Bruce Wayne is only a fictional character, but he goes through an extraordinary life journey and has a very high dedication that inspires readers from various generations to imitate his ethics, physical strength, and fighting techniques. Maybe you won't be able to learn all the fighting techniques in this world, although some comics claim that the Dark Knight (Dark Night) can do it, but by learning how to fight like Batman you will learn how to build strength and willpower, and how to use it. for a good cause.
Part 1 of 4: Acquiring the Dark Knight Mentality

Step 1. Exercise your willpower
Bruce Wayne demonstrates an almost inhuman level of self-control and physical mastery through the hardships he has to face in the DC comics universe. When he was training in the Himalayas with a Zen warrior monk, he meditated outdoors in the bitter cold, wearing only light clothing and able to control his body in such a way as to melt the ice he was sitting on. Here are some exercises that can help you strengthen your willpower:
- Meditation
- Set deadlines and meet them
- Test yourself and don't give up
- Make a to-do list and complete it

Step 2. Develop a strategic mind
One of Batman's best fighting skills is his ability to outwit his opponents. This can be seen in his fight with Dragon, a martial arts master who has skills comparable to Batman, and in that fight he kills his enemies without the need for exertion. Here are some ways to improve your strategy skills:
- Play chess
- Play Go
- Learn the stories of great generals in history
- Participate in sports teams
- Play board games
- Practice with Real Time Strategy (RTS) games

Step 3. Learn about tactics
Tactics are not the same as strategy as tactics are specific actions taken while fighting while strategy is a preconceived plan. Throughout his career Batman has always shown the use of extraordinary tactics. You can practice your tactical skills by doing the following:
- Play chess
- Take a tactical response class
- Participate in team sports
- Play paintball

Step 4. Learn how to handle the unexpected
One of the reasons why the Dark Knight was rarely defeated by his enemies was that he prepared himself for any eventuality. This is illustrated clearly by his actions of carrying around kryptonite just in case Superman turns against humans.
Develop your ability to deal with the unexpected by getting used to thinking about every possibility that will occur in a conflict. Think carefully about the location of the fight, opponents, equipment, and environmental factors, such as rain. After that, you can think about how to turn all of these things to your advantage, or think about how to handle them if they are used against you

Step 5. Learn how to master pain
As he learns to control his body and mind, Batman gains extraordinary control over pain. Even when Bane broke his back, the cloaked hero endured the pain and continued his training with Lady Shiva to restore his physical abilities. To achieve the same goal, you could try the following:
- Start with something that makes you uncomfortable, such as physical exercise, but step outside your comfort zone a little. Never do anything that could cause you injury. The purpose of this exercise is to help you develop tolerance by exposing yourself to discomfort.
- Over time, increase the intensity of the exercise to exceed your maximum discomfort tolerance.
- See discomfort as a means to an end and smile when going through pain.

Step 6. Don't give up easily
The only way that Batman becomes one of the greatest, perhaps most powerful, martial arts practitioners in the world of DC comics is to be persistent in pursuing his goals. Batman will do anything, as long as it fits his code of honor, to achieve his goals. If you want to fight like Batman, you have to do the same. For that, do the following:
- Do meditation and evaluate your goals regularly.
- Develop, and implement, an exercise program.
- Put your skills to the test against recognized masters and experts.

Step 7. Stand up for your principles
The reason Batman doesn't kill his opponents and doesn't use firearms is because he adheres to a strict personal code. Private code is something that is private and only you can design it yourself. Think about the principles that are most important to you, the boundaries you set between right and wrong, ethical issues, and use this information to guide you in establishing a personal code.
Part 2 of 4: Mastering the Basic Skills of Boxing

Step 1. Practice your reflexes
In order to move at Batman's pace, and to respond to your opponent's violence in the same way, you'll need to sharpen your reflexes. Use a speed bag, reaction ball and skipping rope to start honing your reflex response.

Step 2. Learn how to throw a punch
There are four different types of punches in boxing: jabs, crosses, hooks and uppercuts. Believe that Batman has mastered this punch technique perfectly. Here's a brief description of each stroke:
- Jab: This stroke is most often done with the non-dominant hand. This punch is meant to keep the distance from the opponent. Quickly rotate your arms and wrists just before hitting your opponent for maximum effect.
- Cross (cross): this hit is done using the dominant hand with a slight upward movement that moves across in front of the body.
- Hook: This hit targets the head or body. You'll need to hit your opponent in a sweeping motion, from the side of your body. This hit is very compatible with other hit combinations, but tends to be vulnerable to counterattack.
- Uppercut: an upward blow that is done with one hand and targets the opponent's head. This punch is very effective for close combat.

Step 3. Perfect the footwork
When engaging in self-defense combat, your footwork will determine whether you're ready to dodge or hit and can be a determining factor in balance. A bad balance can catch you off guard and the fight ends in your defeat. Batman would never let that happen, neither should you. Here are some tips for having good footwork:
- Keep moving during the fight.
- Never cross your legs.
- Rest on the cushions of your feet and get ready to move.

