Let's face it - there's no surefire way to make every guy crazy about you. But many men need that when looking for the right woman, so there are tons of tricks to win over almost every man. Are you looking for some obvious steps to get a lot of guys to turn their backs on you, or are you just looking to win the heart of a guy you've had a crush on for a long time? Either way, these tips can really help you achieve that goal. Please read further!
Method 1 of 4: Be Your Best Self

Step 1. Before you attract any guy, you need to have confidence
If you are not happy with yourself, then it will become very obvious. Men are most attracted to women who seem to be enjoying life, not those who are desperately looking for someone to fill the void in their lives. Here are some tips to boost your self-confidence:
- Tell yourself how awesome you are! Remind yourself of your best body parts and abilities, and be proud of what makes you unique. Make a note in which you write down some of your strengths as a person, so that you feel worthy of a man's attention.
- Remember that you are beautiful inside - and outside. Even though we're all far from perfect, before you head out for the night, look in the mirror and remember your best body parts, whether it's your smile, your perfect teeth, or your slender legs. If you focus on the positive aspects of your appearance, then men will see it too.
- Be confident when meeting new people. Interacting with new people can be scary, but if you're alert, ready for anything, and don't judge right away, people will want to get to know you better. Most men will generally be more attracted to a woman who is surrounded by many friends, than someone who seems sad and lonely. He wants to be part of your positive energy. Read more about how to feel good about yourself here.
- Keep improving yourself. Being confident is one thing and being overly self-absorbed or blind to one's flaws is another. They are two different things, so don't confuse or confuse them. Therefore, while you focus on your good qualities, improve what needs to be improved. Consider all constructive criticism before dismissing it outright.

Step 2. Develop your own identity and value standard
A man is attracted to a woman who is comfortable with her past, present, and future. Men want a woman who is comfortable with her wants, limitations, and dreams.
- Developing your identity before meeting a guy will ensure that you don't completely change who you are just for him, or follow his lead too often.
- Knowing who you are before you meet a guy will also make it ten times easier for you to talk to him and get his attention. Men want women who look fine even without them (men).
- Don't compare yourself! Many people fall into the cycle of comparing themselves to those around them instead of their own standards. If you like your clothes when you leave the house, you should still feel that way when you come home. Don't let other people or your perception of others influence how you feel about yourself.

Step 3. Maintain meaningful and loving personal relationships
The key to feeling good about yourself is having the space to be yourself and to be loved for it (for being who you are). Interaction with friends, family, and other personal interactions is important to you, so that you feel loved and worthy of love.
- Make sure your personal relationship benefits your emotional state. Toxic and harmful relationships, past and present, can affect the way you feel about yourself and the way you carry yourself. Find friends who focus on your positive side, who offer helpful advice, and are honest about who you are and what you can become.
- Have a warm relationship with your family members. Taking the time to talk to the people who have known you the longest can remind you of your personal bottom line, and how far you have come.
Method 2 of 4: Be Your Best Self--Physically

Step 1. Pay attention to your appearance
Now that you feel beautiful on the inside, it's time to show off your look through the right clothes and makeup. You don't have to buy a lot of new things, but you do have to find a look that will help you get a guy interested in you.
- Find clothes that highlight your best body parts. If you have toned arms, opt for a sleeveless top, or if you want to show off your long legs, find the perfect dress and high heels for your body.
- Dress appropriately for an event. If you're hoping to attract a man at a wedding, for example, look classy – don't be cheap. You don't want a guy to think that your body is the best thing you have - it's just one of the things that makes you unique. But if you're out at the club, avoid casual or work attire, which will make you stand out but in an inappropriate way.
- Wear the right hairstyle and makeup. Hair treatments and light makeup will go a long way in bringing out your best body parts. Most men prefer a natural look, so avoid trying too hard by wearing too many layers of makeup or hairspray.

Step 2. Get used to maintaining personal hygiene
That new outfit or your newfound confidence won't have much effect on the man of your dreams if you haven't showered in a week. Therefore, it is very important to keep it clean and smell good.
- Take a shower at least every day, and every special occasion. It's important for your body to smell fresh
- Wash your hair as often as you need to. Some women wash their hair every day, while others wash their hair less often. Find whatever works for you and prevent your hair from looking greasy.
- Keep your mouth clean. Remember to brush your teeth and use gum or gum to keep your breath fresh when you need to. You can even test the smell of your breath by blowing your breath into your hand. Nothing makes a man lose interest faster than a beautiful woman with dragon breath!

