5 Ways to Play Poker

5 Ways to Play Poker
5 Ways to Play Poker

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Currently the game of poker is experiencing a surge of popularity, partly because it often appears in foreign-made films. Want to feel the excitement of playing poker? It's easy. Here's a quick, easy-to-understand discussion of how to play "5 Card Draw", "Texas Hold'em", and some basic strategies you can use. Once you understand it, you can easily adapt it to play the other variations (described below) and improve your poker skills through practice.


Method 1 of 5: Playing 5 Card Draw

Play Poker Step 1
Play Poker Step 1

Step 1. Understand the basics of the game of poker

Poker is usually played with a common 52-card 4-of-a-kind set. Aces are usually used as high value cards, but can also be used as low value cards. A joker or other free card can be added to the card set. In the unfolding stage, the remaining players compare the cards they have in order of the strength of the card combination. The type of card is not used to determine which card combination is stronger, nor are the cards after the fifth card; only the best five cards held are used for comparison. In the event of a tie, bets will be divided equally among the winners.

Free cards create additional new card combinations, namely five cards of a kind (five of a kind), which are stronger than a straight flush (a combination of five cards of the same suit and sequential number). If a joker card is used, usually it can only be used as an ace, or a complementary straight or flush. This card cannot be used as a completely free card

Play Poker Step 2
Play Poker Step 2

Step 2. Familiarize yourself with the variations of poker cards

The winner is the one with the highest value card combination. You can't win if you don't know the combination of cards that will win the bet. If two players have a card combination with the same value (eg full house) or neither has a winning card combination, then the player with the highest value card wins (the highest value ace card). Print out the sequence of poker card combinations and remember the card combinations.

Play Poker Step 3
Play Poker Step 3

Step 3. Place bet chips (chips)

Place an ante (bet) into the pot (bet stack, usually placed at a point in the middle of the table). Each player places a bet with the same amount regardless of the currency used (poker bet chips, banknotes, car keys, etc.). Whoever wins will get all the stakes.

Play Poker Step 4
Play Poker Step 4

Step 4. Card dealing

After shuffling the cards, the dealer deals face-down cards (cards with the front face down) starting with the player to their left and continuing clockwise, one card at a time, until all players have five cards. The remaining pile of cards will be placed in the center of the table.

Play Poker Step 5
Play Poker Step 5

Step 5. Look at your cards when others see theirs

Now is the time to assess the strength of your card combination. Beginners usually indicate how strong their card combination is with what is known as a "sign". Some of the signs include short breathing, little or too much eye contact, facial muscle tension, etc. Trying to reduce these signs will give you a better chance. Keep your poker face (an expressionless face while playing poker).

Play Poker Step 6
Play Poker Step 6

Step 6. Turn to play

The first person to place a bet is usually the player to the left of the dealer, who is the first person to be dealt a card. That player can choose between open (place the first bet) or check (pass the decision to the next player). Once the pot is opened, which means that a player places a certain amount of bets (i.e. places a bet on the pot), all players who have made their turn will have two choices:

  • Call – stay in the game (keep following the bet) by placing the same number of bets into the pot.
  • Fold – surrender (for that combination of cards) by placing a face-down card on the table; whatever you put in the pot will stay in the pot.
  • Once they've made a decision, each player who still has a turn gets the same two choices as before, plus one new choice:
  • Raise – stay in the game by placing more bets than the last player placed in the pot.
  • If a player raises the bet, then all players who have made their turn must choose between calling or folding again. Then the next player will have a turn.
Play Poker Step 7
Play Poker Step 7

Step 7. Take the card

After all players have made their turn (even if all players choose check), discard the maximum three cards you don't want and replace them with new cards. This is done in turns, and starts with the player to the left of the dealer and continues clockwise. Choose a card that you don't think will help you win. You may discard three cards, or you may keep all your cards. If you discard a card, place it face down on the table so no one can see what card you discarded.

Play Poker Step 8
Play Poker Step 8

Step 8. Proceed to the next betting round

Just like before, the first player can choose to open or check, and the check can continue until there is a player who places the first bet, and after that the players can choose between call, raise or fold. More people will start to give up after realizing that their weak card combinations are not worth the stakes.

Play Poker Step 9
Play Poker Step 9

Step 9. Open the card

All the remaining players in the game must open their cards to find out who has the best card combination. The winner will get all the bets in the pot.

Method 2 of 5: Play Texas Hold'em

Play Poker Step 10
Play Poker Step 10

Step 1. Understand the basic rules of Texas Hold'em

All players are dealt two cards face down, and five "shared cards" face up. Players try to make the best five-card combination out of their seven cards.

