How to Get a Haircut Like Justin Bieber

How to Get a Haircut Like Justin Bieber
How to Get a Haircut Like Justin Bieber

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Justin Bieber is a celebrity with a very unique haircut. A lot of boys, even girls, want to look like him, either with his old-school look, or the spiked mohawk he wore in April 2013. If you want to look like Justin Bieber or think his hair can help you find someone like in the song " Somebody to Love," follow these steps.


Method 1 of 2: Get an Old Justin Bieber Haircut

Get the Justin Bieber Haircut Step 1
Get the Justin Bieber Haircut Step 1

Step 1. Shampoo

Before you cut your hair, you should wash your hair so it's clean and manageable, and ready to be changed. Your hair should also be long enough -- at least to cover your eyes, and, when loose, reach more than your lower ear.

Get the Justin Bieber Haircut Step 2
Get the Justin Bieber Haircut Step 2

Step 2. Comb the hair around the head

Hair should be as straight as possible. Use a comb to style the strands until there are no clumps of tangles remaining.

Get the Justin Bieber Haircut Step 3
Get the Justin Bieber Haircut Step 3

Step 3. Cut out the perimeter of the head

To do this, brush your hair to the right side of your head, leaving it about a few inches above your left ear. Then, trim your hair under the left part of your head to create curved lines that frame your face. After that, comb under the earlobe on the left side of your face, then comb the hair to the left. Do the same for the hair on the right side of the face. Don't worry about the hair in the middle of your head.

  • Start by cutting your hair in 1.25 cm long sections. You can snip with a hair clipper or razor to get texture.

    Get the Justin Bieber Haircut Step 3Bullet1
    Get the Justin Bieber Haircut Step 3Bullet1
  • It's better to enlist the help of an experienced barber, or at least a talented and trusted friend, instead of trying to cut your own hair.
Get the Justin Bieber Haircut Step 4
Get the Justin Bieber Haircut Step 4

Step 4. Cut the hair around the neck

Continue the cutting line in a smooth curve, to follow the outline of the hair and serve as the final guide for the interior layer. The hair should be long enough to fit around the neck. This ensures that you still have room to adjust the texture in the next section. Don't cut this hair yourself.

Lower your head to make it easier to cut around the neckline

Get the Justin Bieber Haircut Step 5
Get the Justin Bieber Haircut Step 5

Step 5. Comb your hair forward

Comb the middle section of hair forward to cover the eyes. This will help you cut it and add texture to the hair layer.

Get the Justin Bieber Haircut Step 6
Get the Justin Bieber Haircut Step 6

Step 6. Trim the bangs

Comb your hair forward above your forehead -- you'll make bangs out of this hair. Justin Bieber's bangs are overdone and take more time to make than regular bangs. Take the left section of hair -- so that it flows naturally between your index and middle fingers, and trim it to a length of about 1.25 cm with a razor. This will shorten the hair and create layers.

  • Pull the hair straight up and comb it up and down quickly. Then, take the middle, then the right, and repeat the steps below.
  • Depending on the length of your hair, you can stop when you have about 1 inch (2 cm) left, or repeat the process until you reach the length you want.
  • Remember to cut more than you want, as you will have to go back through each layer to create the texture. This will shorten your hair.
Get the Justin Bieber Haircut Step 7
Get the Justin Bieber Haircut Step 7

Step 7. Trim the side hair

Then, go back to the back. Lift it 1.2 cm long at a time, then cut to frame your entire face. Remember to leave the sections that you comb forward to make them longer, as the hair flowing past your forehead will be longer than the hair on the sides of your head, which frames your face. Go ahead and smooth out all the too long sections.

The hair above the forehead should be 1.2-2.5 cm longer than the hair on the sides of the head, depending on how dramatic you want Bieber to look

Get the Justin Bieber Haircut Step 8
Get the Justin Bieber Haircut Step 8

Step 8. Create the edges

This fringe will be formed over the bangs. To do this, brush the hair over the forehead again, and hold it in 1-inch-long sections, then trim with a razor so that it spreads over the frame of the hair on the side of the bangs. Don't pull the bangs too hard, or the result will be too short. When you're done, the edges of your hair will have layers.

