Being a good girl can keep you out of trouble and actually allow you to have privileges and easier times at home and at school. If you want to impress your family and friends, you must follow these tips to be a good girl.
Part 1 of 4: Being a Good Girl at Home

Step 1. Help at home
If you notice that your parents or siblings seem to need help (struggling with packages, doing housework, etc.) say "Can I help you?" Open doors for them, help carry things… small things can make a big difference.

Step 2. Learn useful skills
Learn to cook, do housework, and other basic tasks, like repairing a car, changing a flat tire, fixing a leaky faucet, etc. Help parents and anyone else in trouble.

Step 3. Keep it clean
Clean up your room and the mess you made at home. If you see something messy but you're not the cause, you can still help clean it up. Sweep, vacuum, clean up scattered items and dirty clothes, and clean other things like windows and mirrors.

Step 4. Do the work on the page
If you have a yard, it's likely a job your parents hate. The older you get, the more difficult the yard work, and the longer it takes to complete. Help your family by mowing the lawn, tending the plants and weeding the weeds.

Step 5. Wash clothes
You can also help the family a lot by doing the laundry. This is a time-consuming job that will save your parents the stress of doing it. You may even be able to charge them a small fee to wash, fold, and sort out the closet.

Step 6. Obey the curfew
Adhere to curfews even if your parents don't set them up for you, such as always coming home before midnight (or earlier on school days).
Part 2 of 4: Being a Good Girl in School

Step 1. Be nice to your classmates and teachers
Show respect, kindness, and help to everyone at school. This will make other people like and appreciate you.

Step 2. Get good grades
Study for all the tests and quizzes, because they count. Collect homework on time and show attention in class. Participate in class for more points in your score.

Step 3. Do your homework every night
Do your homework fast every night and do the best you can. This will give you better grades and will also help you become more disciplined and responsible.

Step 4. Be respectful in class
Don't talk during class, don't use the phone or text during class, and don't gossip/text during class, either. This all disrespects the teacher and annoys friends who are studying.

Step 5. Ask for help
Learn to ask for help politely when you have trouble with lessons, and appreciate the advice that adults give you. This will make the teachers appreciate you too and will help you get better grades.
Part 3 of 4: Be A Good Girl To Yourself

Step 1. Get organized
At school, at work, or anywhere else, keep "there is a place for everything, and everything is in its place." Take notes, binders, folders, journals, whatever you need to keep things neat and organized.

Step 2. Don't wear a lot of makeup
Too much makeup makes you look older and even tacky. Don't wear makeup at all if you don't like it. or wear natural makeup, just a light. The same goes for jewelry.

Step 3. Adhere to good moral values
Don't drink, smoke, take drugs or party all night long. They are not important, do not help you in the future and are not at all good for health. Stay away from all that! If there is a culture of drinking less alcohol in your family, ask an adult for responsible drinking advice.

Step 4. Read, watch and listen to good media
Choose good music, books, movies, TV, etc. You can still watch TV, listen to music, and watch good movies! Don't worry, they are just as good as the "adult" ones, sometimes even better! Learn about different types of music and reading.
Avoid books that are only about sex and almost nothing else. Instead, read classic books like Jane Austen's novels

Step 5. Sleep at a good time
Stick to a regular bedtime, and make sure you get enough sleep. Getting enough rest will make you feel healthier and it's easier to be kind to others.
Part 4 of 4: Being a Good Girl with Others

Step 1. Be friendly
Always be kind and sweet to friends and family. Don't gossip or say bad things about other people behind their backs. Smile! A smile doesn't have to pay off and might just brighten someone's day.

Step 2. Be polite
Manners are a big part of being a good girl. Adults will appreciate you more when you say things like "please," "thank you," and "maybe." Let the older people go first. Find a book on everyday etiquette, or ask someone who seems knowledgeable about it.

Step 3. Calm down
Even if someone upsets you, don't get angry. Tell them they don't appreciate you but don't yell or be mean back. If you can't stay calm when dealing with someone, leave first and come back when you've calmed down.

Step 4. Respect others
Respect that everyone has opinions and experiences, and that they have the right to feel and think what they want. Let them talk without interrupting, and if someone says something you don't agree with, don't say they are stupid or wrong. It also means treating others equally, whether you like them or not!

Step 5. Be sincere
Don't say things you don't mean, like compliment someone. You also shouldn't say ugly things behind your back. In general, don't say bad things about other people. As the saying goes, "If you can't say anything nice then don't say anything at all."

Step 6. Be appropriate with the boys
Good girls don't do inappropriate things with boys. Don't hang out alone with guys, keep your hands on it, and make sure they respect you. If they don't respect you, leave and tell your parents or teacher. Don't let a man pressure you into doing things that make you uncomfortable. Men like this are not nice and you don't want to be around them.
- Respect yourself and be confident.
- Pay attention to the lesson.
- Always smiling.
- Shower every day.
- Make sure you're on good terms with everyone, even bullies. In this way, you will be recognized as having a good personality and you will become more liked by your classmates.
- Act like an adult.
- Have a nice hairstyle.
- Bring money for unexpected needs.
- Bring lunch to school.
- Always act like a smart girl. Don't be too shy.
- Friendly and considerate. Be yourself and be confident. Don't be mean or rude which will only make you a bad girl.
- Don't try to make face to other people at school/work.
- Do not use harsh or physically abusive language on anyone.