Each player in turn becomes the dealer. In this game, bets use the blind (the initial bet placed by the two players to the left of the dealer, before the cards are dealt). The position of the player directly to the left of the dealer is the small blind, and the next player is the big blind. The small blind is the initial bet, and the big blind is the minimum bet (usually twice the value of the small blind)

Play Poker Step 11
Play Poker Step 11

Step 2. Start the game

The game starts with the first player to the left of the big blind (i.e. the third player to the left of the dealer). The player can choose between call (place a bet according to the minimum bet), raise, or fold. The game continues with a clockwise turn, where each player must follow the previous bet amount, increase the bet amount, or give up. If no one raises the bet amount, the player with the big blind position can increase the bet amount before the next stage takes place or decide to check.

Play Poker Step 12
Play Poker Step 12

Step 3. Look at the flop cards

After the first round of betting is made, the dealer places the top card from the deck face down on the table. This card is called a burn card (unused card). The next three cards from the deck are laid face down, which is called the flop. Now each player has two cards in his hand and three community cards. The next round of betting starts with the player to the left of the dealer.

Play Poker Step 13
Play Poker Step 13

Step 4. View the turn cards

After the second round of betting, the dealer takes the top one card from the deck as a burn card. The dealer deals the next common card, the fourth card, which is called the turn. The remaining players place their bets again, starting with the player to the left of the dealer.

Play Poker Step 14
Play Poker Step 14

Step 5. Look at the river card

After the third round of betting, the dealer takes the top card from the deck as a burn card. The dealer deals the next common card, which is the fifth card which is the last card, which is called the river. Players place bets on their card combinations, and the winner gets all the stakes. If a player places a bet, and the other players surrender, then the winning player does not need to show his card combination.

Method 3 of 5: Strategy Important

Play Poker Step 15
Play Poker Step 15

Step 1. Know the starting card combination

When you start the first round of betting, it is important to know whether the combination of cards you have is worth playing or not. In the Texas Hold'em card game, you have two cards to start with, and you have to decide whether you should play those cards or give up.

  • Good card combinations to raise bets: Pairs of cards of ten, J/Q/K or aces are almost always good card combinations to raise bets. The ace and king pair, or the ace and queen, is also a strong card combination. If you have this kind of card combination, increase the bet before the flop to increase the pot value.
  • Good card combinations for betting on: Pairing an ace with a J/Q/K card, or two consecutive J/Q/K cards of different suit is a strong card combination for betting on. Successive pairs of number cards (two to ten) of the same suit may also be successful. Pairs of cards with the same number but low can follow the bet, but do not increase the bet.
Play Poker Step 16
Play Poker Step 16

Step 2. Know when to hold on and when to give up

The key to success in poker is knowing when to give up and accept a small loss, or when to hold on and risk a bigger loss knowing that you have a good chance of winning the bet. If at the flop stage you have a bad card combination, select check and fold. Of course you don't want to keep placing bets on card combinations that won't win. If at the flop stage you have a strong card combination, place a bet. This will force weak card combinations to surrender and increase the value of your bet.

  • If your card combination is playable only if the right card appears, then you'll want to determine if it's worth holding on and waiting for that card to appear. Calculating the odds of winning the pot can greatly assist you in making these kinds of decisions.
  • The odds of winning the pot are calculated by determining your percentage chance of getting the required cards. To calculate it, count the number of out cards you have. Out cards are cards that will strengthen your card combination without causing the opponent's card combination to be stronger than yours. Multiply the number of outs by two, then add one to get the percentage (using an approximation). For example, if there are ten cards in the deck that can strengthen your card combination, then you have an approximately (10 x 2) + 1 = 21 percent chance of getting the required card.
  • Next, you must determine whether it is appropriate to place a bet. Calculate your pot and bet, i.e. the amount of the pot plus the bet you placed on this round of betting. So if the pot amounts to IDR 120 thousand, and the bet on this round is IDR 20 thousand, then the pot + bet is IDR 140 thousand. Multiply the percentage of out cards by the pot + stake. Using the previous example, a 21 percent chance with a pot + bet of IDR 140 thousand is IDR 29,400. This means that you should be following a bet smaller than IDR 29,400.
  • Calculating the odds of winning the pot is only a guide, and doesn't require many variables in the calculations. Use this calculation as a basis for assessing the suitability of a card combination.
Play Poker Step 17
Play Poker Step 17

Step 3. Understand psychology

Playing your opponent is probably more important than playing your cards in poker. You need to be able to read what your opponents are doing, as well as trick them into not knowing your plans.

