How to Diagnose and Clear Cloudy Swimming Pool Water

How to Diagnose and Clear Cloudy Swimming Pool Water
How to Diagnose and Clear Cloudy Swimming Pool Water

Table of contents:


Swimming pool water should be maintained regularly to keep it looking pure and clean. Eliminating germs in swimming pool water once or twice a week, maintaining water filters and the area around the pool, and maintaining appropriate chemical levels in pool water are the keys to maintaining the cleanliness and purity of pool water. The most effective way to clear cloudy water is to do a full pool treatment before using water purifiers.


Part 1 of 2: Diagnosing the Problem

Diagnose and Clear Cloudy Swimming Pool Water Step 1
Diagnose and Clear Cloudy Swimming Pool Water Step 1

Step 1. Check the color of the water and the condition of the pool walls

The growth of algae and moss, as well as sediment from swimmers is the cause of cloudy pool water. If the water is green or appears to be biologically contaminated, do not swim in the pool and begin a treatment process to kill any biological substances that are growing in the pool.

Diagnose and Clear Cloudy Swimming Pool Water Step 2
Diagnose and Clear Cloudy Swimming Pool Water Step 2

Step 2. Purchase a pool test kit

The contents of this device are alkalinity, calcium hardness, total, free, and combined chlorine, pH and cyanuric acid test kits. All of these factors affect the level of clarity, safety and sterility of pool water. Many inexpensive kits only contain a pH test kit and free chlorine, which isn't really enough to accurately describe the chemistry of your pool water.

Diagnose and Clear Cloudy Swimming Pool Water Step 3
Diagnose and Clear Cloudy Swimming Pool Water Step 3

Step 3. Perform a test on the pool water using the device

Two factors that are most likely to cause cloudy pool water are pH and calcium hardness, although low chlorine can indicate biological contamination.

Non-chlorinated pool cleaners such as bromine can be measured by the DPD test. Multiply the chlorine level by 2.25. The normal chlorine level should also be multiplied. This test is affected by the density of the cleaning agent, and bromine is denser than this factor

Diagnose and Clear Cloudy Swimming Pool Water Step 4
Diagnose and Clear Cloudy Swimming Pool Water Step 4

Step 4. Check the pool filter for sediment build-up or damage

Sediment deposits can interfere with the process of filtering and retaining particulate matter. The previous cleaning process may have damaged your filter. You can watch for blockage in the filter by checking if the return pump pressure in the pool has decreased.

Avoid the low-wave cleaning method with a sand-bed filter, as the filtering efficiency will be reduced by the filter media, and you may be forced to purchase a new filter

Diagnose and Clear Cloudy Swimming Pool Water Step 5
Diagnose and Clear Cloudy Swimming Pool Water Step 5

Step 5. Clean the pool floor and walls

Vacuum up any debris, scrub the pool walls and floors with a brush, and suck up any debris. Run the pool filter for 8-12 hours to remove any flotsam and residue that might cloud the water.

Part 2 of 2: Caring for Pool Water

Diagnose and Clear Cloudy Swimming Pool Water Step 6
Diagnose and Clear Cloudy Swimming Pool Water Step 6

Step 1. Consider replacing the water filter

If your filter is damaged, or is of the sand-bed type, the low-wave cleaning method may damage the filter media. Pool maintenance must be done regularly and maintenance equipment damage must be taken seriously. Check the boat and filter media before determining what to replace.

Diagnose and Clear Cloudy Swimming Pool Water Step 7
Diagnose and Clear Cloudy Swimming Pool Water Step 7

Step 2. Clean the pool floor and walls

Vacuum up any debris, scrub the pool walls and floors with a brush, and suck up any debris. Run the pool filter for 8-12 hours to remove any flotsam and residue that might cloud the water.

Diagnose and Clear Cloudy Swimming Pool Water Step 8
Diagnose and Clear Cloudy Swimming Pool Water Step 8

Step 3. Use chemicals to treat pool water

Colloidal particles that spread in the pool may be the cause of cloudy water. These particles can be organic (eg algae) or mineral (calcium). Adjust the pool water chemistry to the following measurements and run the pool filter system overnight before testing the pool water again.

