There is plenty of advice and advice, both good and bad, about making a man happy in a relationship. The main thing is to respect your male partner or husband and treat him as you would like to be treated. You don't need to follow every step in this article verbatim – it is intended as a guide. You can choose the appropriate and applicable to your relationship.
Method 1 of 3: Living Your Relationship

Step 1. Give him space when he needs it
Even if your partner is crazy about you, he or she needs a little time alone from time to time, so don't force your presence 24 hours a day.
- Make some plans without him and say he's free to play video games, drink beer with friends or travel alone - whatever he wants.
- It also gives you the opportunity to pursue your own interests and maintain an enjoyable life outside of your relationship.
- Once you accept that the two of you sometimes need a little personal space, you'll be a much happier couple. Then in the end, both of you will enjoy and appreciate the time spent together more.

Step 2. Discuss any issues
Instead of harboring any issues or concerns you have with your relationship (and letting them all explode in a whirlwind of emotions later), sit down with your male partner and have a calm, logical discussion with him.
- He would appreciate this more than a shouting match against each other in the street. Your partner will tend to listen to you and agree with what you have to say, instead of getting defensive.
- You should also give him the opportunity to voice any problems he may have. Really try to listen to what he has to say and don't ignore his concerns. A man will be much happier in a relationship if he feels that his feelings and opinions are valued.

Step 3. Show a little love and appreciation
Most modern-day husbands and male partners are simply amazing - they're willing to do things like buy you flowers, cook dinner and massage your feet after a long day at work. So respond to their attitude, ladies!
- Don't take for granted or for what all the little and beautiful things your man does for you. Let him know how much you value him and that you know how hard he is trying.
- When he does something nice for you, be loving. Give him a kiss or a hug or just tell him you love him. Knowing how much he makes you happy will make him happy!

Step 4. Remember that relationships are a two-way street
Of course, making your husband or partner happy is pointless if you are not happy yourself.
- A relationship works both ways, so if you're risking all the effort and getting nothing in return, you have to ask yourself "is it worth it?"
- Even if your relationship seems fine, there may be something else bothering you and making you unhappy. You have to fix this - otherwise your man will feel your unhappiness and will start feeling unhappiness too, especially if there's nothing he can do about it.
Method 2 of 3: Making Him Feel Safe

Step 1. Be honest with her
When it comes to relationships, we all know that honesty is the best rule. Lies always come back to chase us in the end.
- Being honest with your guy about where you're going, who you're meeting with, how you're feeling, etc is important. How can you expect honesty from him if you can't afford him the same attitude?
- Even if he doesn't really like the truth being told, the fact that you're being honest with him will make him realize that he can trust you - and trust is very important in any relationship.

Step 2. Give him a compliment
Men love to be praised just as much as women, so don't be stingy with compliments!
- When you're impressed by something your guy said or did, tell him! Don't just assume he knows.
- Tell him he looks good in a suit, that you're impressed by a project he's working on or that you're amazed at what he can do in bed! A heartfelt compliment from you and he will walk on the ninth cloud!
- Bonus points if you compliment him in front of his friends or family - men love to be complimented in front of other people, this increases their ego.

Step 3. Don't try to make her jealous
Many women make the fatal mistake of making their partner feel jealous when their partner is angry or upset with him.
- However, this often backfires and causes the husband or partner to feel angry, hurt or betrayed - and this can damage his trust in you, jeopardizing your relationship.
- Imagine if the situation turned against you - if you've done something wrong, would you listen to him and give him another chance? Or would you rather he flirt with other women so he can get back to you? This is what men think.

Step 4. Be her support
Everyone has weaknesses, including your male partner. So don't bring him down when he's sad, by criticizing or saying "Didn't I tell you before". Be a supporter to him and take this as an opportunity to cheer him on again.
- If he has a bad day at work, fights with family members or is sad, try to be nice to him. Ask him if he wants to talk about it or leave him alone for a while, if that's what he needs.
- Remind him of all the reasons that made you think he was great and why you chose him out of all the fish in the sea. Make him feel good about himself again, and he will feel happy and grateful towards you.

