If you are new to card games, then Go Fish is a great game to start with. This classic kids' card game can be played by two to six players, and all you need is a standard 52-card deck. Learn the rules of this game and some of its variations.
Method 1 of 4: Understanding the Rules

Step 1. Know the goal of the game
The object of the game Go Fish is to collect as many "card sets" as possible, which are groups of four cards of the same rank. The player who collects the most set of cards at the end of the game is the winner.
- An example of a card set is having all four queens in the deck: a queen of hearts, a queen of leaves, a queen of curls, and a queen of diamonds.
- A card set does not have to consist of picture cards (J, Q, or K). You can collect other sets of cards, such as nines: nine of hearts, nine of leaves, nine of curls and nine of diamonds.

Step 2. Know how to collect card sets
The players collect the complete card set by taking turns asking each other the cards they need to make the complete card set. For example, if a player is dealt a card and gets a two of curls and a two of hearts, he will ask the other player if he has a two. In this way, he adds cards to the card set until it becomes complete.

Step 3. Find out what the terms "hoe" or "drink" mean in this game
If a player is asked to give a card in his possession, then he must turn over all cards of the same level he has. But if he doesn't have the card, he replies, "Drink it," or, "Hop it." The player who asked for the card will "drink" or "hoe" the card from the deck. This will give him the opportunity to get a card that can be used to complete one of the card sets that are being formed by him.
- If a player receives the card he asked for or takes it from the deck of cards, then he gets another turn.
- If a player does not get the card he asked for, then his turn ends.

Step 4. Understand how the game ends
The players continue their turn in a circle, asking for cards, taking cards and making card sets, until there is a player who has no more cards in his hand or the deck of cards has been exhausted. The player who has the most set of cards is the winner.
Method 2 of 4: Shuffle and Split Cards

Step 1. Choose a dealer
In this game, one of the players acts as the dealer, that is, the person who deals the cards at the beginning and starts the game. The person who invites to play cards usually acts as a dealer. The other players form a circle that spreads on both sides of the dealer.
- There are players who like to follow certain rules to determine who is the dealer. For example, the dealer could be the youngest or oldest player, or the player whose birthday is closest in the future.
- If you play more than one round of play, then the dealer of the second round is usually the person who won (or lost, depending on the deal) the first round of play.

Step 2. Shuffle the cards
Each time you start a card game, shuffle the cards to redistribute the cards from the last round of play. This ensures that the cards are not regularly arranged in predictable patterns and shows other players that no cheating has been committed.

Step 3. Deal five cards to each player
Start with the cards face down, so they can't be seen by any player. Deal the top card to the first player on the left, then the next card to the next player in the circle, and so on. Continue dealing one card at a time around the table until each player gets five cards.
If you are playing with just the two of you, deal seven cards to each player instead of the five cards that are common for more than two players

Step 4. Make a deck of cards, also known as "drink cards"
Place the remaining cards face down in the center of the circle or table so that all players can reach them. These cards don't have to be in order or order, but they all have to be face down. Each player will later "drink" from this pool of cards.
Method 3 of 4: Playing Go Fish

Step 1. Research the card
Hold the card in a fan-like shape so that no other player can see it, and watch the cards you get. If you have two or more cards of the same rank, then you may want to aim for the cards that match to form a deck of cards. If you don't have a card of the same rank, you can choose to aim for any card you have.

Step 2. Start the game with the player to the left of the dealer
This player will choose another player, it can be anyone, to be asked if he has a certain card. For example, the player might ask, "Linda, do you have a three?"
- If Linda has any three cards, then she must turn over the cards, and the player gets another turn.
- If Linda doesn't have a three, then she says, "Drink." The player will then take a card from the deck of cards. If the card is the card he asked, then he gets another turn. But if not, the turn will go to the next player to his left.

Step 3. Collect the complete set of cards
When the turn of the game takes turns, the players begin to collect cards to complete the card set. When a card set is complete, the player shows the card set to the other players, then lays the cards face down.
When players ask each other for cards, try to remember what cards they asked for. When it's your turn, you'll have the advantage of knowing what cards are in their hands. For example, if you hear a player asking another player for an eight, and you also want to collect a set of eights, remember to ask that player for an eight when it's your next turn

Step 4. Finish the game
In the end, the stack of drink cards will decrease and the cards will run out. When this happens, each player will count the number of sets of cards he has collected. The player who has the most set of cards is the winner.
Method 4 of 4: Using Game Variations

Step 1. Ask for a specific card
Instead of asking for cards of the same rank, ask for a specific card. For example, if you have a heart jack card, ask other players for a diamond jack card, rather than just asking for a jack card. These variations make the game more difficult, and tend to last longer.

Step 2. Play with pairs of cards rather than sets of cards
When you form a pair of cards from two cards of the same rank and color, show them to the other players and place them on the table. Another variation is to form pairs of cards from two cards of the same rank, even though the colors of the two cards are different.

Step 3. Disqualify the players who run out of cards
In a typical Go Fish game, the game ends when one of the players runs out of cards. Play a variation of the game that will continue between the players who still have cards.