We've all encountered annoying friends in class, friends who like to annoy us and make us angry. While you don't have the authority to control their behavior, you do have the power to regulate their physical and verbal responses to their actions. Instead of giving them the satisfaction of having managed to irritate you, it's best to just ignore them. In the end, you won't regret choosing silence, calm, and control.
Method 1 of 3: Managing Emotions and Reactions

Step 1. Calm and focus
Annoying people tend to bring out the worst in us. If you're frustrated and can't take it anymore, try to calm yourself down.
- Inhale long and deep, then exhale slowly. Continue to breathe deeply like this until you can control your words and actions.
- While breathing, you may be able to repeat a simple mantra over and over, such as "calm," "tolerance," or "love." Focus on the one-word mantra, not the annoying friend.

Step 2. Decide to keep quiet
When your friend intentionally or unintentionally annoys, annoys, or provokes you, the only thing you can control is your own response. Don't ignite their behavior with an unkind reaction. Choose to be silent. Silence is not the same as being weak or afraid. Silence is an attribute of strong individuals who have control over their emotions.
While some situations would be better left unaddressed, there are some that require attention. If he bullies you or another friend, stand up for what is right

Step 3. Pay attention to nonverbal responses
In addition to expressing annoyance with intelligent responses and displeased comments, our bodies also convey feelings of irritation by rolling our eyes, muttering, and frowning faces. If you really want to ignore him, limit or minimize your physical responses. Don't moan, sigh, or roll your eyes when he does or says something that irritates you.

Step 4. Try looking at the incident from another perspective
When irritated, your attention may be fixated on the behavior of the annoying person. His attitude can control your mind and make you incredibly irritated. So that you don't overreact, ask yourself, "Would his attitude have a bad impact on my life if this moment passed?" Usually, the answer is “no”.
Method 2 of 3: Ignoring Class Clowns, Competitors, and the Fuss

Step 1. Don't pay attention to the class clown
The class clown, or joker, devotes his time and energy to making jokes. When you're interested in his antiquity, his jokes are funny. However, when you're not interested, the humor just drives you crazy. Since the class clown gets the "audience" cheers, it's best not to respond to his jokes either physically or verbally.
- Class clowns want to please people and are very sensitive to criticism. If you can't keep quiet, try making certain comments to end the comedy for a while.
- If you get into trouble because of the clown, don't overreact. Take it easy and ask the teacher for some time to talk after the lesson is over. Explain the story from your side and apologize for the inconvenience you caused. Make a plan with the teacher to avoid repeating the same situation.

Step 2. Limit interactions with competitive students
An overly competitive student prides himself on being better than other students. His determination to prove himself as a superior student can make other students feel unintelligent and belittled. If your competitive friend asks if you can do a good job, he's just looking for an opportunity to brag about his grades. When this happens, just leave. If he's still annoying, say that you'd rather not tell him your grades.
For example, say "Sorry, I'd rather not tell you how much I scored" or "Your grades are good. Thank you for letting me know, but for me the value is personal” or “Don't ask again, please. I don't feel comfortable telling you my grades."

Step 3. Silence the nagging
Classmates who are too chatty usually have problems with self-awareness and egoism. People who talk too much are very difficult to deal with. His incessant chatter was very intrusive and insensitive. Try to silence him and focus on the lesson or assignment. If necessary, ask him to be quiet or speak more quietly.
- For example, you might say, “I can't hear what the teacher is saying. Can you lower your voice, or don't speak?" or “Your chatter is distracting me. Can you stop talking so I can focus?”
- If you can't hear the teacher's words, raise your hand and ask the teacher to repeat. say, “Sorry, I didn't hear your explanation because it was so noisy. Can you repeat it, sir?”
- If you are at your wits end, ask the teacher for help. After class, talk to your teacher about the nagging. Teachers can change seat arrangements or talk to chatty students privately.
Method 3 of 3: Ignoring Passive, Shy, and Unresponsive Friends

Step 1. Don't worry about passive friends
When teachers devote time to trying to engage passive students, their inability to participate actively in class sometimes irritates other students. Even if you feel the teacher's efforts are in vain, remember that it is one of the teacher's duties. Instead of worrying about your friend's passivity, use that time to do homework.
If you have to do group work with a passive student, don't waste your energy trying to get him to help. Instead, ignore him and do your best to compensate for his absence

Step 2. Be patient with a shy friend
If you are paired with a shy student, you may be irritated by his or her inability to interact. Unlike passive students, you can't just ignore a shy friend. Try to involve him in the conversation.
- Before starting a project, try to get to know him better. If he feels connected and comfortable around you, he will be more motivated to talk.
Consider starting a silence-breaking technique.
- Try the game of two truths and one lie. Name two true statements and one lie about yourself. He has to guess which statements are true and which are not.
- Tell a funny story or come up with a riddle.
- Ask some random things. You can ask him what his favorite food is, where he was born, what rides he likes on the playground, what sports he plays, or if he has pets. Let him also ask you a few things.

Step 3. Keep yourself busy when an unresponsive friend starts talking
Although you can understand the lesson easily, there are students who have difficulty absorbing what is being taught. If you have a friend who is always asking for clarification, don't embarrass him because he just wants to understand the material. When he talks to the teacher, try to control your response, both verbally and physically. If you don't need a re-explanation, keep yourself busy with homework or something else that doesn't bother you.
If a friend calls you a rude nickname, don't react. At the end of the lesson, tell the teacher that something is bothering you. However, make sure you don't pass that information on to the teacher who is known to be sweet to all the students. Normally, a sweet teacher wouldn't do anything to a rude student. If you have a reputation as a snitch, email the teacher.
- Tell the teacher if your friends' gossip bothers you.
- Count to ten before doing anything.
- If you're very annoyed or if a friend starts to become bullied, talk to a counselor or BP teacher. They can talk to your friend and tell him to stop.
- Ask other friends to help you avoid annoying friends. If not, just ignore it by doing something else, like reading.
- Know that annoying classmates usually just want to upset you and distract you. Don't give him what he wants.