Have you ever been so impressed with the flexibility of a great ballet dancer or gymnast that you thought, "I can't do that?" Have you ever tried to do a casual split but ended up falling and spraining it? Don't worry – this extra flexing task can actually be done by almost anyone with patience. By following some careful stretching regimes, you'll eventually be able to do the splits.
Method 1 of 2: Split

Step 1. Wear flexible clothing
When doing your first splits, you may be focusing on the risk of injury or the imminent feeling of discomfort (this makes sense), so you forget that some types of clothing can tear due to the split position. Don't be ashamed! Wear loose or flexible clothing, for example:
- Athletic shorts, running pants, skirts, or sweatpants.
- A loose shirt or tank top.
- Tight elastic material – lycra or spandex leotard, dance wear, etc.
- Self-defense clothing – karate suit, etc.
- Socks or tights. You can also go barefoot.

Step 2. Warm up
As with all athletic activities, a warm-up helps you focus, reduces discomfort, and prevents injury. To do this, raise your heart rate, then do some light stretching. To get this heart rate up, do some light cardiovascular activity, such as jogging for 8-10 minutes, biking, or jumping rope – whatever it takes to raise your body temperature and heart rate.

Step 3. Stretch
After that, do some stretching. Try focusing on the muscle groups that are most important for the splits, such as the thigh muscles, hips, and – if you want to try side splits, groin. You don't need to stretch as thoroughly as if you were just about to do your first splits, as these stretches serve only as a warm-up. In fact, if you're used to doing them, splits can become part of your stretching routine.

Step 4. Get into position
After stretching and warming up, adjust your body position so you can split easily. This position will vary depending on whether you're trying to do a front or side split. See below to learn the difference:
- To do the front split, lower yourself into a kneeling position, straightening your back. Stretch the leg of your choice in front of the body. The front knee should be straight and the back knee bent so that the shins are resting on the floor. Make sure your back knee and foot are facing the floor, not your side. This is a common mistake and can result in serious injury.
- To do the side split, stand straight, then spread your legs straight out a wide distance. Extend so that it is slightly more than shoulder-width apart.
- Relax. Take a deep breath. Think of calming and peaceful things. Do not strain any body muscles. Believe it or not, relaxation techniques have been shown to make a real difference in a person's level of flexibility, especially when these techniques are made a habit in a stretching routine. Inhale deeply and exhale thoroughly.

Step 5. Start lowering the body
When your muscles are warm and relaxed and ready, lower yourself slowly and gently, until you do a front or side split. Lower it as low as you can for as long as you can tolerate it – if you feel so uncomfortable that it hurts, stop. Get your hands ready to support your body as you approach the floor – using only your feet while keeping them relaxed is difficult at this point.
- If you're trying the front split, place your hands on the floor and slide your front leg forward until they touch the floor. Point your back toes and keep them bent so you can lower your body properly. Don't twist your lower back too much.
- If you're trying the side split, let your legs spread out to your sides. You may have to bend forward and support your weight with your hands at some point.
- Do not exaggerate. Forcing yourself to do the splits can cause serious injuries that will reduce flexibility. This means, if you can only lower one leg to the floor while it hurts from the stretch, don't continue with the splits.

Step 6. Continue to approach the floor carefully
Doing splits on the mat can help, as well as getting you used to the movement. When your feet have reached a 180-degree angle and your pelvis is touching the floor, congratulations – that means you can do it! In early trials, you may not make it this far – this is normal. Don't try to push yourself past your point of maximum flexibility or "bounce" your body for better results. Instead of doing it, take the opportunity to stretch your muscles and try again at a later date.

Step 7. Maintain position
When you do the splits or reach your limit of flexibility, try to hold this position for about 30 seconds. Then, get up, stretch, and repeat as often as you want (by changing the position of the legs when you do the front split). Do the splits within the limits of your body's tolerance, never force yourself to fight the pain just for "one more time". Or, try doing other moves that involve splits.

Step 8. Be patient. never ever trying to cross the limits of flexibility of the body. Splits take a lot of time and patient practice. Improving flexibility can take months. Because this process happens in stages, you probably won't see any improvement every time you try split. Just keep on trying! In the end, you will become more and more reliable by practicing every day. Be aware that the split is not even a comfortable position for those who can already do it.

Step 9. After mastering the splits, try over splits
Believe it or not, a 180 degree leg position is not the maximum you can do with a split. By continuing to stretch, you can increase the flexibility until you are able to bend your leg at an angle greater than 180 degrees. However, because the task of this flexibility is quite extreme, you must take care to prevent injury. To develop your ability to do over splits, start with regular splits. Prepare a pillow on the floor. Get into a split position and place your heels on this pillow. You'll stretch a little further than a regular split. Maintain this position as much as you can.
As your flexibility increases, you can gradually add pillows to increase the angle of your leg. Be conservative – never add pillows until you are fully used to your current level of flexibility
Method 2 of 2: Developing Flexibility

Step 1. Identify the muscles you need to stretch
Splits can be deceiving because they seem simple. In fact, this movement requires a high degree of flexibility in several muscle groups. The most important group is the muscles hamstrings/thigh and dorsal hip/dorsal hip (also known as the iliopsoas). However, stretching other lower body muscles will ensure greater overall flexibility, reducing the risk of discomfort, pain, or injury. Plus, this comprehensive stretching regime prepares you to perform both basic types of splits - side and front splits. In addition to the thigh and hip muscles, try to stretch the following muscles as often as possible during your fitness routine:
- Lower back (lumbar area)
- Buttocks (gluteus)
- Crotch (especially useful for side splits)
- Calf
- Quadriceps muscles
- The stretching recommendations in the following steps will focus on many of these secondary muscles. However, you can replace it with stretching activities yourself if you want.