Step 5. Respect him
Your male partner needs you to respect him, just as you need him to respect you. Don't belittle him or keep him down all the time – that's not the way to treat the most important person in your life!
- The last thing your male partner wants is to feel neutered, so let him feel like a man from time to time – ask him to help you open a bottle, to make some furniture or drive your car.
- Let him know that you depend on him – this will boost his ego and make him feel good about himself.
- This doesn't make you a weak woman, it's just part of a reciprocal and equal relationship.
Method 3 of 3: Doing the Things He Loves

Step 1. Give him a massage
Men love to be pampered from time to time, so choose a night to pamper your husband or partner with a comfortable massage.
- Pick a day when he's feeling particularly tired or stressed and prepare yourself with massage oils, candles, music - anything that relaxes the mood.
- Ask him to undress and lie face down on the bed, then practice your skill. Gently massage the back, neck and shoulders, avoiding the spine. If you are adventurous, you can massage the whole body.
- Be generous with the time you give him – continue massaging for at least 15 to 20 minutes until he is completely relaxed. But be careful -- skin to skin touch -- might result in your partner not only feeling relaxed!

Step 2. Cook her favorite food
Anyone who says that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach has never been more true than this. Men love food, especially when it is lovingly prepared by their soulmate.
- Pick a recipe (or steal one from his mom) to prepare one night when he's least aware of it. Make the moment special - set the table beautifully, open a bottle of expensive wine and pretend you and her are eating at a restaurant!
- But we're not advocating '50s housewife behavior here: "You have to put hot food on the table when your man gets home from work." We're talking about cooking a great meal for your partner because you want to and because it's a fun thing to do.
- If you're not a great cook, improvise! Order his favorite food but serve it on a pretty plate or take him out to his favorite restaurant for dinner, you pay for it!

Step 3. Do something spontaneous
If you're in a long term relationship, it's easy to let routine take over and stay home just watching TV every Saturday night. Make your man happy by doing something spontaneous or different!
- Inject some fun moments into your partner's life by planning date night - get concert tickets, go rock climbing, wine tasting, go to an art show, host a game night with some other couple - whatever it is as long as it's different.
- If you want to experiment, plan something really crazy like a sky dive together, a whale watching trip, a vacation or a trip. Prepare as many details in advance as possible, so your partner doesn't feel stressed on his D-day.

Step 4. Improve your appearance
Again, we're not advocating the '50s housewife approach here, but improving your appearance and looking good in front of your male partner is definitely a good thing. You want him to feel proud that you are his wife or partner!
- We all have days when we want to laze around in our pajamas, without makeup and hair loose, but every now and then it would be nice to dress up for no other reason than wanting to look beautiful in front of your partner. He will appreciate your efforts!
- You should also make an effort to do the things you used to do when you first met - whether that means shaving your legs, changing your hairstyle once a month, or keeping your weight in check. Try to be the girl he fell in love with!

Step 5. Lead him to bed
No debate about how to make a man happy would be complete without references to sexual relations! While this may vary slightly, most men love it when their woman takes over in bed.
- This means something different in every relationship, whether it's taking the initiative for sex (especially if you don't usually do) or bonding with your partner like dominatrix style.
- Give him an occasional freebie - in other words, a sexual gratification for which you expect nothing in return. She will love it more than any gift giving!
- Remember that being intimate (whatever that means to you) is an important part of any healthy and happy relationship – it brings the two of you closer and allows you to express your love for each other in very deep and personal ways.
- Always tell your male partner that you like him. These words will make him happy. Don't assume that doing nice things for your male partner, even things that are traditionally viewed as demeaning, will make him see you as a less independent woman. The simple act of helping him once or twice won't bring you down – it's someone who cares.
- Don't lie about your interests. Be honest if you are interested in his activities or if not, leave him with his own interests. Faking your interest or interest may only please him for a moment, but when your true lack of interest begins to show, he will be very upset and become very annoyed with your attitude.
Don't let trying to please your man turn you into a trampled doormat. Stay true to yourself, be independent, and don't accept any harassment, ingratitude, or disrespect. When a man doesn't respect a woman, all the effort in the world will not make him happy because he thinks these things are the right thing to do. Leave him and find a man who is sweeter and appreciates you. Trust me, they exist.
All men are different, and this advice won't apply to all of them. "The best way to find out what makes a man happy is to ask him."