In Islam, women are encouraged to follow rules that seem to contradict Western standards of justice and equality. However, one will realize that everything Muslim women are commanded to do ultimately benefits women. If you are a Muslim woman who feels that she is not fulfilling her religious obligations, it is not too late to turn things around, regardless of your age and past actions. When a woman becomes baligh (adult), she knows what needs to be done to become a better woman in the future.
Method 1 of 4: Forgiveness

Step 1. Understand that all things will work out according to God's will
Allah will forgive all sins because He is All-Understanding and All-Forgiving, even when you feel you have strayed too far from being a good Muslim.

Step 2. Find the source of the influence that caused you to turn away from your religion
Perhaps you can trace the cause to a situation in family or friends that led you down the wrong path. Leave those friends. They will not be with you on the Day of Judgment when you are before Allah alone. After all, they are not the people you need in your life. If the cause is family, this is a bit more difficult. Therefore, the next step will be useful to you.

Step 3. Repent and ask Allah for forgiveness for every sin you commit
You need to let go of the mistakes of the past and work on improving your future. Whatever has happened, happened. It is in the past and there is nothing you can do to change or make it better. The only thing you can do is sincerely repent to Allah SWT and ask Him for forgiveness and leniency. Use the bad experience as motivation to be better and do good.

Step 4. Identify your weak points and avoid them
This doesn't mean you have to run every time a guy approaches, but learn to keep your eyes down and interact with men outside your family in a formal and work-like manner. Remember that Muslim women in the past also interacted with men in society as entrepreneurs, teachers, and scholars, and they were all highly respected and admired; they don't need to flaunt their beauty to gain respect, feel confident or even make a contribution to their society. Remember that Allah Almighty gives very harsh punishments, but is also Most Forgiving and Most Merciful.
Method 2 of 4: Showing Devotion

Step 1. Wear hijab if you really dedicate yourself to change and become the best Muslim girl possible
Hijab is not only a piece of cloth to cover your hair, but also covers and protects your entire being, including your behavior, speech, outlook and heart. It changes you mentally and spiritually. Think of this as Allah's way of protecting women. As soon as you put on the hijab, your perspective on self-respect and values will change automatically.
- In the Qur'an 24:30-31, women are commanded to extend the head covering to cover the chest with khumur which means "something that covers the head". The word has the same root as the word liquor, because it is a substance which when consumed will cover and cloud the head and mind.
- Based on the hadith narrated by Aisha, the wife of the Prophet Muhammad, "Allah will not accept the prayer of an adult woman unless she wears a hijab."

Step 2. Dress modestly
This means you have to cover the whole body. You should wear loose clothing. Hijab is not intended to be fashionable. Rather, it is a command of Allah SWT. Avoid clothes that are too tight like pencil jeans. It will also help you change your view of what is and isn't acceptable. However, that doesn't mean you can't wear nice clothes. Soft or dark colored clothes such as black, brown, blue, and green are preferable.
- Remember that you must cover your entire body except for your face, palms, and sometimes soles of your feet. However, there are some scholars who argue that this section should also be covered (especially the Hambali school). If you really believe in it or want to get more reward, try to cover your face with the niqaab as well as your palms with gloves.
- Note that some Muslims believe that women are allowed to show their faces, while there are other Muslims who do not think so and believe that women's faces should be covered (with the niqaab for example). On the other hand, some Muslims are of the opinion that the soles of the feet may not be covered, while there are other Muslims who do not think so. However, in most cases, covering the hair, ears, neck, and most of the body is sufficient. If you still have doubts, consult other Muslims.
Method 3 of 4: Practicing Islam

Step 1. Pray five times a day
Before stepping on the prayer mat, know that the words in the recitation are meant to increase your reflection during prayer. If you don't understand Arabic, try to find a translated version of the prayer reading and take some time to read and understand the meaning of the words. Begin to make prayer a part of your daily life, like eating which is our need, our spiritual intake is prayer.
After successfully performing the obligatory prayers 5 times, try to find out the sunnah prayers that you can do every day

Step 2. Read the Quran
Read the Qur'an then try to read the translation and really try to understand the meaning. You can also read the translation of the Quran in Indonesian. Reading the Quran can help strengthen your relationship with Allah which will benefit you and allow you to understand how beautiful this religion is. Listening to the recitation of the Quran (you can find videos online) will also bring you closer to Allah.
Try to remember verses that you like and include them in daily prayer

Step 3. Learn more about Islam
Know what you should do (referred to as the 'must') and what you should not do (the 'unlawful' thing). The Internet is a valuable resource for finding out about the rules and regulations in Islam and the penalties that apply if these rules are violated. Be sure to visit the correct website for genuine sources of information. Punishments in Islam can sometimes seem harsh, but Muslims regard Sharia law as a gift from Allah SWT who protects and guides his followers to follow His path.