Step 4. Learn how to parry and take hits
Even a martial arts master like Batman would occasionally get hit, or worse. If your opponent proves to be faster, too skilled, or too agile and manages to land a punch, you can do the following:
- Blocking with a limb, such as a hand.
- Parry with your own punches, such as short, quick punches to the forearm.
- Tighten the muscles before taking the hit.
- Defend your horses.
- Follow the stroke ("move" with the stroke).
Part 3 of 4: Learning Karate Basics

Step 1. Train the basic stance
Bruce Wayne learned karate from a “great” karate master during a training session in Korea. His teacher made sure he knew all the basic stances. If you want to fight like the Dark Knight, you have to master it too. Here are the two most common basic stances:
- Natural stance (shizentai-dachi;自然体立ち): place your dominant foot forward and the other foot at a 45-degree angle. The distance between your feet should be the same as when you are walking.
- Front stance (zenkutsu-dachi;前屈立ち): keep your feet at a 45-degree angle to the way you're walking, about the same distance as when you're walking.

Step 2. Improve your balance
Proper karate moves require great physical balance and coordination. Batman developed it naturally during his training. Take the time to practice each karate stance you learn. Pay attention to the weakness of the stance, center of gravity, and stance strengthening or body extension that can improve balance when doing a stance.

Step 3. Familiarize yourself with the basic strokes
You'll need to master master-level skills before you can claim that you've matched Batman's abilities. To get started, you need to do the following exercises:
- Straight punch: after taking a stance, push with your back foot toward your opponent while rotating your hips and shoulders as you do so. Visualize and target a point behind your opponent, while delivering punches through the space they occupy so you can produce maximum impact power.
- Strokes with open palms: close fingers together. You can bend your fingers slightly or apply a straight finger position. Push with the back foot, directing the punch to a point behind the opponent through the space he occupies. Punches are made with the pads of the hands on the opponent's body.

Step 4. Learn karate philosophy
In an effort to perfect the various martial arts styles he's practiced over the years, Batman also studies various philosophies, including Taoism, energy manipulation, and the use of shadows and deception. To master karate, Batman must also understand the principles. When practicing, you should consider the following:
- Physiological harmony and balance expressed through karate. The harmony between the parts of the self (heart, mind, body) allows for better overall control.
- The consummation of the soul is achieved through physical exercise. By training your mind and body to achieve excellence in the martial arts, you strengthen your willpower and learn your limits.
- Respect and courtesy are required in this martial art. Each match begins and ends with a bow in honor of the opponent. This is called reigi () in Japanese and is thought to promote harmony and humility.
Part 4 of 4: Understanding the Simple Principles of Judo

Step 1. Buy a gi for practice
Gi (pronounced “ji”) is an important element in judo practice and throughout Batman's flashback past, you can see him wearing this traditional judo outfit. Once you have gi, you're ready to go.

Step 2. Learn to control your falls
The throws in judo can be brutal if you don't drop properly. Batman's ability to fight multiple opponents over a long period of time, even after sustaining injuries, is proof that he has mastered this martial art. There are many techniques you can use to reduce pain after a slam, but in principle keep the following in mind:
Don't fight against your opponent's strength. Move with him, and try to let his strength go into the movement, for example by rolling on the floor. You should relax while doing this and exhale when you reach a point of change of balance, which is when you can no longer hold on and are in the process of being slammed

Step 3. Practice fighting techniques on the floor
Many judo matches are decided on the mat and fighting skills on the floor are helpful. This includes many of Batman's favorite moves, such as holding on to the floor, squeezing, and locking joints. You have to study it with the right teacher at a licensed dojo (traditional practice site). Poor technique can cause injury to yourself and/or your training partner.

Step 4. Practice the throw technique
As a recognized judo expert, Batman has studied the slamming technique in this martial art to the fullest. These slams can be dangerous if done incorrectly. Practice this slamming technique in the correct facility, under the supervision of a professional. To perform a shoulder slam with one arm (ippon seoi nage;), wait until:
- Your opponent grips the front of your teeth.
- Cover her hands with yours and hold them tight.
- Place the other hand under your opponent's arm and hook it under the arm at the armpit.
- Turn your body in the opposite direction while still holding the opponent's hand gripping the teeth.
- Bend your knees slightly with a balanced stance.
- Use your back as a pivot and start bending forward, lifting your opponent with your arms under their armpits.
- Lift your opponent onto your back and throw them over your shoulder.
- Batman uses a defensive fighting style called keysi, using the backs of the arms to parry punches and striking back with the elbows, forearms, and sometimes the forehead if necessary. This technique is not recommended unless you have sufficient protection to prevent injury.
- Batman follows proper training in every martial art in the world, according to the comics, but he relies heavily on his own style, namely keysi. This style is a synthesis of everything he has learned, and is considered a brutal martial art like Krav Maga or MMA.
- Batman often uses his environment as a weapon. Blowing an enemy's head into a surface was almost a guarantee he wouldn't wake up again.
- Batman carries equipment stored in his belt to aid him in combat. He also has comrades who help him in the fight.