It's not always easy to make your man happy emotionally "and" sexually in a relationship. To make your man emotionally happy, you have to be attentive to his needs and know when to give him space. To make your man sexually happy, you have to be willing to try new things and be bold and adventurous. But the most important part is that “you” feel happy while pleasing your man. If you want to know how to make your man emotionally and sexually happy in a relationship, just follow these steps.
Method 1 of 3: Making Your Man Emotionally Happy

Step 1. Get to know your man's mood
Just like women, men can have mood swings. If you want to make your man emotionally happy, you have to recognize his mood and know what to do depending on his feelings. The more time you spend with him, the better you'll get to know his moods and the quicker you'll know how to react. Here are a few things to keep in mind as you identify his mood:
- You should know when he's brooding and wants to be left alone, or when he's sad and wants to be comforted and wants to open up to you – if you can't tell the difference between these two moods, you will either suffocate or alienate him.
- If he's irritated, after heavy traffic or a bad basketball game, don't bother him. This is not the time to start cuddling with him or start gossiping about your friend.
- If you want to have a "serious conversation" with your guy, wait until he's in a good mood. If you try to talk about something serious when he's stressed or has a lot on his mind, you're not going to get the results you want.

Step 2. Support him
To make your man emotionally happy, you have to know how to support him – and sincerely. You can support him by telling him that he is amazing, talented, or funny, and help him pursue his dreams and goals. Don't pretend to be supportive – you have to be sincere when it comes to helping him move forward in life.
- If he has a basketball game close at hand, bake him a cookie or call him the night before to show that you care.
- If he has a big exam, interview, or important event close at hand, compliment him and tell him how special he is to make him feel positive.

Step 3. Show how much you like it – without overdoing it
To make a man emotionally happy, you should tell him how you feel – whether you love him, or really like him. When you say goodbye to your guy, let him know that you love him or that he's really great, and find at least one reason to compliment him every time you're with him. You can tell how special he is without smothering him or overdoing it.
- You don't have to send 20 text messages a day saying how handsome he is or that you can't wait to meet him – this will overwhelm him.
- Make sure your affection is reciprocated. If you keep saying how great he is and get no reply, then you likely have a problem.

Step 4. Don't be too spoiled
If you want to make your man emotionally happy, you have to know how to be there for him when he needs you “and” how to step back and give him space when he needs it. Being spoiled means wanting to be with him 24/7, not giving him time to meet his guy friends, and interrupting him every 15 minutes when he's not with you. Who likes that? There is not any.
- No matter how serious your relationship is, you don't have to spend every night together. Have fun going out with your girlfriend and let her go out with her boyfriend without any problems.
- If you're not with him that day, you can call him once or twice, but not every hour, especially when he's with friends, or he'll start to get annoyed.
- If you really want to stop being spoiled, you have to be able to pursue your own interests, have passions of your own, and be yourself without his help. You should be enjoying time with your man, but your life shouldn't depend on it.

Step 5. Learn to compromise
To make your man emotionally happy, you need to be able to compromise when things go wrong. You have to know that both of you should be able to get what you want, or be the middle ground where each gets what he likes. Learning to compromise means knowing how to consider your interests as well as your man's whenever you make a decision.
- You can also take a turn in getting a wish – maybe you can pick a restaurant for date night and he can pick a movie.
- Don't be the woman who always gets what she wants because her man thinks it's easier to give him what he wants than to fight.
- In a good relationship, both parties should be willing to compromise.
- Learn to discuss in an even tone, instead of shouting when there is a disagreement.

Step 6. Don't always get into fights
There is nothing a man hates more than having to fight, bicker, or argue with his woman for no reason. If you have something important to discuss, choose an appropriate time and place where you can both focus on the conversation; don't start yelling at him in public and expect him to get back at him. Learn to be quiet when you disagree, don't raise it.
If you have the urge to start an argument, ask yourself why, and what makes you angry. Find a way to discuss this matter with an adult

Step 7. Don't ask if he's mad at you if he's not in a good mood
This is a common mistake that many women make. If your guy is clearly angry and you don't know why – or even if you do – and you know you can't fix it, you might ask, “Are you mad at me? Did I say something?” If there's no reason for the guy to be mad at you and he's already in a bad mood, this will only make him feel worse.
You need to know that there are some situations that you have no control over. If he's having a bad day, he's just having a bad day – his world doesn't depend on you

Step 8. Remember to have fun
Some women are so obsessed with having a perfect relationship that they forget to relax and have fun with their man. While being in a relationship means building a strong bond, having a relationship also means being able to laugh, be silly, and have a good time without trying too hard. If you and your guy don't laugh much together. He cannot be emotionally happy.
Don't worry too much about planning the perfect date or the perfect romantic activity. You can have fun by renting a silly movie, going to the mall, or taking an impromptu trip to the beach
Method 2 of 3: Making Your Man Sexually Happy

Step 1. Know how to touch it
If you want to be able to make your man sexually happy, you have to know how to make him lust. Every man is different, but there are places where almost every man wants to be touched to get excited. Here are some love locations to try:
- Touch behind his ear, or whisper, so that your lips touch the inside of his ear.
- Kiss the front and back of his neck, biting him a little.
- Give it a sensual shoulder massage and see if it leads to something more.
- Gently stroke the back of his neck while kissing.
- Place your hands under his back while speaking.
- Place your hands firmly on his chest.

Step 2. Try a new sexual position
If you want to make your man sexually happy, you can't do the same thing all the time. You have to be willing to experiment and try new positions – as long as you feel comfortable doing so. If you're always kissing in the same position, with him on top of you, try changing it so you're on top – the same goes for sex.
- Every new thing you try won't always be comfortable – but be open to the process. You can go back to your old favorite position and try something new in the middle.
- Let him lead. Maybe he has an idea of what he wants. If not, you can try something new first.

