
The losers pay the winners, with the bookie taking a commission based on a percentage of the winnings if the bookie is hired by the gambling house.
This game is usually played nowadays by members of ''yakuza'' (Japanese mafia organizations) and is often shown in yakuza films and ''chambara''. The game is also a mini-game in the "Ryu ga Gotoku" (Yakuza) video game series
Method 5 of 7: Playing Under-Over 7

Step 1. Place a bet on the final result of rolling the dice
There are only three types of bets in this game:
- Bet an even amount of money that the total result of the roll will be lower than 7.
- Bet an even amount of money that the total result of the throw will be higher than 7.
- Odd bet that the total outcome of the rolls will be exactly 7. The odds of this outcome appearing are 4 to 1, although some casinos only pay out 3 to 1 (although 7 is the most likely number to appear in a game of two dice, the actual odds of getting this number are 5 versus 1).

Step 2. Throw the dice
Usually, the dice (which is made of wood) will be thrown by the dealer

Step 3. Pay the winner and take money from the loser based on the result of rolling the dice
In addition to throwing the dice using a curved place, usually the dice can also be shuffled in a cup and shown in a way like in the game Cho-Han Bakuchi
Method 6 of 7: Play Mexico

Step 1. Make an agreement for all players regarding the total amount of bets throughout the game
This is similar to “cash in” in a game of poker or craps. At the end of each round, a player will hand over a portion of this bet money (according to pre-agreed) to the middle money (pot) every time he loses.

Step 2. Determine the order of rolling the dice
Each player will roll one dice; whoever gets the highest number starts, with the next turn turning to the left. The player who gets the lowest amount will pay into the pot.
It is recommended that you roll the dice using a table or surface that has a holder to keep the dice from falling out of the playing area

Step 3. Have each player, in turn, roll two dice up to three times
The main player in a round will determine the number of times the other players may roll the dice based on the number of throws he made. The other players may roll fewer dice than the main player, but not more. The results of the throws will be ranked, high to low, according to the following system:
- Result 2 – 1, which is read as “21” (higher values are read as tens digits and lower values are read as ones digits in a two-digit number). This state was called “Mexico”, which later became the name of the game.
- Twin results, with rankings down from 6-6, or "66", to 1-1, or "11".
- Another mixed result, ranked by the higher value, or the tens digit, then the lower value, or the ones digit. So, 3-1, or “31”, is the lowest possible result..
- Throw values are not cumulative; if a player gets 34 on the first throw and 31 on the second, these results will not be added to get a score of 65.
- If the main pitcher hits Mexico on one of his rolls, the dice are immediately passed to the next player, who may determine up to three rolls (thus also limiting how many consecutive throws the other player can make if he doesn't want to make three rolls). If this player then gets Mexico, then the next player gets the dice and is free to make up to three rolls, etc.
- Mexico's throw from the main pitcher will also double the risk for players who are in a losing position. They must determine before starting play again if the extra throw that results in Mexico in a round will increase the risk or not, and if so, by what method. However, if a player other than the main pitcher scores 2 – 1 first, this result will not be considered Mexican and the risk will not increase.
- If two or more players get a tie for the lowest rank after all played, then they will play a Mexican round between the two of them to determine the loser.

Step 4. The losing player must pay into the pot
If this player runs out of his/her capital when paying into the pot, then he/she is eliminated from the game.

Step 5. Pass the dice to the next player
The game then continues as before, with the person with the lowest roll paying into the pot and being eliminated when their stake is exhausted. The last player who still has capital money will win the money in the pot.
Method 7 of 7: Playing Shut the Box

Step 1. Gather the players
Shut the Box, also called Batten Down the Hatches, Canoga, High Rollers (the game show's name comes from the name of the game), Klackers, or Zoltan Box, is usually played by two to four players for money, although sometimes the game it can be played alone.
When playing with capital risk, each player puts a certain amount of money into the pot, which will then be taken by the winner when the game ends

Step 2. Open all the sections in the box
The boxes in the game Shut the Box are labeled with sections numbered 1 through 9. At the start of the game, all pieces are open.
- Another form of this box is the “Full House” box, with the numbers from 1 to 12. A variation of the Shut the Box shape is the “The 300” box, which has a second box with sections numbered 13 to 24.
- This game can also be played in a closed state. In Even Stevens game mode, only even numbers are unlocked, while odd numbers are closed. In the game Against All Odds, only the odd numbers are unlocked, while the even numbers are closed. In 3 Down Extreme game mode, numbers 1, 2, and 3 are closed, while the rest are unlocked. In Lucky Number 7 mode, only part number 7 is opened and this box will be passed to all players until someone gets the result 7 to close this box.

