As we know, time cannot be slowed down. However, you can make time feel slower by changing your perception of time and being more appreciative of the time you have. To make time feel slower, start by giving yourself time, focusing your attention, and breaking free from your daily routine.
Method 1 of 2: Focusing Attention

Step 1. Focus on the small details
Many theories explain why time seems to speed up with age, either subjectively or scientifically. In childhood, each new experience will renew the neural network because all the little things are considered very important. However, the little things are not as important as they used to be as we get older and get used to everyday life.
- To experience the joys of adolescence again, practice focusing on the little things as often as possible. For example: set aside a little time each day just to admire the beauty of the flowers, enjoy the sunset, or relax, for example by listening to soft music or taking a leisurely walk.
- Use all your senses to be aware of the present, even if it's just by paying attention to the little things. The smaller, the better. When you're stuck in a traffic jam, focus on feeling the temperature in the car, paying attention to the sensations in the body where the seat is in contact, smelling the air in the car and outside. You will experience a different sensation like you are not driving a vehicle!

Step 2. Focus on the breath
Meditation while focusing on the breath is one of the easiest and most popular ways to meditate to calm yourself and increase your awareness. Learn the basic techniques of meditation focused on the breath according to these instructions so that you are more aware of the present and can slow down time.
- Sit in a comfortable chair with an upright posture while breathing deeply. Take a deep breath, hold your breath for a moment, then exhale slowly. Breathe for at least 10 rounds while closing your eyes. As you inhale, feel the oxygen flowing into your body, making you feel fresher, and feel the air flowing out when you exhale.
- During meditation, imagine that you are blowing air into every part of your body and feeling healthier.
- After 10 rounds of breathing, open your eyes and pay close attention to the conditions around you to come back to being aware of the present. If you're meditating outdoors, look up at the sky, the trees, and listen to the sounds around you. If you meditate indoors, look at the ceiling, walls, and furniture.
- You can do the technique as a regular breathing exercise, instead of meditating. This practice is equally beneficial, even if it is done without any spiritual jargon.

Step 3. Perform progressive muscle relaxation (PMR)
PMR is a basic relaxation technique that is performed while lying down and does nothing but focus the mind and direct attention to a specific part of the body. This technique is a conscious relaxation technique that helps you focus through small activities to slow down time.
- Before doing PMR, prepare yourself by sitting up straight in a comfortable chair while focusing on your breath. After that, start to tighten muscle groups in certain body parts. You can start this exercise from your feet or head. Tighten your facial muscles as if you were tasting sour food, hold for 10-15 seconds, then relax again as you feel the tension release from your facial muscles.
- Do the same way to relax other muscles throughout your body, by tightening a group of muscles, holding them, then releasing the tension slowly. This is an excellent way to focus your mind, be aware of the present, and relax.

Step 4. Use another method
To make time feel slower, another method that is often used is to say a certain word over and over again as a mantra to focus your mind and enter a trance state, for example by singing, chanting, or playing music. These methods are common in various traditions ranging from Christianity to Hare Krishna meditation.
- A spell can take the form of a single word, a phrase, or a series of sentences. You can chant Hare Krishna mantra or say phrases according to religious beliefs as one of the very powerful mantras.
- If you enjoy playing music, you've probably experienced how time passes quickly when you're learning to play a song or a few chords. To slow down time, play 3 notes over and over again by pressing the piano keys one at a time. Inhale each twang of note until the sound disappears while focusing on the breath.
- If you don't like playing music, chanting, or singing, listen to white noise or instrumental music, such as playing classical songs.

