There are many sites on the internet that can convert miles to kilometers automatically. However, it's a good idea to learn how to convert it yourself in case you suddenly lose your internet connection. The most important thing to remember is 1 mile equals 1.6 kilometers. This means, multiply the value in nil by 1.6 to get the value in kilometers.
Method 1 of 2: Basic Conversion

Step 1. Write the value in miles
In this section, you will learn how to convert miles to kilometers. Start by writing down the number in miles you want to convert. If you are using a calculator, type the number.
Here's an example. If we wanted to convert 50 miles to kilometers, we would start by writing 50 miles.

Step 2. Multiply that value by 1, 6
The results you get are already in kilometers. Just like that!
- In the previous example, we could find the answer by multiplying 50 by 1, 6 and getting 80 kilometers.
- Don't forget to put a kilometer label. You can also write km if you want it to be shorter. If this is homework, your score may be deducted if you forget to add units.
- If you need help multiplying decimal numbers, visit the Multiply Decimal Numbers Wikihow page.

Step 3. For a more precise conversion result, multiply the value you have by 1.60934
One mile is not exactly 1.6 kilometers. Actually 1 mile is equal to 1.609347218694. This is the meaning of the U. S. Official survey. Use this many numbers to get more precise results.
- If you want to know exactly how much 50 miles are in kilometers, you can multiply 50 by 1.609347. The result is 80, 46735 kilometers. This result is larger by nearly 0.5 kilometers.
- You only need to do this if you want to get very precise results. Multiply by 1.6 for daily use!

Step 4. To convert back to miles, divide the value by 1, 6
Returning the number to miles is easy. Since division is basically the opposite of multiplication, divide the number by 1, 6 to cancel the multiplication.
- In the original example, 80 divided by 1, 6 equals 50 miles. Same as the initial number.
- If you use a decimal number other than 1, 6, use that number in the division. In the other example above, we have to divide the number by 1.609347.
Method 2 of 2: Using Conversion Factors

Step 1. Write the number in miles as a fraction per 1
By treating numbers as fractions, you can get results and units easily. Start by writing the number in miles at the top of the fraction (the numerator). At the bottom of the fraction (the divisor), write the number 1.
- If we wanted to know that 5.4 miles is equal to how many kilometers, we would have to write it down as a fraction like this: 5.4 miles/1.
- If you convert in this way, always make sure you include the units as well. That's an important part later.

Step 2. Write a fraction in kilometers per mile ratio
Now you have to write a fraction that represents how many kilometers there are in 1 mile. This is easier to do than it sounds. See the instructions below for help.
We already know that 1 mile equals 1.6 kilometers. We can use this to form the fraction earlier. Write 1.6 kilometers as the numerator and 1 mile as the divisor. The result is 1.6 kilometers/1 mile.

Step 3. Multiply and cross out the units that appear as the numerator and divisor
Now multiply both fractions. Check out the Wikihow article to learn how to multiply fractions if you need help. As you multiply, pay attention to the units that appear as numerators and divisors. If you find a pair, cross out the units.
In the example above, the multiplication involved 5.4 miles/1 and 1.6 kilometers/1 mile. Miles appear as the numerator of the first fraction and as the divisor of the second. So, we can cross out both miles. From the product of multiplication, we get 8, 64.

Step 4. Use the remaining units as the answer
In the last step, you should have crossed out all the units except for one. That's your answer unit.
In the example above, the kilometer is the only unit that is not crossed out. Therefore, the answer is 8, 64 kilometers.

Step 5. Continue this pattern to solve more complex conversion problems
Now that you know an easy way to convert, you can use it to convert more complicated questions. Just follow the same steps. Write the value you want to convert as a fraction per 1, then write the units as a fraction so you can cross out the units and multiply the numbers.
- For example, suppose we want to know 5.4 miles is equal to how many centimeters. You don't know 1 mile equals how many centimeters, but you already know 1 mile equals 1.6 kilometers, 1 kilometer equals 1,000 meters, and 1 meter equals 100 meters. That's all you can use to solve the problem.
- You can write 5.4 miles/1 times 1.6 kilometers/1 times 1,000 meters/1 kilometers times 100 centimeters/1 meter.
- Note that all units are crossed out except centimeters (because they only appear once). When multiplied, the end result is 864,000 centimeters.
- If you're in a hurry, you can use an online conversion tool as a shortcut. One good conversion tool can be found here. Don't rely too much on this kind of program. You can't always use it at school or in the office.
- It should be noted that the U. S. Surveys and the international standard of 1 mile for each kilometer are slightly different. The International Standard defines 1 mile as 1, 609344 kilometers, while the U. S. The survey determined that 1 mile is equal to 1, 60934721869 kilometers.