How to Convert Miles to Meters: 5 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Convert Miles to Meters: 5 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Convert Miles to Meters: 5 Steps (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


The meter is a unit of length in the measurement system. This unit is the basic unit of length in the International System of Units. Miles are used in the United States to measure length. If you memorize the formula, how to calculate it is very easy.


Part 1 of 3: Converting Land Miles to Meters

Convert Miles to Meters Step 1
Convert Miles to Meters Step 1

Step 1. Convert land miles to meters

1 meter is equal to 0.000621371192237 miles. Whereas 1 mile is equal to 1,609, 344 meters.

  • Although there are several meanings of mile (such as nautical mile), this conversion refers to land mile.
  • Convert miles to meters using this formula: mi X 1,609, 344 = m (many miles times 1,609, 344 equals meters).
  • To convert meters to miles, use this formula: m/1,609, 344 = mi (many meters divided by 1,609, 344 equals miles).
Convert Miles to Meters Step 2
Convert Miles to Meters Step 2

Step 2. Use the correct abbreviations

Meters and miles start with the letter “m”, so don't mistake them for placing them before doing math.

  • The symbol for miles is “mi”. The word “mile” comes from the Latin word for 1,000 because mile is said to have originally meant 1,000 steps. The letter “m” is the symbol for the meter. One mile equals 5,280 feet.
  • Imperial Units / Other Common Units of Length in the United States are inches, feet, and yards. The measuring system also uses millimeters, centimeters, decimeters, hectometers, and kilometers.
  • Note that in English, meter is often written as metre, but the size is the same (1 meter equals 1 meter). The meter is a unit for measuring length, just like the mile.

Part 2 of 3: Convert Nautical Miles to Meters

Convert Miles to Meters Step 3
Convert Miles to Meters Step 3

Step 1. Convert nautical miles to meters

The nautical mile is a unit of length used in marine navigation. This unit is equal to one minute of curvature along the Earth's meridian.

  • One international nautical mile is equal to 1,852 meters or 1,151 land miles. The formula for converting U. S. nautical miles to meters is m=USnmi/0.00053996 (many meters equals U. S. nautical miles divided by 0.00053996).
  • Many online calculators are available for calculating nautical miles to meters.

Part 3 of 3: Using Online Tools

Convert Miles to Meters Step 4
Convert Miles to Meters Step 4

Step 1. Use an online calculator to convert miles to meters

One of the easiest ways to convert miles to meters is to use an online calculator. There are lots of choices on the internet.

  • Most online calculators ask you to enter the number of miles and then press a button that reads something like “change”.
  • You will then be shown the number of meters from the number of miles entered.
Convert Miles to Meters Step 5
Convert Miles to Meters Step 5

Step 2. Use a conversion table

You can also find miles to meters conversion tables online.

  • For example, the table will list that 10 miles equals 16,093, 44 meters and 21 miles equals 33,796, 224 meters, and so on.
  • All you need to do is specify the number of miles you want to convert.
