When you hear someone being called a “Geek” or “Nerd”, what do you think of? Was it a mockery, or a compliment? What do these two terms mean anyway? It's a bit confusing, because the two terms are often intertwined with each other, very confusing! It could even be someone called a geek nerd, or a nerd geek ! Read the following article to understand the difference between the two “classes”.
Part 1 of 3: Geek Explanation

Step 1. Know the origins of geek
To be able to appreciate modern geeks, we must be able to know their predecessors.
In the early 1900s, when carnivals were very popular, the “geek” was a performer. He is in charge of entertaining the audience by performing strange and disgusting acts. One of them is by biting the head of a live chicken

Step 2. Compare with the notion of geek in today's era
You probably won't find a geek working as a chicken head biter. A geek today is someone who is generally very knowledgeable, to the point of being obsessed, about a topic.
- The term geek became popular after computer programmers and other engineering groups recognized themselves as geeks. You can find wine geeks, car geeks, Lord of the Rings geeks, and every geek knows in detail the object of their obsession.
- To clarify further, geeks are generally friendly. Their interest in something makes them unique, although you probably wouldn't know about their "geekness" until you were told.
Part 2 of 3: Nerd Explanation

Step 1. Know the origin of the term “nerd”
The word "nerd" was first used in 1954 by a young doctor named Seuss in a snippet that reads, "A merkle, a nerd, and a seersucker too!" (“A merkle, a nerd, and also a seersucker suit !”). If you don't want to denigrate “nerd values” by calling someone a nerd, you can also call them seersucker.
- In general, it has the connotation of someone who is annoying, intelligent but unattractive, and chooses not to pursue social life.
- Nerds can also be defined as highly paid people.
Part 3 of 3: Comparing Geeks and Nerds

Step 1. Compare their communication skills
Geeks and nerds have similarities – as well as differences – but you will find significant differences when distinguishing the way they live.
Geeks like to use jargon or unfamiliar terms when talking, while nerds like to use references that don't come from anywhere.
- For example, a nerd might say “This Foley is overused. His elementary school must be lazy.” (“This sound effect is overused. The sound director must be lazy.”)
- Geeks also have their own way of communicating like, “Oh! I love it when Percy Jackson uses Wilhelm Scream in every movie!”
- Geeks like to pay attention to the very small things in everyday life, such as comparing real-world conditions to articles or novels. Nerds seem less interested in the details of everyday life and focus more on big things, such as technological advancements and the future of humanity.

Step 2. Compare what they like
You can tell this by the way they play.
- Geeks love board games, movies (and maybe knowing who the directors, composers, and cameramen are), electronics, hacking, and techno music.
- Nerds enjoy self-fulfillment like software engineering and a second life, or games like chess and go.

Step 3. Compare the social skills of the two
Although both groups share an equally strong obsession with what they like, they have different ways of interacting with other people.
- Geeks have normal social skills, although they tend to be overbearing and verbose, especially when it comes to what they love. They probably won't even let you go until they've finished explaining everything, from how to use it, to tips and tricks, to the history of its creation, to the widget you accidentally alluded to once in a conversation!
- Nerds generally have a tendency to be aloof. They may have as much knowledge as a geek on a topic, but tend to be reluctant to talk until you have "fished" them.

Step 4. Find out who they love
Everyone knows that a geek can fall in love with anyone (though not everyone can love a geek). On the other hand, most nerds will fall in love with other nerds. Is this a mere survival tactic? Until now no one knows.

Step 5. Find out where they work
While geeks and nerds are both intelligent and educated types of people, there are some career paths that only one of these groups prefer:
- Besides those who work as computer technicians around the world, you can also find many geeks who work as web designers, graphic designers, or gem designers. You might even find a geek working as a bartender, music store clerk, or cafe clerk.
- Many nerds work as rocket scientists, or computer software engineers. You can also find them working as engineers, inventors, or someone who has a secret job. Sometimes you can also find nerds working as video store clerks.

