If you want to be able to move around in the shadows like Batman, you can learn to think, act, and look like Batman for fun.
Method 1 of 3: Think Like Batman

Step 1. Defend justice
Batman is a superhero, which means he fights against all forms of injustice. He fights against evil. Batman is known to have defeated gang members, super villains, penguin humans, genetically created crocodile monsters, evil clowns, and icemen. Pretty basic. If you want to be like Batman, you have to be a good person and stand up for justice.
Even if you don't find Two-Faces or Penguins in your area, that doesn't mean there isn't injustice there. Pay close attention to small children tricking other children, or anything that is unfair. Fight for justice and equality

Step 2. Defend the innocent
Bruce Wayne became Batman because his parents were murdered in an attempted robbery. His parents were kind, honest and hardworking people who really cared about him. As Batman, his job is to defend such people. If you want to be like Batman, defend the innocent.
To be like Batman, you have to be able to tell the difference between good and bad. Look at examples in your life

Step 3. Use technology tools
Unlike other superheroes, Batman has cool gear. If you want to be like Batman, don't miss out on the latest tech information.
- Learn to use computers and cell phones well. Try to learn how the internet works and how to use the latest software. Ask your parents for permission to do this and don't miss any news.
- Batman is rich, no wonder he has cool gear. But you don't have to be rich. If you want to have fake equipment, use old broken calculators, old clocks, and other broken electronics. Disassemble and use the components for fun. Ask permission first.

Step 4. Create your own Bat-Cave
Every Batman needs a place to himself. Batman's Cave is where he keeps his Bat-Gear, changes his costume, and does his research. You don't need to have a secret place as the Bat-Cave (or a mansion to hide it), but it's enough to have your own.
- Turn your room into a Bat-Cave. Keep it private. Put a sign on the door that says, “Bat-Cave: Penguins or Criminals No Entry.”
- If you don't have your own room, find a play wardrobe that you can use. Put your costumes and gear in there, and step inside to transform into your super self.

Step 5. Face your fears
Batman has a bat as his symbol because he is afraid of bats. He wanted a crest that could frighten his foes, like a bat to frighten him. While you're not afraid of bats, you have to find and face your own fears, just like Batman did.
What are you afraid of? Snake? Spider? Height? Think about what scares you, then find a way to deal with that fear, safely. Talk to your parents about it and think of a plan

Step 6. Willing to do what has to be done
Sometimes, Batman has to live outside the law. He is not a cop, but sometimes he works with the police, and sometimes the police want to arrest him. He will always fight for good. Are you willing to do what has to be done? Even if you will be in danger?

Step 7. Speak like Batman
Batman's voice was always heavy, like he'd just eaten a piece of sandpaper. His voice, which is different from Bruce Wayne, helps hide his true identity. This is the essence of being Batman. Keep your identity secret.
Method 2 of 3: Have a Body Like Batman

Step 1. Learn to defend yourself
Batman can fight in any situation. He does not use weapons or violence, he only defends himself when necessary. If you want to be like Batman, learn to defend yourself when attacked.
Learn a martial art. This is common to all walks of life and all skills, and can be a great way to practice like Batman. Because that's what Batman does

Step 2. Flex your body
In all the Batman movies, you can see that he is very flexible. He did a lot of jumping, wheeling, somersaults, and long jumps.
Try and stretch every day to keep your muscles supple. You will avoid muscle cramps when you run, and you will look fit and supple. Touch your toes, and stretch your arms. Do it slowly and hold for 15 seconds

Step 3. Shape your body
Batman is stocky and strong. You can't be like that by just sitting in front of the television. You can try jumping rope, squats, or running to get into shape. Do the sport you love with your friends. Go outdoors as much as possible and run in your Batman costume. It's a good way to stay active.

Step 4. Eat a healthy diet
Another way to stay fit like Batman is to eat lots of fruits and vegetables. When you want a snack, eat nuts, apples, or carrots instead of snacks or candy.

Step 5. Straighten your back
Batman would look stupid if he walked stooped in his costume. Stand tall, like you are proud of yourself. Stand up straight, like you want to intimidate the other person. This will make you look bigger, like Batman.

Step 6. Be strong
Batman is really strong. You never see Batman make any weak, slow moves. When you run, run like you created it. Without a doubt. When you jump, jump as high as you can. Jump like Batman.
Method 3 of 3: Look Like Batman

Step 1. Decide which Batman you want to be
Batman has been around since 1939, and his costume has gone through many changes. If you want to look like Batman, you can learn how to choose the right costume:
- The Dark Knight version is a hero who lives outside the law. The costume looks metallic and hard, like plastic. If you have some plastic utensils, you can look like this.
- The DC version is a typical Batman version of the comic books. This Batman has a more cheerful and colorful costume (with his bright yellow accents) and fights crime in a more detective way.

Step 2. Get a real Batman costume, if you can afford it
Batman costumes are fairly common and are widely sold in costume and toy stores. If you want to look like Batman, this is the best way to do it.
To be more creative, try to make your own Batman costume from old clothes

Step 3. Cover your face with a mask
All Batman must cover his face with a mask, which at least covers the eyes. This is an important part of keeping your identity secret.
If you don't have a Batman mask, you can use a Zorro-style plastic mask that covers your eyes, or use a piece of black cloth and poke holes in the eyes

Step 4. Put on the robe
Batman's cloak is an important item to keep his identity a secret. He uses it to protect his face, bounce off bullets and guns, and glide through the air. A nice black cape is essential to a Batman costume.
- Other costumes usually have a cape. You can borrow a cloak from a vampire costume, or any other superhero costume.
- If you don't have a wearable robe, ask permission to use old sheets or similar fabrics.

Step 5. Wear black clothes
Batman, like a bat, hides in the dark. To make it easier, Batman almost always wears black. Make sure your costume is black, dark gray, or navy blue to keep you hidden in as much darkness as possible.
The old Batman costume consists of a light gray color, with a black hood and cape. If you want to look like this Batman, put on an old gray sweater, then add the Batman crest on the front using a marker
- Watch all his films to know Batman better.
- You can buy the costumes at a clothing store, but they are usually child-sized. You can order it or buy it from the internet which is relatively easier to find.
- It's better if you exercise, every day if you do light exercises, such as running and doing sit ups at home, but if you go to the gym often (to do intensive training), do it three to four days a week because your muscles need it. time off.
- Using a loud voice can irritate your throat.
- Don't try to be like him by jumping from building to building or anything that looks impossible.
- Gymnastics can be a dangerous thing.