Parakeets make great pets and teaching them to talk is a great way to get to know them. A talking parakeet will repeat syllables, and in a rigid fashion repeat the words or sounds you say. The parakeet's speech may not be as clear as a parrot's speech or sound, but with effort, you can understand what it says. To get him to talk, you need to teach him to speak first and work together to strengthen and expand his vocabulary.
Method 1 of 2: Making the Parakeet Feel Comfortable

Step 1. Familiarize yourself with your pet bird first
Human interaction is key in teaching parakeets to talk. Some people believe that you can teach a bird to talk while taming it, but this is a wrong view. You need to familiarize yourself with the bird first and get him used to his home before starting to train him to talk.
If you need help taming a bird, your vet or pet store owner can help. You can also get help from a trained or experienced friend

Step 2. Make sure your pet bird is healthy
Also, make sure he gets enough food and water, as well as a large space in his cage. You can ensure that his body is in good condition by regularly checking it with the vet. If he's not feeling well, there's a good chance the bird won't talk to you.

Step 3. Make sure the bird is in a good mood
Give him lots of attention and mental stimulation. Teaching him to speak is part of paying attention. However, you also need to provide him with toys and offer him a variety of compliments and affection, whether he wants to talk or not. The parakeet needs to get stimulated for its brain to feel happy.
Also, make sure he lives in an environment he likes. In this way, the bird will feel more comfortable when learning different words
Method 2 of 2: Teaching a Parakeet to Repeat Words

Step 1. Train the bird in a quiet place
This way, he can focus on you and the words you say. If he's easily distracted, you could even try talking to him while his cage is closed. Thus, visual distractions can be reduced or eliminated.

Step 2. Teach one word at a time
Use easy, short words that you say often (eg bird names). If you want to teach a word other than the name, keep in mind that the phrase you are teaching should be simple, and contain one or two words with a relatively high pitch.
- Because parakeets have a high pitch of voice, you may not be able to teach the words you say in a low pitch.
- Teach the desired words at the right time. For example, don't teach the phrase "Good morning" at night when you are going to bed, and vice versa.

Step 3. Focus on the words birds “like”
Do the pupils dilate when you say certain words? Does he straighten his topknot to show joy or interest? If you don't see either, you may be saying or teaching a word he doesn't want to say.
Birds may not repeat phrases you teach for other reasons. For example, your bird may not be able to pronounce the word because of a physical disability

Step 4. Reinforce the behavior with positive reinforcement
Give him lots of treats and attention every time he manages to pronounce the word you taught correctly. In fact, there is no one "right" step to take, depending on the bird's preferences. Some birds prefer human food, while others prefer bird-only treats. Whatever you do, make sure it's positive.

Step 5. Repeat the taught phrase as often as possible and be patient
Regardless of how intelligent your pet bird is, it will never be as smart as Einstein. You have to be patient. Otherwise, the birds will be afraid of you and you will lose all the progress you have made. One movement of your hand can destroy all the effort expended. Therefore, be careful.

Step 6. Complex and multiply the phrase or word being taught
Once the bird has mastered a phrase or word, provide more phrases or words to learn. After all, you don't want to hear just one phrase from him all day long.
- Try to describe what you did for him. When you give him an apple, for example, you might say "Want an apple?" If you do this often enough and your bird enjoys chattering, he may start saying it when you bring him treats.
- Try whistling at him. If you repeat a string of musical notes, he may repeat it. However, be careful because if he already knows how to whistle, there's a good chance he will whistle more often than not. This is because whistling is considered easier for birds.
- If you want to adopt a parakeet and train it to talk, try adopting a male bird. Male parakeets tend to chatter more than females.
- Birds may start talking to get your attention and will stop when you come. He'll learn that once he says a word he doesn't want to say, you'll give him a lot of attention and love, so he'll eventually “use” the word to get what he wants.
- Get a recorded parakeet sound to play. These recordings contain repetitions of short words and sounds, and can be played even when you are not at home. You can also make your own recordings! Set up a tape recorder and record the words you want the bird to say for about six minutes. Insert 3-4 rest breaks, depending on the bird's attention span. Play the tape so the bird can learn when you're not actively training it.
- Training a parakeet can be tricky if the bird is too old. The best time to practice speaking is when he is 8-10 months old.
- Paired parakeets are usually reluctant to talk. This is because both of them prefer familiarizing themselves with each other rather than with humans.
- Parakeets are sociable and usually high-spirited animals. Therefore, you should be able to spend a lot of time with him. If not, try buying another parakeet as a friend. Keep in mind that its care and maintenance requires a lot of effort.
- Parakeets require a lot of attention and effort, as well as affection that is poured out for 1-2 hours every day. You can pet him, cuddle him, or feed him directly (using your hands) to familiarize yourself with him.
- If you want him to say something, try using gestures when he says the word/phrase you want (eg nodding his head). If it doesn't talk, the bird will probably make a move. Make sure your movements don't frighten him. Be patient with him. In the end, he will learn!