Step 3. Make out in a new place
If you want to keep your man happy, you shouldn't always make out in the same part of the bed all the time. Instead, try moving around your house or apartment and exploring every part of your body. Don't be afraid to try making out outdoors, whether it's at your in-town hotel or a romantic getaway.
- Don't underestimate making out in the cinema. Kissing in the car is also a favorite.
- Play around in public. Find a quiet and romantic location to have fun with your man.

Step 4. Have an adventurous spirit
To please your man sexually, you have to be adventurous. This means not being afraid to go to new places and try new things whenever you want. For an adventurous spirit, you should be willing to try new things, from swimming naked to kissing on the beach, or even making love all night on a weekend trip.
- Don't think of reasons not to try something new – think of all the reasons why it would be fun.
- Take an unexpected weekend getaway. Point to your chosen place on the map. Have fun exploring those new places – and each other's bodies.

Step 5. Be bold
Being bold is another way to make your man sexually happy. To be bold, you have to make sure your guy knows what you want and when you want it. Be the leader of the night and pull your man into the room, telling him what to do. Or when you're at a party or a busy bar, turn to him and whisper "I want you" in his ear, telling him it's time to go home and make out.
- Your man will really like your courage and honesty and it will make him more lustful.
- If you're in the mood to do it, just do it. If you get that feeling of love while your man is in the shower, just step in and join in for a soap session.

Step 6. Be a pervert
Your guy likes it if you're a pervert once in a while. To be a pervert, you shouldn't be afraid to push the limits of your sexuality. Here are some ways you can be a pervert:
- Go to a sex shop, buy some whips, sex toys, and sexy clothes, no matter how ridiculous they are.
- Buy some very sexy see-through underwear.
- Have fun talking dirty over the phone or text message to get your guy thinking about you when you're not with him. He will love it.
Method 3 of 3: Keeping Her Happy

Step 1. Make sure your relationship is always fresh
If you want to make sure your guy stays emotionally and sexually happy, you can't always stick to the same routine, even if you've been with him for several years. You should try to do new things or you will both lose interest. Here are some ways to do it:
- Do something you've never done together before at least once a month. It could be rock climbing, biking, or playing beach volleyball.
- Attend dance classes together. Learning to dance salsa or ballroom can help you both balance yourself out as you explore new horizons.
- Find a new way to compliment your guy every week. You can always think of something else you love about him.
- Be selling expensive once in a while. He shouldn't feel like he can have you whenever he wants.
- Know that the chase never ends. He should be trying just as hard to chase after you as the day you first met.

Step 2. Don't be jealous
The easiest way to destroy a relationship is to start getting jealous for no reason. If you're jealous, it will only irritate and frustrate your guy and will make him think that you don't feel safe in the relationship so you don't believe he won't cheat. If you can't stand watching your guy talk to or even talk about other girls, even if it really doesn't hurt, you should try to control your jealousy and make your guy feel safe.
- If you're always gossiping or saying negative things about other women, your man won't be impressed.
- Part of having a healthy relationship means knowing that there are lots of attractive members of the opposite sex out there and knowing that you won't go after them. If you think your guy can't be around a beautiful woman without seducing him, you have a problem.

Step 3. Don't try to change it
If you don't like your guy – in a way – why are you with him? It's okay to ask your guy to change things up a bit, whether that means not being late for a date or returning your calls sooner, but you shouldn't be trying to change the way your guy looks, thinks, and talks to fit your “perfect guy” image. This will only make your man feel irritated, like he can't be himself, and like you don't like him for who he is.
- If your man is exhibiting unpleasant behavior, you can say so. But if you point out every little problem, from the way he chews his food to the way he ties his shoelaces, he'll feel like you're always nagging.
- Nobody is perfect. You should know that there's something not ideal about him in you – but that's okay.

Step 4. Give him space
Even if your relationship has been going on for years, you should always remember to give your man space – even if you share the same house and bed. You and your man should be able to spend some time apart so that your relationship can grow even stronger when you're back together, and so that you can continue to appreciate how special each of your loved ones is.
- Being able to let your guy do his own thing on the weekends, or go out with his coworkers without you around, or take weekend trips to see his family without you is a sign of maturity and trust.
- If you feel that you have to be with him all the time or that you can't be alone, you won't be able to keep him happy for long.

Step 5. Make sure you are happy
While it is important for you to make your man emotionally and sexually happy, it is equally important that you feel emotionally and sexually satisfied in the relationship. It's not a woman's job to hide her feelings from a man, to make sure his needs are met – strong relationships depend on reciprocated love, support, and acceptance. If you feel like you're spending your time thinking about what your man wants instead of looking after your own needs, you have a problem.
While it's impossible for you and your man to be emotionally and sexually happy all the time, you both need to be happy most of the time for the relationship to thrive
- In an argument men only want to be heard once and often they will try to say hurtful things to get you to listen and stop rambling on about how you feel, so listen up and you won't be hurt!
- Don't overprotect it.
- Guys really hate having to call/text you all the time. Only make short phone calls if you think you're in a bad mood, or irritated. This usually makes men very angry, and wanting more space.
- Don't think of space as a bad thing! Have you ever had one place you always came to escape from the world? That's what a guy needs when you're always bothering him. Often he would go to the bar with his friends.
- One of the things that men really dislike is the lack of intelligence and common sense. Ladies, learn how to plug in a computer, or a television. If you're not sure, there's a website you're visiting right now!