3 Ways to Catch Suicune in Pokemon Crystal

3 Ways to Catch Suicune in Pokemon Crystal
3 Ways to Catch Suicune in Pokemon Crystal

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Suicune is a legendary water Pokemon that is found in Pokemon Crystal and can only appear after you pass certain parts of the game. Suicune is hard to catch and sometimes you have to fight to the death. But with the right team composition, you can catch it easily. Read the guide below and you will catch a Suicune quickly and easily.


Method 1 of 3: Preparing and Spawning Suicune

Catch Suicune in Pokemon Crystal Step 1
Catch Suicune in Pokemon Crystal Step 1

Step 1. Bring out the Suicune in the wild

In order for Suicune to appear and then be captured, you must trigger several events in the game. After the event occurs, only then can you enter the Tin Tower and search for and then catch this legendary Pokemon.

  • Enter the Burnet Tower in Ecruteak City and talk to Eusine.
  • Drop into the pit after fighting Eusine.
  • Walk to the existing foothold to awaken the three legendary Pokemon.
  • Surf to Cianwood City and catch a glimpse of Suicune.
  • After defeating Pryce in Mahogany town, defeat Team Rocket at Johto Radio Tower.
  • Return to Ecruteak City and enter the Tin Tower. The guard there will let you through.
Catch Suicune in Pokemon Crystal Step 2
Catch Suicune in Pokemon Crystal Step 2

Step 2. Prepare important items

Before battling Suicune, you have to make sure that you have enough items in stock to survive a long battle. Buy as many Hyper Potions, and buy as many Ultra Balls as you can buy (you should have around 30 to 50 Ultra Balls).

Catch Suicune in Pokemon Crystal Step 3
Catch Suicune in Pokemon Crystal Step 3

Step 3. Set up your team

You can fight Suicune quickly if you have the right team composition. Since you don't want to knock Suicune out, but rather make her as weak as possible, one of the most important techniques any of your Pokemon should have is False Swipes. Use a high level Scyther or Scizor on your team for this role.

You also need a Pokemon that can put Suicune to sleep with a technique like Hypnosis. Gengar or Haunter could be good choices for this role

Catch Suicune in Pokemon Crystal Step 4
Catch Suicune in Pokemon Crystal Step 4

Step 4. Save your game

Save right before fighting Suicune so you can try again when you fail because you lose or accidentally KO Suicune.

Catch Suicune in Pokemon Crystal Step 5
Catch Suicune in Pokemon Crystal Step 5

Step 5. Start the fight with Suicune

Once the battle starts, use Hypnosis on Suicune with Haunter or Gengar. After he sleeps, take out Scyther or Scizor and start using False Swipes. False Swipes will only drop the opponent's Pokemon to a minimum of 1HP. So, keep using this technique until Suicune only has 1HP.

If in the middle of the fight Suicune wakes up again, take out the Haunter or Gengar again and use Hypnosis again

Catch Suicune in Pokemon Crystal Step 6
Catch Suicune in Pokemon Crystal Step 6

Step 6. Start throwing Poke Balls

If Suicune only has 1HP, it's time to start throwing Poke Balls. This can be very long, so you should be prepared to throw Poke Balls continuously. Make sure the Suicune is asleep when you throw it, as that will increase your chances of catching it.

Method 2 of 3: Hypnosis or Sleep Powder

Catch Suicune in Pokemon Crystal Step 7
Catch Suicune in Pokemon Crystal Step 7

Step 1. Drop Suicune's HP with a strong Pokemon

Use hypnosis or sleep powder.

Catch Suicune in Pokemon Crystal Step 8
Catch Suicune in Pokemon Crystal Step 8

Step 2. Swap for a weaker Pokemon

Make the Pokemon's HP fall as little as possible.

Catch Suicune in Pokemon Crystal Step 9
Catch Suicune in Pokemon Crystal Step 9

Step 3. Use any Poke Ball

Any Poke Ball can be used, which obviously you have a lot and persistent.

Method 3 of 3: Master Ball

Catch Suicune in Pokemon Crystal Step 10
Catch Suicune in Pokemon Crystal Step 10

Step 1. Get the Master Ball

You can get the Master Ball from Professor Elm. If you have a Master Ball, you can immediately catch it without doing anything.

Catch Suicune in Pokemon Crystal Step 11
Catch Suicune in Pokemon Crystal Step 11

Step 2. Use the Master Ball

Again, the Master Ball never fails, even if the Opponent Pokemon is still fit.