Step 6. Enjoy the difference
Geek, nerd, smart, badass, bully, stupid, everyone has their own personality and is a part of our beautiful world. It's okay to make jokes out of stereotypes, but remember that everyone has their own value.
- Remember that most geeks have a nerd side, and most nerds also have a geek side. Finally, here are the definitions of both according to Urban Dictionary:
- Nerd: someone you will one day call your boss.
- Geek: someone who was often bullied in high school and gave up on becoming an adult.
- Some nerds believe they have an interest in "the potential value of humankind as a unit, even though they don't realize it yet."
- When you provoke a conversation with a geek or nerd, be prepared to accept and exploit the topic of their obsession. Accept whatever they say even though you probably won't really understand why. Both groups will be easier to open once you know what they really like.
- Nerds tend not to care when someone attack what they like because they don't really care what other people think. Geeks are generally very passionate, and will take every opportunity to talk about what they love, to prove to you that there is more value in what they love.
- It is possible that there is someone who falls into the category of geek or nerd but didn't realize it. They also don't mind their "not part of both" status, although sometimes they try to be dominant.
- Both are the same looks smart and very knowledgeable about each other's “specialties”. This means they can be invited to have serious conversations about topics they are passionate about. Even so, don't immediately assume a geek or nerd is a genius. Nerds' love of technical topics can be interpreted as a sign of their high intellect, in contrast to geeks whose intellectual levels tend to vary.
- Nerds have a tendency to use long, "smart" terms when speaking, usually out of habit or to sound impressive. Geeks often use words like "it's okay!" or “will” while nerds use “fool!” and "will". Geeks also use words like “whatever”, “yes first”, or “don't know” when communicating.
- Naturally, nerds and geeks would not be accepted as mainstream or as members of society at large. What we can do is try to be more open and understand each other.
- Geeks have the ability to predict the future value of an object, although many people consider the item unimportant or even trash. This "ability" is widely used by trading companies when selling a product specifically for geeks.
Be a geek or a nerd could be a symptom of autism / Asperger's.
Realizing this can help to reduce the pain of social rejection. Recognizing your weaknesses is a higher form of self-acceptance and makes you more aware of your strengths, which will ultimately result in a happier life.
- Although both groups have the opportunity to become members of Mensa, nerds have a greater chance of joining because they prefer to hang out with people who have the same high IQ or who have the same interests.
- Don't assume that geeks and nerds have only one passion. A linguist or artist may also be good at playing soccer or the guitar.
- Don't assume that nerds and geeks want to be popular. Despite the public's misunderstanding, nerds and geeks don't really like what's popular, nor are they afraid of people who seem popular. In fact, they may feel sorry for the superficial way of life of popular people.
- Remember, nerds and geeks are people too. Everyone has hobbies, people they like, secrets, as well as good and bad traits. Don't treat geeks and nerds as people who just need to learn and be smart. Although this is important to them, they also need friends. They're not callous robots, it's just that they might not say so.
- Geeks are generally more open and talkative even if you don't agree with what they have to say. Nerds will generally shy away when you can't provide a reasonable argument. You don't need to take their attitude to heart, just be aware that they may just not know how to interact with someone they can't talk to on the same intellectual level.
- Geeks are generally aware of how geek they are. Many geeks even feel proud of themselves, hence the emergence of websites like ThinkGeek.com, LifeHacker, Gizmodo, and Engadget. Just think about the Geek Squad at Best Buy. Therefore, you should not challenge the level of how geek a geek is if you want to talk to a geek. You also shouldn't question the intellectual level of a nerd if you want to have a good conversation with them.
- Don't mix “expert”, “hipster', and geek. Although they have something in common (even with nerds), in essence they are a different group.
- A person can be a nerd and a geek at the same time, depending on the definition. For example, someone who loves Star Trek may have an equally strong fondness for string theory. A tomato farmer may have a degree in bio-chemical engineering. Lots of similar things that nerds and geeks alike love. Often a geek turns into a nerd after learning the science and technology they love. A nerd can also turn into a geek when their skills take them to a less "academic" field.
- Many nerds and geeks enjoy being alone, or even asocial. They may not want to talk to you at all. Try to be patient when talking to them.
- Nerds and geeks are often smart and witty people. They are the kind of people who enjoy the SyFy channel or know the constitution in Latin lands, and of course, are not ordinary people.
The realm of geeks and nerds is not limited by gender.
Women can be nerds or geeks. Don't think they're doing it to get guys' attention, or you'll come across as a bitch.