  • Don't let emotions get in the way of your judgment. Sometimes you will lose, that's for sure. Don't let setbacks affect your attitude and playing style.
  • Change your habits. If you have played your cards carefully, and are not placing bets carelessly, start bluffing more (placed high bets even if the card combinations are bad). If you've been bluffing, go back to playing it safe. Changing habits frequently will make it difficult for your opponent to guess your actions and cards.
  • Read opponent. Match your playing style with your opponent. Watch for players who bet carelessly, and try to trap them. Learn to look at the signs, which can tell you about their approximate card combination. Some basic signs: hand over mouth usually hides a smile; Shaking hands are a sign of nervousness, but it can be good nervousness or bad nervousness. If a player sees the chip on the flop, they probably have a strong card combination. If a player of intermediate skill is staring at you, chances are he is bluffing.
Play Poker Step 18
Play Poker Step 18

Step 4. Think and react quickly

Don't be hampered by certain thoughts, but react according to the situation that arises. Every situation in poker is different due to the human factor.

Play Poker Step 19
Play Poker Step 19

Step 5. Plan well for the money available in the bank

When studying, you should not provide more than what you are willing to lose. Do not add to the money available in the bank after losing everything you provided. Wait until you're not bothered by losing that much again.

  • When you start to win regularly, adjust the money available in the bank to maximize your earning potential. The general rule of thumb is that you should be able to accept a loss of two hundred times the maximum bet limit. So if the betting limit is IDR 50 thousand, then the money available in the bank should be IDR 10 million.
  • Count your wins and losses. This will help you to figure out whether you will win or lose in the long run.

Method 4 of 5: Poker Card Combinations: Reference Sheet

Play Poker Step 20
Play Poker Step 20

Step 1. Royal Flush (10 cards, jacks, queens, kings, and aces, all of the same suit) – the highest value because it is the most surprising to get. A common misconception is that this card combination is the most difficult to get than the other five similar cards.

Play Poker Step 21
Play Poker Step 21

Step 2. Straight Flush (five cards with consecutive numbers, all of the same suit) – may not have a king card and a two card at the same time (eg Q-K-A-2-3).

Play Poker Step 22
Play Poker Step 22

Step 3. Four of a Kind (four cards with the same number and one card of any kind).

Play Poker Step 23
Play Poker Step 23

Step 4. Full House (three cards with the same number and two cards with the same number) – for the same card combination Full House, which is stronger is determined by a card that has a higher value than three cards that have the same number.

Play Poker Step 24
Play Poker Step 24

Step 5. Flush (five cards of the same suit) – any number doesn't matter.

Play Poker Step 25
Play Poker Step 25

Step 6. Straight (five cards with consecutive numbers, different suits) – may not have a king card and a two card at the same time (eg J-Q-K-A-2).

Play Poker Step 26
Play Poker Step 26

Step 7. Three of a Kind (three cards with the same number, two other cards with different numbers) – if the other two cards have the same number, it will be a Full House.

Play Poker Step 27
Play Poker Step 27

Step 8. Two Pair (two pairs of cards with the same number plus one card with different numbers).

Play Poker Step 28
Play Poker Step 28

Step 9. One Pair (two cards with the same number, three other cards with different numbers).

Method 5 of 5: Variations

Play Poker Step 29
Play Poker Step 29

Step 1. Variations of the game of poker

  • Straight Poker – Five cards are dealt to each player with a one-round bet. The best card combination gets the pot.
  • 5-card stud game – This game is similar to straight poker in that you cannot swap the cards that are dealt to you, but in this variation, four cards are dealt face up for all players to see. The player who has the best combination of cards wins the pot. The dealing goes as follows: One card is dealt face down (hole card) to each player, then one card is dealt face down to each player, followed by a round of betting. There are three subsequent rounds where one card is dealt face up to all remaining players, followed by a round of betting. After the last bet is placed, the hole cards are opened and the player with the best card combination wins the pot.
  • 7-card stud game – Your goal is to make the best five-card combination. In this game, players are dealt two cards face down, followed by one face up card before the first round of betting. Another three rounds of one open card are dealt to each player who is still standing (not giving up) with a one-round bet after each dealing of one card. The last card is dealt face down, followed by the last round of betting. In this game, the cards that are dealt face down are called hole cards.
  • lowball – The object of the game is to get the card combination with the lowest value.
  • Omaha – Four cards are dealt face down, followed by a betting round, then five community cards are dealt face down. Players must make card combinations using two face down cards combined with three common cards.
  • Pineapple – Three cards are dealt face down, one card discarded before the flop, in a game similar to Texas Hold'em.
  • Crazy Pineapple – Three cards are dealt face down, one card discarded after the flop, in a game similar to Texas Hold'em.
  • Cincinnati – Four cards are dealt face down and there are four cards together with a four-round bet.
  • Dr. Pepper – Five cards are dealt where cards 2, 4 and 10 are free cards.


  • Cautious players will only stay in the game when their cards are good. They don't lose too much money, but they are easy to spot (and bully) by more experienced players.
  • Aggressive players will sometimes place very high bets early in the game, although this is risky.
  • You can bluff, or trick other players into believing you have a strong card combination, by placing high bets. If they believe, then they will give up and you will get a pot with a bad card combination.
  • Give up if the stakes are high at the beginning of the game.
