4 Ways to Catch a Liar

4 Ways to Catch a Liar
4 Ways to Catch a Liar

Table of contents:


People usually feel uncomfortable when they lie. They will show signs that something is being made up, whether they realize it or not. If you want to know how to catch a thief, pay attention to the physical, vocal, and emotional signs when he is talking.


Method 1 of 4: Monitor Your Emotions

Catch a Liar Step 1
Catch a Liar Step 1

Step 1. Notice if you feel uncomfortable

If you're talking to someone and feel something isn't right, they may be lying.

Catch a Liar Step 2
Catch a Liar Step 2

Step 2. Learn the difference between a lie and the hard truth

If someone tells you bad or unpleasant news, they may appear to be lying, but are actually just nervous and uncomfortable saying it.

Catch a Liar Step 3
Catch a Liar Step 3

Step 3. Recognize natural tendencies

According to research conducted by the University of Massachusetts in 2002, women tend to lie to make people feel better, while men lie to make themselves feel better.

But remember that this is just a trend. Not that all women and men have this tendency. However, if a friend of yours seems to be lying when he makes comments about your new handbag, he or she may be doing it on purpose to make you feel good

Method 2 of 4: Listen Carefully

Catch a Liar Step 4
Catch a Liar Step 4

Step 1. Observe if he uses words like “you”, “we”, “us”, and “they” even though he could use “I” or other first person pronouns

A person who lies subconsciously tries to distance himself from his own words.

Catch a Liar Step 5
Catch a Liar Step 5

Step 2. Notice if he uses the phrase “to be honest” or something like that

Unless it's a phrase he uses often, it could be a sign that he's actually lying.

Catch a Liar Step 6
Catch a Liar Step 6

Step 3. Notice if there are any inconsistencies and contradictions in the story or the words

Determine if the story or words he is telling are natural and make sense. If he's telling stories in an unusual way, it could be a sign that he's lying.

Catch a Liar Step 7
Catch a Liar Step 7

Step 4. Notice if any of the details are redundant

Step 1. Watch the expression on his face when he says something that appears to be a lie

When he says "yes", he may shake his head, or vice versa. This involuntary movement can give a sign or indication of lying.

Catch a Liar Step 9
Catch a Liar Step 9

Step 2. Watch for fake smiles

Genuine and fake smiles look different from each other. Most people smile with their eyes, cheeks, and entire face. If someone is smiling a fake smile, he may be hiding something.

Catch a Liar Step 10
Catch a Liar Step 10

Step 3. Notice if he avoids eye contact with you frequently

Eye contact is difficult for a liar to maintain. A liar will react to this uncomfortable feeling by always looking you in the eye or always avoiding eye contact with you.

Method 4 of 4: Advanced Tips for Catching Liars

Catch a Liar Step 11
Catch a Liar Step 11

Step 1. Ask unexpected questions

Instead of following the liar's train of thought, think of a question he or she may not be prepared to answer.

For example, if someone says he lost your handbag but you think he's lying, try asking him to name the last few people who saw the bag (rather than asking where he saw it last). That could lead him to have to adjust his lie or confess

Catch a Liar Step 12
Catch a Liar Step 12

Step 2. Ask him to answer your question if he answers it by asking something else

Break the pattern he's trying to maintain and make him feel threatened to get caught to make him nervous.

Catch a Liar Step 13
Catch a Liar Step 13

Step 3. Pay attention to the tools he uses to lie

Someone is more likely to use a cellphone or email to lie. Meet him in person and reconfirm his story. Maybe he finally confessed or is still trying to make excuses.