Step 3. Take good care of your body
Even though a real man will love you for who you are, being health conscious and exercising will help you maintain your slim figure thereby boosting your confidence. If you feel proud of your body, everyone you meet will feel the same way.
Exercise at least three times a week for at least thirty minutes or more. A regular exercise routine is important to being and staying healthy. Don't let this routine be the same - keep challenging yourself to do more as you start getting fitter and fitter.
- If you don't have much time to devote to exercise, consider some ways in which you can add more walking to your daily routine.
- If you're not motivated to exercise for health reasons, find external motivation - for example, take a kickboxing or boxing class because you want to be able to defend yourself, or take a yoga class because you want to make some new friends.
Eat healthy. Moderation is the key in life. So take the time to shop for your favorite ice cream or pizza, while you get in the habit of eating lots of fruits, vegetables, and nutrient-rich foods. Avoid processed or oily foods as much as you can. That way, your body will feel better and your skin will look better too.
Method 3 of 4: Focus on Your Body Language
Attract Any Man Step 7 Step 1. Make a good first impression
Now that you're feeling great both physically and emotionally, it's time to attract that special someone.
Remember that you only have 1 chance to make a first impression so have a positive attitude before you meet the guy in question
Attract Any Man Step 8 Step 2. Make eye contact
The first thing you can do is make eye contact to show a guy that you're interested.
- Hold the gaze for a few moments. You don't have to stare into her eyes for hours, but seeing her for just a few seconds from across the room will show that you're interested.
- Be shy but approachable. When you see the guy, try not to look too excited, but make it clear that you'd be happy if he started a conversation with you.
- Let your facial expressions do the talking. Once a guy approaches you, don't forget to smile, smile, smile! Nothing says that you are friendly and attractive other than a nice smile
- Smile - but don't think too much about it. Make a smile your way of dealing with the world. Not only will this make your smile more natural and frequent, but it will also make you feel happier in general. Try smiling when you're not happy - you'll feel some of the joy that comes with smiling. You don't have to look too excited when you smile - just be natural.
Attract Any Man Step 9 Step 3. Demonstrate positive body language at all times
Now that your man has seen the look in your eyes and your white teeth (smile), it's time to use your body to show him that you're attracted to him too.
- Carry yourself with confidence. Don't slouch, look at your legs, or cross your arms over your chest. Avoid nervous or nervous movements, such as playing with your hair or biting your nails. Instead, look at the guy and keep your arm moving through the motion as you speak. This will make you seem like an open and dynamic person.
- Show him that you are interested. If you feel love from the guy, there's nothing wrong with getting closer to hear him talk, especially if you're in a noisy or crowded place. A light touch on the arm or knee can also show him that you like him without being overly aggressive.
- Get his attention physically. Make sure to maintain eye contact and avoid looking around - or even worse, checking your phone every five minutes - when he's talking to you. He wants to feel like he's the only person in your world, and nothing makes a guy lose interest or disinterest more quickly than someone who checks his email every two minutes and doesn't pay attention until the conversation is over.
Method 4 of 4: Talk Something
Attract Any Man Step 10 Step 1. Just say "yes"
This doesn't mean you have to agree with any weird ideas your dream guy might have, but it does mean you have to have a positive attitude and be interested in what he has to say.
- If he asks if you've been to a particular restaurant, don't interrupt the conversation by saying no; instead, say that you've heard good things about the place and ask questions about the experience. This may be his way of asking you out on a date.
- If he flirts with you, respond. Enjoy his fun personality. If you say "no" to any of his slightly unconventional ideas, you'll come across as overly polite, and not like the type of woman he wants to date.
- Don't immediately point out that you don't agree - even if you don't. If you find that your favorite sports team and he or she are opponents or rivals, or you have opposing political views, don't start an argument or fight about it. Not taking these differences too seriously is a good thing; On the other hand, defending your opinion or point of view as if you are the most right will make you look stubborn and selfish
Attract Any Man Step 11 Step 2. Don't be afraid to be funny
Men like women who have a sense of humor and who are confident enough to show it.
- While this may not be the time for "knock-knock" or "knock-knock" jokes anymore, don't be afraid to make one or two when the time is right.
- Show that you can laugh at yourself. No man wants a woman who takes herself too seriously - showing that you can laugh at your own weaknesses will not only show that you have self-confidence, but also that you are aware of your flaws. Men don't want a woman who is "too perfect" so they can feel more secure and confident about themselves.
Attract Any Man Step 12 Step 3. Show off your sharp mind
Don't be afraid to show off your smarts for fear of competing with them. If he's the right guy, he'll be intrigued by how smart you are, and will want to spend more time hearing your knowledge
- Show him your knowledge of current events, historical figures, or even your smart analysis of pop culture. If you know what you're talking about, he'll love to hear you chatter about any topic.
- There is a difference between sounding smart and showing off. Avoid bragging about where you went to college, your national exam scores ten years ago, or any other information that could make you sound like you're praising yourself.
Attract Any Man Step 13 Step 4. Show what makes you unique
There are many confident, funny, and smart women out there, but there is only one you. Don't be afraid to open up to show what made you who you are today
- If appropriate, tell a funny or interesting story in your past that will give him an idea of what kind of person you are and what experiences have shaped your life.
- Don't be afraid to share your interests. If you are learning French or learning to ride a one-wheeled bicycle, tell him about it. He will be impressed by what you are doing that you are following your own whims and doing what makes you happy, and impressed by your enthusiasm for new things.
- Share something about friends or family. Even if you don't want to tell him that you can't wait to introduce him to your parents once you've changed names, you can tell him a few things about your family and friends to show who has supported you to be the best you can be.
Attract Any Man Step 14 Step 5. If the conversation goes well, make plans to meet again
Part of attracting a guy is keeping him interested in you. If the fire of love is already glowing, you should add wood to the fireplace!
While you can still act coy, be sure to exchange contacts before you leave if the attraction between you and him is mutual. You should avoid appearing too pushy, but express an interest that makes men see that you want to spend more time with them. You'd be surprised by how shy a lot of men are, and how happy they are when women step up first and take the initiative
Attract Any Man Step 15 Step 6. If your plan fails, don't despair
Unfortunately, certain people may not be attracted to you, no matter how hard you try. But don't worry - there are plenty of guys out there, and you're already making yourself better off just by following these tips! If the guy you're looking for doesn't see your new confidence, looks or speaking skills, then someone else, who will never want to leave your side, will come along.
- While you may be trying to attract a guy with all your might, his heart may already be taking. Even if he's not in a serious relationship, he may just have a new heartbreak or he's craving someone else, so there's nothing you can do to change that.
- If you are rejected, don't take it to heart. There's no need to cry or send angry texts if your crush doesn't reciprocate your feelings. Wait patiently and the right person will come!