Step 5. Do the “sitting” exercise
If you ask a Zen priest what meditation means, they usually say "sit down". If you're asking what Zen means, the answer is probably "sit down". The big secret behind meditation and slowing down time is that there is no secret to attaining awareness. If you feel restless and want to slow down time, sit down and do nothing. Sit quietly and feel calm.
Don't do several things at the same time. When you're sitting, just sit. When reading, just read. Don't read books while chewing apples, texting, and thinking about weekend events
Method 2 of 2: Changing Routines

Step 1. Change the route to a specific location
Have you ever driven to work when you really wanted to go to the supermarket? Repeated actions will form patterns in the brain that work automatically so that you do routine tasks unconsciously. This habit makes time seem to pass faster. Therefore, learn how to change your routine so that your brain experiences new things as often as possible.
Take a different route or use another way to reach your destination. If you usually take your personal vehicle to work, take the bus or bike once in a while. Choose the easiest and most difficult route for each of these ways

Step 2. Perform the same activity in a different location
Many people are used to working at the same desk, in the same time frame, and doing the same activities every day. Consistency makes time seem to go by quickly. Therefore, find another place to do your routine tasks so you can slow down time.
- Don't study at the desk in the bedroom every night. Study elsewhere, such as in another room in the house, in the library, or on the porch.
- If you enjoy running, don't train in the same place. Look for a new path, for example in another housing estate, another park, or another stadium. Do not perform routine activities in the same way.

Step 3. Do scary things
In a recent study, researchers asked participants to say how long it took them to jump from a height of several tens of meters in a matter of seconds. Everyone gave a rough estimate of 30% longer than the actual timeframe. When experiencing events that make us anxious or afraid, time really seems to slow down, when in fact it is the same.
- You can challenge yourself by playing on rides that make you jump from a certain height or watching horror movies without doing any dangerous or scary activities. Make you feel afraid of comfort while in the bedroom.
- Don't do dangerous activities, but take a measured risk and do it. If you've never sung in front of a crowd out of fear, grab a guitar and stand in front of the microphone singing. You will experience the longest 15 minutes of a lifetime.

Step 4. Do exploration
The world is full of wonders and beauties that are often limited by the mind. Routines at home, studying or working, going home, and watching TV make time seem to pass quickly. Instead, start exploring, for example by getting to know your neighborhood, your everyday life, and your thoughts.
- Find out where you can buy toothbrushes, snacks or shoes at the nearest store? Compare prices and quality of goods sold.
- Get to know your abilities and the situation around you. If you've never written an article, start writing. If you want to play guitar, start practicing. Learning new things makes us able to think like beginners who process slower. This is the fun thing because doing exploration.

Step 5. Limit daily activities
If you want to slow down time, make a plan to limit your daily activities so that you can do each activity mindfully. To make time go slower, try to reduce your activities so that you don't spend too much time.
- Many people store hundreds of songs on computers and cell phones, while impulsive access makes them uneasy and has difficulty enjoying them. If you don't like the song that appears, just skip it. Choose a song that you like the most and listen to it over and over, instead of listening to boring songs.
- Even if you're only doing small things, like reading a book or magazine, don't push yourself to finish reading. Don't stack books by the bed. Read a book to the end, maybe in a month or a year. Try to be fully aware of what you are reading.

Step 6. Don't do multiple tasks at the same time
The more tasks you do at the same time, the harder it will be to focus, the more restless you will feel, and the more time flies. When performing a particular task, focus on what you did and did well.
- Many people do several tasks at once because they want to save time by thinking, "I can still do other things if I cook dinner while watching TV and calling brother", but eventually, you forget what you just watched, dinner is delayed, and your sister hasn't had time to talk about her children.
- Instead, try to complete the task properly and correctly, even if it takes longer. Work quietly. If you're cooking, pay close attention to each ingredient you chop and work it the right way.

Step 7. Get in the habit of remembering your daily life
Practice each night by trying to remember one event that you experienced today and describe it in as much detail as possible, for example: seeing your friend's face when he or she listens to a joke you tell, seeing a beautiful flower in the yard next door, seeing a unique cloud shape. Recall your experience specifically and in detail.
When you have finished remembering today's experience, remember yesterday's experience in the same way. Is there anything different from what you remembered yesterday? After that, remember the experience of a week ago, a month ago, ten years ago, your childhood. Try to bring back memories that you have experienced at a certain time in detail
- The instructions in this article may sound like a relaxation guide, but an easy way to slow down time is to find a sense of relaxation or do something really boring. On the other hand, if you are doing fun activities, time will pass very quickly as the saying goes: “Time flies when you are having fun”.
- Get in the habit of slow, deep breaths so you feel more relaxed and calm.