How to Be a Cool-Headed Person (with Pictures)

How to Be a Cool-Headed Person (with Pictures)
How to Be a Cool-Headed Person (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Do you want to be a level-headed person in your group, not easily get emotional over small things and focus on enjoying life? This may seem difficult, but it really isn't! Read the instructions below to learn some ways to be level-headed and enjoy life.


Part 1 of 4: Cool-headed in Social Environment

Be Chill Step 01
Be Chill Step 01

Step 1. Don't start the drama

People don't want drama in their group, so don't start it. Don't gossip about other people or take care of other people's problems that are beyond your control. Be happy and grateful for all the things you have.

Be Chill Step 02
Be Chill Step 02

Step 2. Always behave well

Be a person who is always kind, polite, considerate, and respectful of others. A level-headed person does not initiate drama nor is full of negative aspects in speech or behavior; level-headed people are well-behaved and friendly with others.

Be Chill Step 03
Be Chill Step 03

Step 3. Don't worry about the little things

Live your life with a clear purpose. Accept and face all the things that you encounter in life, be it blessings or problems. All of these things reflect a level-headed person.

Be Chill Step 04
Be Chill Step 04

Step 4. Be a person who is engrossed in the association

Don't be someone who is boring and keeps doing the same thing. Hang out with your friends and do fun activities together, and be someone who makes other people want to spend time with you. Some things you can do for example: Chat with friends, go to the movies, play games, hike a mountain, or go camping.

Be Chill Step 05
Be Chill Step 05

Step 5. Don't follow trends

Be a unique person. Level-headed people don't always follow the trends that are in vogue, level-headed people just do what they want and what makes them happy. A relaxed attitude in the face of changing trends will inspire others to relax too, and people will be happier when you are around you.

Part 2 of 4: Keeping a Cool Head in the Face of Conflict

Be Chill Step 06
Be Chill Step 06

Step 1. Don't react

Don't do things like scream, cry, or other big reactions. When you start to react, often your feelings will build up and produce an even bigger reaction. Stop yourself before the overflowing emotions create a big fight. Then switch the situation the way you want.

Be Chill Step 07
Be Chill Step 07

Step 2. Divert your thoughts

Keep yourself from overflowing feelings by distracting yourself. There are so many things you can do, such as taking deep breaths, or even singing (it might be better if you sing to your heart).

Be Chill Step 08
Be Chill Step 08

Step 3. Chew gum

Studies say that you can significantly reduce stress levels by chewing gum. Chew a piece of gum when you feel uneasy.

Be Chill Step 09
Be Chill Step 09

Step 4. Consider how important the issue is

Think about how important the problem you are dealing with is overall. Will the problem kill you? or will someone die from the problem? As long as the problem isn't killing you, there's always a way to get past the problem. Enjoy life and face the happiness and difficulties that will come your way.

Be Chill Step 10
Be Chill Step 10

Step 5. Do what your grandmother would do

When a person is old enough, usually he will not worry too much if things we don't want happen, because he has tasted a lot of the salt of life. Think about how your grandmother would make a decision in that situation and do it. Maybe he'll do something pretty silly when faced with your situation, then forget about it and move on, which is the best way to stay out of stress and stay sane.

However, don't think like a racist and old-fashioned grandmother. This can cause the situation to escalate even further

Be Chill Step 11
Be Chill Step 11

Step 6. Go somewhere else

If you can't stand the situation anymore, walk away. There's no reason to stay in a place that keeps your head on fire and will probably make you make some mistakes. Get out of the room and get some fresh air for a few minutes, then return to that place when you are able to control your emotions well.

Part 3 of 4: Getting Used to Cold Head Behavior

Be Chill Step 12
Be Chill Step 12

Step 1. Stay away from drama

Avoiding drama is the best way to live with a cool head. Say no to unqualified activities that will only bring you down. You don't need it in life! Don't let the dramatic people in his life enter your life, and don't start it either.

Be Chill Step 13
Be Chill Step 13

Step 2. Look at life from a different perspective

When you are faced with a problem, always remember to compare the problem you are facing with problems that you or others have encountered in the past. Maybe your AC is broken, but at least you can still sleep on a soft mattress. Remember the things that are really important in your life (your health, your family, etc.), be grateful for your life, and don't worry about the little things you come across.

Be Chill Step 14
Be Chill Step 14

Step 3. Be a confident person

When you can be confident and comfortable in yourself, you will find it easier to be level-headed. You'll realize that it's normal to make mistakes, and that doesn't mean you're worthless. You will also realize that you are capable of dealing with all the trials that are presented in your life.

Be Chill Step 15
Be Chill Step 15

Step 4. Find pleasure in life

Do things that make you happy. Don't do things that stress you out or only benefit other people. By doing things that please yourself, you will feel more calm and relaxed so that you can solve problems more easily.

Be Chill Step 16
Be Chill Step 16

Step 5. Ignore other people's opinions

By ignoring other people's opinions, there will be many situations in life that you can deal with more casually, such as arguments and rumours.

Be Chill Step 17
Be Chill Step 17

Step 6. Have a sense of humor

You need something that can cheer you up and make you laugh in life, especially things that don't go according to your plan, otherwise you will have a stressful and stressful life. When someone makes fun of you, don't be angry. Laugh because that person is so stupid and pathetic.

Part 4 of 4: Calming Yourself

Be Chill Step 18
Be Chill Step 18

Step 1. Don't procrastinate

Always finish everything you need to do as soon as possible, and don't procrastinate and only do it when it's tight. That way, you won't be stressed from panicking about piling up tasks and you can enjoy life more relaxed.

Be Chill Step 19
Be Chill Step 19

Step 2. Listen to music

Listening to music can calm you down. Of course, only certain types of music can calm certain people, but generally, songs that are relaxed, slow, and melodious will calm you down more than rock or metal songs. You'll notice that a certain type of song calms you down when your heart beats slower as you listen to it.

Be Chill Step 20
Be Chill Step 20

Step 3. Play with children or animals

When you feel stressed and overwhelmed, calm your mind by playing with small children or animals. Children see life happily, and usually their perspective will change the way you see your life. If there are no small children in your neighborhood, try volunteering at certain organizations that have children (such as orphanages and the like.)

Be Chill Step 21
Be Chill Step 21

Step 4. Exercise

Doing physical activity, especially sports, will greatly affect how you feel emotionally. If you're facing a problem that's making it hard for you to think and behave with a cool head, try running around the park and feel the difference.

Be Chill Step 22
Be Chill Step 22

Step 5. Watch a funny movie

Watching funny movies is a very effective way to relax your mind. You can watch cartoons that you loved as a child, or more mature movies that made you laugh. Movies like Dodgeball are great for entertainment, Bridesmaids is a great movie, and Office Space will have you laughing and entertaining in no time.

Be Chill Step 23
Be Chill Step 23

Step 6. Play a game

A good way to calm the mind is to play. You can play video games, board games, card games, or whatever game you like. You can play alone or play with other people. Games are a good way to train your brain and distract yourself from the problems and stresses in life. Games can also strengthen the relationship between you and the people you care about, so you can enjoy life more.


  • If you're not used to doing these things, keep practicing. It will take some time for you to get used to the cool-headed mindset of people.
  • Don't worry and care about what other people think of you, just be yourself.
