This wikiHow teaches you how to register a DLL file that creates a path from the file to the Windows registry. DLL file registration can resolve startup problems with some programs. However, most DLL files do not support registration or are already registered. Note that you cannot register the Windows computer's built-in DLL files because they are important to Windows operation. In addition, updates from Windows can also repair outdated or malfunctioning DLL files.
Method 1 of 2: Registering a Single DLL File

Step 1. Understand how this method works
You can use a combination of the " regsvr " command and the DLL file name to register the file if the file supports the " Register Server " export command. This procedure creates a path from the Windows registry to the DLL file so that operating system processes can find and use the DLL file more easily.
Usually, you will need to follow this method to register DLL files from third-party programs that must be paired directly with system-level sources (eg Command Prompt)

Step 2. Identify the meaning or intent of the "entry point" error message
If it is already registered, the DLL file does not support the “Register Server” export command, or the code does not allow the file to connect to the Windows registry. You will receive the error message " The module [DLL file name] was loaded but the entry point DllRegisterServer was not found ". If a message like this appears, the DLL file cannot be registered.
The "entry point" error message itself is not really a problem, but a form of confirmation because when the message appears, the DLL file you have does not need to be registered

Step 3. Locate the DLL file that you want to register
Go to the folder where the DLL file is stored that needs to be registered. Once you find the file, you can move on to the next step.
If you have already installed a program with a DLL file that needs to be registered, for example, open the program's installation folder (eg "C:\Program Files\[program name]")

Step 4. Open the DLL file properties window
Right-click the file, then click Properties ” in the drop-down menu. A pop-up window will open afterwards.

Step 5. Write down the name of the DLL file
In the column at the top of the “Properties” window, you can see the full name of the file. This name will need to be entered later.
Since most DLL files have names that are hard to remember, it's a good idea to keep the “Properties” window open at this point. That way, you can copy the name later

Step 6. Copy the address of the DLL file
Click and drag the cursor over the string of text to the right of the " Location " heading, then press the Ctrl+C shortcut to copy the directory address of the DLL file.

Step 7. Open the “Start” menu
Click the Windows logo in the lower-left corner of the screen.

Step 8. Locate the Command Prompt program
Type command prompt into the “Start” menu search bar. A Command Prompt icon will appear at the top of the window.

Step 9. Open Command Prompt in administrator mode
To access it:
Right click
"Command Prompt".
- Click " Run as administrator ”.
- Choose " Yes ” when prompted.

Step 10. Switch to the DLL file directory
Type cd and insert a space, use the shortcut Ctrl+V to paste the directory address of the DLL file, then press Enter.
For example, if the DLL file is in the " SysWOW64 " folder in the default " Windows " folder, enter the following command:
cd C:\Windows\SysWOW64

Step 11. Type the command " regsvr " and the name of the DLL file
Enter regsvr32 and insert a space, then type the name of the DLL file (complete with the “.dll” extension) and press Enter. If the DLL file can be registered, a confirmation message will be displayed.
For example, if the file name is " usbperf.dll ", the command entered will look like this:
regsvr32 usbperf.dll
- To copy the name of the DLL file at this stage, reopen the folder where the file was stored (the “Properties” window will appear), mark the name in the text field, and press the shortcut Ctrl+C. You can paste the file name into the Command Prompt window by pressing Ctrl+V.
- If the DLL file is or cannot be registered, you will see an " entry point " error message instead of a confirmation message.

Step 12. Try unregistering the DLL file and re-registering it
If you get an error message other than “entry point” when entering the “regsvr “command, you may need to unregister the file before you can register it:
- Type regsvr32 /u nama.dll and press Enter. Make sure you replace "name" with the name of the DLL file.
- Type in regsvr32 nama.dll and press Enter, and don't forget to replace "name" with the name of the DLL file.
Method 2 of 2: Re-registering All DLL Files

Step 1. Understand how this method works
By creating a list of DLL files on your computer and running the list as a BAT file, you can automatically register all DLL files on your computer. This procedure is the optimal choice if you do not have any special DLL files that need to be registered.

Step 2. Open the “Start” menu
Click the Windows logo in the lower-left corner of the screen.

Step 3. Locate the Command Prompt program
Type command prompt into the “Start” menu search bar. You can see the Command Prompt program icon at the top of the menu window.

Step 4. Open Command Prompt in administrator mode
To access it:
Right click
"Command Prompt".
- Click " Run as administrator ”.
- Choose " Yes ” when prompted.

Step 5. Switch to the Windows directory
Type cd c:\Windows and press Enter. This command tells the Command Prompt to execute the next command inside the “Windows” folder.

Step 6. List the DLL files
Type dir *.dll /s /b > C:\regdll.bat into the Command Prompt window, then press Enter. After that, the Command Prompt can create a file that includes the location and name of each DLL file in the Windows directory.

Step 7. Close the Command Prompt window
Once you see the line of text "c:\Windows>" below the command entered, you are free to close the Command Prompt window and move on to the next step.

Step 8. Visit the file listing directory
You can find a list of DLL files through File Explorer:
open File Explorer
File_Explorer_Icon (or press the shortcut Win+E).
- Click " This PC ” on the left side of the window.
- Double click the computer hard drive” OS (C:) ”.
- Swipe (if necessary) until you see the " regdll " file.

Step 9. Copy the files to the desktop
To save changes, you need to save a copy of the " regdll " file to the desktop:
- Click the file once to select it.
- Press Ctrl+C.
- Click the desktop.
- Press Ctrl+V.

Step 10. Open the file list in Notepad
Click the file on the desktop once to select it, then follow these steps:
- Right click the " regdll " file.
- Click " Edit ” in the drop-down menu.

Step 11. Delete the unneeded directory or DLL file location
Although optional, this step helps reduce the time it takes to register DLL files. You can delete lines of text containing the following directories or locations:
- C:\Windows\WinSXS - The bottom quarter of the document usually contains these lines.
- C:\Windows\Temp - You can find this line near the segment containing the " WinSXS " line.
- C:\Windows\$patchcache$ - This line is more difficult to find. However, you can perform a search by pressing the shortcut Ctrl+F, typing $patchcache$, and clicking “ Find next ”.

Step 12. Add the command " regsvr " to each line of text
You can add them using Notepad's built-in "Find and Replace" feature:
- Click " Edit ”.
- Click " Replace… ” in the drop-down menu.
- Type c:\ into the "Find what" field.
- Type Regsvr32.exe /s c:\ in the "Replace with" field.
- Click " Replace All ”.
- Close the window.

Step 13. Save changes and close the Notepad window
Press Ctrl+S to save changes, then click the “ X ” in the upper-right corner of the Notepad window to close it. At this point, you are ready to run the " regdll.bat " file.

Step 14. Run the file
Right click the file " regdll.bat ", click " Run as administrator, and select " Yes ” when prompted to run the file in the Command Prompt. After that, the Command Prompt will start registering every available DLL file. This process can take a long time so make sure your computer is turned on and plugged in during the process.

Step 15. Close Command Prompt
Once the process is complete, you can close the Command Prompt window. The DLL files on the computer have now been registered.