  • Free chlorine: 1-2 ppm
  • Combined chlorine: < 0.3 ppm
  • pH: 7, 2 – 7, 8
  • Total alkalinity: 80 – 120 ppm
  • Calcium hardness: 180 – 220 ppm (higher levels are allowed as long as they do not exceed 400ppm)
Diagnose and Clear Cloudy Swimming Pool Water Step 9
Diagnose and Clear Cloudy Swimming Pool Water Step 9

Step 4. Adjust the pH using a commercial acidifier or alkaline with borax

Do not attempt to mix strong acids or bases in pools or without eye, skin and respiratory protection.

Diagnose and Clear Cloudy Swimming Pool Water Step 10
Diagnose and Clear Cloudy Swimming Pool Water Step 10

Step 5. Shock the pool if the combined chlorine level (total chlorine level minus free chlorine level) exceeds 0.3 ppm

Combined chlorine is free chlorine that reacts with substances in the water to form chloramine, which produces a strong chlorine odor. The pool shock device should be able to raise the chlorine to more than 30 ppm

  • If the pH test kit uses litmus paper and produces a purple or other color, a high chlorine level may be the cause. Test kits usually have a reagent, usually thiosulfate, that will remove the chlorine and the test can be done with accuracy.
  • High levels of cyanuric acid can reduce the effectiveness of chlorine as a sterilizing agent and can be reduced by thawing.
Diagnose and Clear Cloudy Swimming Pool Water Step 11
Diagnose and Clear Cloudy Swimming Pool Water Step 11

Step 6. Monitor chlorine and bromine levels for a few days to stabilize

A high day-to-day variance indicates a chlorine deficiency problem. Keep an eye on the cyanuric acid level, which acts as a stabilizer for chlorine from being broken down by UV rays, and try checking your chlorinator or buying one to make pool stabilization easier.

Diagnose and Clear Cloudy Swimming Pool Water Step 12
Diagnose and Clear Cloudy Swimming Pool Water Step 12

Step 7. Adjust the total alkalinity of the pond using sodium bisulfate or muriatic acid

Give according to the instructions in the package according to the volume of the pool. This treatment process usually lasts for six hours.

Diagnose and Clear Cloudy Swimming Pool Water Step 13
Diagnose and Clear Cloudy Swimming Pool Water Step 13

Step 8. Adjust the hardness of the water using a water softener

You can also use a thawing with softer water to soften the water. These substances clump together and work best in slightly alkaline water, and it can take several days for results to be tested. Local water source hardness varies widely, and professional pool cleaners can provide recommendations on the strength and fluidity levels of these products.

Diagnose and Clear Cloudy Swimming Pool Water Step 14
Diagnose and Clear Cloudy Swimming Pool Water Step 14

Step 9. Use a purifier on the pool water depending on the purpose, if all else fails

A clarifier is a coagulating solution that binds to colloids from water and carries it out of suspension, to be removed through a filter or vacuum. These chemicals are called flocculents, and the process is called flocculation. Continue filtering without obstruction until the water becomes clear.

Diagnose and Clear Cloudy Swimming Pool Water Step 15
Diagnose and Clear Cloudy Swimming Pool Water Step 15

Step 10. Use a second dose of the purifier, or a stronger purifier, and keep the filter system on if the pool is not clean

Keep in mind that too much clarifier actually hinders the purification process (particles will repel one another instead of attracting each other, and the concentration of the clarifier will increase). Follow the directions on the package label. Do not repeat more than two doses within a week.

Diagnose and Clear Cloudy Swimming Pool Water Step 16
Diagnose and Clear Cloudy Swimming Pool Water Step 16

Step 11. Suck and scrub the hard surface of the pond to remove all sediment deposits from the flocculation

Discoloration, deposition, or rust is the result of changes in water hardness or alkalinity rather than flocculents.

Diagnose and Clear Cloudy Swimming Pool Water Step 17
Diagnose and Clear Cloudy Swimming Pool Water Step 17

Step 12. Use a professional pool cleaner if the water is not clear

The failure of various treatment methods indicates the cause of cloudy water is something other and invisible, which can be detected and treated by a professional. Cleaning for several times can cause skin and mucous membrane irritation in swimmers. Make sure all cleaning tools are not damaged and are functioning properly.


  • Do not swim in the pool until the water has been tested and found to be safe against all of the cleaners or water treatment solutions manufacturer's instructions. This solution is concentrated and intended for use in thousands of gallons of water and can cause burns if not used properly.
  • Wear gloves and eye protection when using chemicals for pool treatments.
  • Make sure all pool users know that the pool is not allowed to be entered during the maintenance period.
