If you've found the girl of your dreams, it's natural to worry about losing her. However, do not be afraid. With honesty and communication, you can keep him with you. The key is to make sure you make him feel special and spend lots of quality time with him, as well as give him enough space.

Step 1. Make him your number one priority
If you believe she's the right girl, then you should pay attention to her as much as you care about yourself. If she's the right girl, she'll do the same for you too.

Step 2. Be honest
Whatever happens, always try to be honest. And if you ever lie, admit it right away. If you really love someone, you can't hide lies. You'll feel very guilty, and when (not if) he finds out, everything you've ever said will be in doubt, even the words "I love you."

Step 3. Establish good communication
You should respect his thinking and always listen to what he has to say. Listen to him, women don't like it when men don't listen.

Step 4. Appreciate him for your willingness to listen and show that you care

Step 5. Solve the problem
In a good relationship, an apology is only the first step. Sorry won't solve the problem. You have to talk so the problem can be resolved, but an apology opens the door to communication.

Step 6. Show that you are hurt or angry if he does or says something inappropriate
He should respect and understand your emotions, not act irrationally.

Step 7. Always try to make him feel special
Women like to be treated special.

Step 8. Never, no matter what, create a Facebook status about another woman
Some women get jealous easily, and others may assume you're cheating on them.

Step 9. Have a life outside of him, otherwise you'll always want to be with him and that will only drive him away even if he's the right girl
However, never do whatever you like or whenever you want and forget that relationships have to be taken care of too.

Step 10. Ask if he doesn't mind if you want to watch a movie or a sports game with friends when you haven't made time for him
Lack of togetherness will make women feel unnoticed. After all, if you don't show that his opinion matters to you, that he matters, and that you want to spend time with him no matter what, how can you expect him to feel loved and appreciated? And if you haven't had time to be together yet, tell him how special he is, that you miss him, and try to make plans even though a week is gone. It will show your desire to be with him. On the other hand, if he makes plans when you can't, make sure he understands your reasons and realizes that even if he accepts, he will be sad and miss you. So, why not say that you feel the same way and love him very much?
- Mutual respect is very important in a relationship. Respect each other. Appreciate his family. Like it or not, he loves his family and doesn't want to feel like he has to separate his girlfriend and family. As bad as they were, it wasn't their fault. We can't choose family. Learn to like them, or pretend if you need to.
- If you're hanging out with your boyfriend and friends, and your friend asks, "You think [the other woman] is hot, don't you?", simply say, "I don't care if other women are attractive or not."
- Everyone needs space. Even if you go out and be with him every day, he may want some alone time with his friends.
- Understand that little things mean a lot. For women, the little things mean a lot. Never forget a simple fact. You can send love messages via cards and text messages, buy flowers for no particular reason, cook something, prepare bath water for him when he comes home from work, buy him the surprise hat he's been eyeing for the past week, rent out movies he's been wanting to see and buy ordered food. antar, spend the night with him and choose not to party, and so on. Sweet attention like this is very important, it not only fosters love, but also shows you care, and it is worth more than anything else.
- If he gets angry, apologize. If you don't know what you did wrong, talk about it. That's the best way to make up and solve the problem.
- Hug him and kiss his forehead, it will make him feel safe.
- Always say "I love you", but only when you are serious. There's nothing worse than saying love just to shut him up. If you love him, say so. Do not be shy.
- If there's a fight, settle it. Don't just say whatever needs to be said to keep him quiet. That will only create another fight. Don't be too demanding, but don't let him do anything that hurts you (financially, emotionally, physically, etc.).
- If he says he doesn't want a birthday present, he's lying. What he actually meant was "I want to be surprised. If you know me, you know what to give!"
- Like (or try to like) his friends. Respect his friends and treat them politely. You don't need to be close to them, just liking them is enough.
- Never do anything physically hurt. Fighting is fine, but only if he agrees. never ever hurt him in any way.
- Jokes containing "sexy girls" aren't funny at all. She is the most beautiful woman in the world, no one can match. Remember that.
- The worst attitude is anger uncontrollably, especially in front of him. Share your feelings, but try to make up afterward. That will be very helpful, more than you might think.
- Never flirt or anything that comes close to flirting with other women, especially her friends.