Step 3. Decide who will start
This can be done by asking the players to roll one or both dice, the player with the highest roll will be the first player.

Step 4. Each player must then roll the dice in turn
Depending on the version of the game, the player must roll both dice as long as the 7, 8, or 9 remains open. Once these pieces are covered, the player may choose to roll one or both dice on each turn.
- In some versions of the game, if a player hits a bar, then he gets an extra turn. This option is used in the game event High Rollers, with an insurance token given to the player if he plays legally for the amount he earns.
- In some other versions of the game, a player must roll both dice until the total number of numbers on the exposed side reaches 6 or fewer (1, 2, 3; 1 and 5; 2 and 4; or 6).

Step 5. Use the total number of rolls of the dice to determine which piece to cover
Parts with an accumulated value equal to the number of dice rolls can be closed. If the number of dice rolls is 7, then one of the following closures can be made:
- Closing only section number 7.
- Covers sections numbered 1 and 6, regardless of whether the individual dice scores are 1 and 6 or not.
- Covers sections numbered 2 and 5, regardless of whether the individual dice scores are 2 and 5 or not.
- Covers sections numbered 3 and 4, regardless of whether the individual dice scores are 3 and 4 or not.
- Close sections numbered 1, 2, and 4.
- If you play “Thai style” mode, only one section can be closed in each round. This part can represent one of the two values that appear on the dice after it has been rolled. If the total number of dice rolls is 7 in a combination of numbers 3 and 4, then the player may cover the pieces numbered 3, 4, or 7, but the rest, including any combination that can add up to 7, may not be covered.
- Other variations of the game require that certain sections be closed on the first turn, or the player will lose. In “2 To Go” mode, section numbered 2 must be closed first; so if your first throw gets a total of 4, you lose immediately. In “3 To Go” mode, section numbered 3 must be closed first; so if your first throw gets a total of 2, you lose immediately.

Step 6. Continue rolling the dice until there are no remaining pieces to cover
Once a player gets an amount that cannot be the basis for closing the pieces that are still open, then that player's turn ends. At this point, the player will add the scores of the pieces that are still open to determine his score; if sections numbered 2 and 3 are still open, then he gets a score of 5 (this mode is known as Golf type variation).
- In the Missionary variation of the game Shut the Box, a player's score is calculated based on the number of pieces still open. If sections numbered 2 and 3 are still open, then the player gets a score of 2 for both parts that are still open.
- In the Digital or "count what you see" variation, a player's score is determined based on the digits shown after a throw that cannot close the box. If sections numbered 2 and 3 are still open, then the player's score is 23 instead of 5.

Step 7. Pass the squares and dice to the next player
These pieces are then reopened, and the next player tries to cover all the pieces by rolling the dice until there are no more pieces left to cover. The player with the lowest score wins the money in the pot.
- If a player manages to close all the pieces in the box, then he automatically wins the game and gets double the bet capital of the other players.
- The game can be played in multiple rounds (for tournament style) with a variation on Golf scoring, which records each player's score for each round, which is then added to the previous score. Once a player reaches a total score of 100 at the end of a round, the player with the lowest score wins. This game can also use the elimination style. If a player reaches a total score of 45 or higher, then he is eliminated.
- In the Unlucky Number 7 version, if a player gets the number 7, it's game over.
- All of these games can be adapted to use the two polyhedral dice used in role-playing, such as the 10-sided dice. In these cases, the median value that can be obtained on both dice (a dice of 10 or 11) will take the place of the sum of 7 in the games above. Several other rule modifications must also be set to accommodate a wider and narrower range of dice roll results.
- Several conversational idioms are believed to have originated with these dice games. "Laying odds" may have come from betting on odds in a game of craps, while "at sixes and sevens" (an expression for confusion) is believed to have come from the words "set upon six and seven", which is thought to be a reference to Hazard's game. in Chaucer's ''Canterbury Tales''.