Step 2. Stretch your thigh muscles by leaning against a wall
This stretch will help your thigh and lower back muscles. Lie on the floor, next to a straight wall. Position your body so that it is perpendicular to the wall. Raise your legs and place them as high as you can without lifting your lower back off the floor. Reach for your toes with your hands – try to get as far as possible without causing too much pain or tension. Hold for 30 seconds. Repeat 2-3 times.

Step 3. Do the lunge stretch
This stretch targets the hip muscles. Start as if you were going to do a regular lunge – put one leg forward and lower yourself to the floor by bending it and pushing your back leg until your chin touches the floor. After that, place your hands on your hips and move your fulcrum forward. Keep your back straight. Continue until you start to feel a stretch at the top of your thigh, where it meets your hips. Hold for 20-30 seconds, then return to the starting position and switch to the other leg. Repeat several times.

Step 4. Perform the V stretch while sitting
This stretch works the muscles of your thighs, lower back, and, if you can reach your toes, your calf muscles. Sit on the floor and spread your legs apart in a wide "V". Raise your hands above your head. Bend your upper body gradually and slowly as you reach for one leg. Stop when pain or discomfort occurs, or you begin to have trouble stretching. Hold this position for 20-30 seconds, then return to the starting pose and stretch the other leg.
You may not be able to reach your toes at first. This is a normal thing. However, once you can do this, grab your feet and gently pull them closer to your body to stretch your calf muscles

Step 5. Do the butterfly stretch
This stretch primarily works the inner thighs and groin. Sit up straight on the floor with your back straight. Don't slouch – if needed, you can lean against the wall. Bring your feet close to your body and bring your feet together so that your feet form a diamond. Move the heel as close to the groin as possible as long as it doesn't hurt. You can also push your knees toward the floor with your hands to stretch them even more, but be careful, as this can put pressure on your knees. Hold this position for about 20 seconds, then rest and repeat.

Step 6. Stretch the quadriceps muscles
This stretch stretches the quadriceps – the large muscle group in the front of the thigh. You will need a pillow or two. Start in a kneeling position with the back of the skull resting on a pillow. Raise your back leg and keep your back straight. Reach back and hold this leg with the opposite hand. Pull the leg toward the buttocks. You will feel a stretch in the front of your thigh. Hold for about 20 seconds, then switch legs.
Alternatively, if you're worried about putting too much stress on your knees, do the standing quadriceps stretch. Start by standing straight and lift one leg toward your buttocks, then reach back and pull with your arm on the same side. You may want to lean against a wall with your other hand to maintain balance

Step 7. Perform calf stretches
Lie on your stomach. Raise your body into a plank position – keeping your back and legs straight and supporting your upper body on your elbows, and lower body on your toes. Stack the legs so that you keep your body balanced on only one of them. Push slowly with your body weight until your legs and calves are pulled. Hold the position for 20 seconds, then switch to the other leg and repeat.
In addition to stretching the calf muscles, you can also train your abdominal muscles lightly with this plank pose
- At first, you will be in pain because you are not used to it. However, if you continue to stretch, this pain will soon go away and the body will adjust. Try increasing the difficulty each time. Also make sure you keep stretching to maintain flexibility – do it every day to feel easier.
- Always stretch your calves before doing the splits and keep your chest straight.
- As you try to lower your body, take a deep breath, then exhale and relax. The body will slowly descend. Repeat several times. Maybe you're struggling just because you're tense!
- After stretching and doing the splits, use a foam roller to reduce muscle soreness the next day.
- Never ask someone to push your body while doing the splits, as this can injure your muscles.
- Try leaning forward and staring at your knees. This will help you produce a straight split.
- Be patient. Don't rush and make time to practice every day. In the end, even if it takes a long time, you'll be able to do splits.
- Try asking someone to help you measure your distance from the floor so you can keep track of your progress.
- Take a shower before doing the splits to warm up your muscles and make stretching easier.
- Once you're able to do full splits, for extra exercise, try using ankle weights (about 4.5 kg) and holding the position for 20-30 seconds each day.
- If you keep pushing yourself to the point of pain, your muscles or tendons may tear. In addition, the cartilage in the joints may also be permanently damaged.
- If you are injured, seek help immediately.
- Stretch consistently, but don't overdo it. If the muscles are not stretched with regular and regular exercise, the muscles will become stiff again. Don't push yourself if you haven't exercised in a long time or you might sprain your muscles.
Related wikiHow Articles
- Quick Ways to Split
- How to Practice to Do Splits in One Day