Step 4. Pray
Remembrance of Allah is one of the best practices in praising Allah. Zikr has been emphasized more than a hundred times in the Holy Qur'an. Allah says in His Holy Book: "O you who believe, make remembrance (by name) Allah!" (33:41). The Prophet said, "If your heart is always dhikr, angels will come and guard you in your life". Therefore, dhikr is something very important.
- In addition to dhikr after prayer and before going to bed, take your time to praise and glorify Allah's name during daily activities such as cleaning the house, cooking, traveling, etc.
- Imprint the meaning of each word of remembrance that you say into your mind.
- Dhikr makes you remember Allah which is the key to success in this world and the hereafter.

Step 5. Set aside a minimum of time each day to do Islamic activities
For example, spending four hours praying, reading the Qur'an and learning about Islam will allow you to build a relationship with Allah SWT and develop yourself by acquiring the knowledge needed to be a good Muslimah. Remember that the obligatory prayers five times a day are your top priority and you should organize your daily routine according to this obligation. Take time to reflect on yourself, especially to think about your sins and pray to God for forgiveness.
- Studying is very important to understand how to worship Allah.
- However, learning alone is not useful if it is not applied in life. In fact, in the end we will be rewarded for what we do, not what we know.
- Set goals for self-improvement, for example, fasting regularly, praying, memorizing letters in the Qur'an or giving charity.
- Remember that Allah loves the consistency of His servants in worship. So try to do it little by little instead of burdening yourself.
Method 4 of 4: Keeping Good Friends

Step 1. Hang out with good friends
Make friends with people who share your mission of being a good Muslim and who can influence you to do better.
- Muslim women and girls are advised to avoid contact with men, and only make friends with women. This is because many Muslims believe that it is not appropriate for women to be alone with men. However, not all Muslims follow this advice. If you choose not to have sex with men, learn to politely refuse to interact with them.
- Avoid friends who are a negative influence, who hurt or hurt your feelings, or hinder your efforts to study Islam and worship Allah.
- It's different with making friends with non-Muslims. Some Muslims think this is haram because it can keep you away from Islam and change your beliefs. Meanwhile, many Muslims also believe that making friends with non-Muslims is permitted by Allah and that tolerance is important. Whatever you believe in this matter, you must still respect others (Allah allows you to respect those who are not hostile to you because of religion [Qu'ran 60:8-9]), and those who respect Islam.

Step 2. Find a woman to look up to
Know that there are many great female Islamic scholars with a passion for spreading the peaceful message of Islam. Try listening to their lectures and make it a mission to tell other women that Islam can help them find meaning and order in their lives.

Step 3. Marry a man who is obedient and who loves and respects you
Marriage is sunnah in Islam. So, try to find a life partner who can help you learn about Islam and act fairly.

Step 4. Consider attending the study
Brotherhood is very important in Islam, and attending a study or meeting to study the Qur'an can really help you learn about Islam as well as build relationships with fellow Muslims. Usually, you can find this kind of gathering at a nearby mosque.

Step 5. Go day by day
If you make the desire to try to be the best possible Muslim girl a priority in your mind, you will achieve this goal even you realize! Whenever you are about to do something, think: "Is this a good thing or a religious thing??" If not, don't do it! Just remind yourself and be prepared to hold yourself back, should that happen. Every moment of the day should be devoted to pleasing Allah.
- Learn to recognize the temptations of Satan who are constantly trying to distance you from God.
- Focus your life on serving and worshiping Allah.
- Remember that Islam does not forbid you to have fun and have a pleasant life. Just do what is required and avoid sinful acts. This will make your life better.
- If misfortune occurs, do not be angry with Allah, for we are only human and cannot know His plans for everyone and everything. It was destined to happen.
- Keep God in your heart and mind and remember Him wherever you go.
- Strive to achieve the three tips above. Good luck and may Allah SWT be with you!
- Inviting even one person to convert to Islam will produce a lot of Hasanah.
- Whenever you feel weak and there is no one to talk to, remember that Allah SWT is always there for you and He is the only one you need to achieve this goal.
- Do good deeds especially in the month of Ramadan!
- Seek knowledge. Trust me you will like it. Whenever you learn something new about Islam, you will feel proud as a Muslim.
- Remember when you are feeling down, Allah always has a plan behind it!
- Don't do something just because someone else is doing it. Do it for the sake of Allah and make Him happy.
- Whatever happens, don't give up.
- If a teacher tells you to do something illegal (wear a Halloween costume, wear shorts, etc.), talk to him. If he doesn't agree, ask your parents to write him a letter. Be confident.
- Try to be a good Muslim. Keep thinking about how much progress you will make and think about how pleased God will be. Just try to never give up. Keep reading the Qu'ran, go for Hajj and think how happy you will feel. Remember to perform the obligatory prayers five times a day.
- At first, a change like this can feel quite different, but it's possible.