Get the Justin Bieber Haircut Step 9
Get the Justin Bieber Haircut Step 9

Step 9. Create a feathered look

If you want to do this, use scissors to trim the ends of the layers of hair. To do this, hold a small section of hair between your fingers, and hold the scissors perpendicular to your finger and parallel to the hair. Then, open and close the scissors in small pieces over the hair -- you probably won't see any noticeable change.

Take thin vertical strips of hair and trim the ends of each layer. Make sure the ends are cut the same distance apart and have a smooth rather than rough texture

Get the Justin Bieber Haircut Step 10
Get the Justin Bieber Haircut Step 10

Step 10. Style your hair

Once you've cut and textured your hair, apply styling mousse evenly throughout your hair. Blow dry your hair with a medium-toothed circular brush, and use a hairdryer to create curled strands. Wrap a section of hair in the brush and direct it toward your face as you blow it with the hairdryer, so that the hair frames your face well.

  • Your hair will look soft, feather-like, and silky.
  • Use a small amount of pomade on your fingertips and work it all over your hair for a more defined layer.

Method 2 of 2: Get a New Justin Bieber Haircut

Get the Justin Bieber Haircut Step 11
Get the Justin Bieber Haircut Step 11

Step 1. Shampoo

Your hair needs to be wet and clean so you can cut it and copy Justin Bieber's new 2013 hairstyle.

Get the Justin Bieber Haircut Step 12
Get the Justin Bieber Haircut Step 12

Step 2. Shave the sides of your hair

For a new Justin Bieber look, shave the right, left, and back of the head. Leave thick hair in the middle of the head. Comb the hair forward and trim any hair on the sides of the head other than the back. Hair near the bottom of the head should only be about 1 cm, and should gradually reach a length of 2 cm as it gets closer to the top of the head.

Use a hair trimmer to cut hair. If you want really short hair, go for a buzzcut

Get the Justin Bieber Haircut Step 13
Get the Justin Bieber Haircut Step 13

Step 3. Trim your sideburns

Trim the sideburns around the ears to keep them neat and short. Leave only about 2.5 cm below the ear.

Get the Justin Bieber Haircut Step 14
Get the Justin Bieber Haircut Step 14

Step 4. Trim the bangs

Comb the remaining strands of hair above the forehead and trim them so that the strands fall over the eyes. Leave the longest strand in the middle. Take the left side of the hair -- leaving the hair to flow naturally between the index and middle fingers, and trim it 1 inch (25 cm) each time using a razor. The razor will shorten the hair while creating layers. Your bangs should be a maximum of 10 cm long, but this really depends on the size of your head.

  • Pull the hair up and run the comb up and down over it. Then, take the center of the hair, the right side, and repeat these steps.
  • Note that these bangs are similar to those in Justin Bieber's old hairstyle -- only, this time there's not much hair left on the fringe, so the bangs look more dramatic and mohawk.
Get the Justin Bieber Haircut Step 15
Get the Justin Bieber Haircut Step 15

Step 5. Dry your hair with a hairdryer upwards

Blow your hair from the bottom so that the bangs in the middle dry up. Use your hands to pull or hold your hair as you dry it. You can also use a round hairbrush to help with this, though it's not mandatory.

Get the Justin Bieber Haircut Step 16
Get the Justin Bieber Haircut Step 16

Step 6. Apply wax to hair

Put a small amount of wax on your hand and rub it on your palm. Then, run your hands and run them to the sides of your hair, so that your hands meet near the base of the bangs. Next, move your hands up to give the hair the volume and texture needed for further styling using wax.

Repeat this movement at least 5-6 times. Move your hands up through the top, middle, and back of the bangs, until they are all glued together

Get the Justin Bieber Haircut Step 17
Get the Justin Bieber Haircut Step 17

Step 7. Add texture to your bangs

Use the wax again on your fingers and grip your bangs in small pieces and pull them up.

Get the Justin Bieber Haircut Step 18
Get the Justin Bieber Haircut Step 18

Step 8. Shape the hair using a comb

Comb your hair up and curl it away from your forehead, so that the top of the bangs curls back. The hair behind the top of the head can be moved up and left flat on the scalp, or you can also move it up -- it depends on what Justin Bieber look you want.

Get the Justin Bieber Haircut Step 19
Get the Justin Bieber Haircut Step 19

Step 9. Spray your hair (optional)

If you really don't want your bangs to fall off, use hairspray to hold them in place.
