4 Ways to Treat Burns

4 Ways to Treat Burns
4 Ways to Treat Burns

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Burns are common and can be very painful. While minor burns can heal without medical attention, severe burns require special care to prevent infection and reduce any possible scars. Before treating a burn, you need to understand the type-or degree-of your burn.


Method 1 of 4: Determining the Degree of Your Burn

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Step 1. Find out if your wound is a first-degree burn

First-degree burns are the most common type of burn, and are caused by exposure to light heat or steam, brief contact with hot objects, and the sun. Damage that occurs only occurs on the outer surface of the skin. These burns will likely appear red, slightly swollen, and may be only slightly painful. Treat first-degree burns at home, as usually no medical treatment is needed. The outer layer of skin has the ability to heal itself with a little care and time.

First-degree burns are classified as "minor burns" and should receive appropriate treatment. Sometimes you may experience extensive first-degree burns-like sunburns all over your body-but even these do not require medical attention

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Step 2. Find out if your wound is a second degree burn

Your skin may also appear cracked and swollen, and the pain will be stronger. Second-degree burns are caused by contact with very hot objects (boiling water for example), or prolonged exposure to sunlight. Unless your second-degree burn is on your hands, feet, groin, or face, treat the wound as a minor burn. If you have blisters on your skin, don't pop the bubbles. If the bubbles on the blisters burst, keep them clean by rinsing with water and applying an antibacterial ointment. You can also protect the skin with a bandage or other bandage. This bandage should be changed daily.

Second-degree burns involve two layers of skin. If your second-degree burn is wider than 7.5 cm, is on your hands, feet, joints, or genitals, or doesn't heal within a few weeks, then you should call your doctor immediately to seek medical attention

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Step 3. Check for third degree burns

Third degree burns are the most serious and require immediate medical attention. This wound occurs when the skin is exposed to hot objects that penetrate all three layers, sometimes even causing muscle, fat, and bone damage. In third-degree burns, the skin looks contorted and is white or black in color. The pain you feel can vary depending on the level of damage to the nerves in the skin layer (pain receptors). These burns can appear "wet" due to the breakdown of cell walls and the release of proteinaceous fluid.

Third-degree burns are always classified as major burns and require immediate medical attention

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Step 4. Check for low temperature burns

These "burns" are sores that occur when your skin is exposed to very low temperatures, such as snow or ice, for a long time. The injured skin will be bright red, white, or black in color, and it will burn as if it were rewarmed. Low-temperature "burns" are still classified as burns because they damage the layers of skin tissue.

  • In most cases, low-temperature burns require the same treatment as a major burn. Seek medical attention to treat it.
  • Rewarm skin with 37°C to 39°C of water immediately after exposure to cold temperatures.
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Treat a Burn Step 5

Step 5. Check for chemical burns

These burns are caused by skin contact with hazardous chemicals. Chemical burns that will appear as red patches, rashes, blisters, and open sores on the skin. Your first step is to determine the cause and get medical help right away.

  • Call the emergency department immediately if you believe you have a chemical burn. Care must be taken to neutralize and stop the spread of the causative chemical.
  • Drain chemical burns with plenty of water, but avoid using water if the burn has been exposed to quicklime, or metallic elements (such as sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, lithium, etc.) as these can react with water and make the wound worse.

Method 2 of 4: Treating Minor Burns

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Treat a Burn Step 6

Step 1. Run cold water over the wound

As soon as you can, run water over the burn. This will prevent further damage to your skin. Place the burned area under running water for 10-15 minutes until the pain subsides. Do not use ice water as this can exacerbate the damage around the burn.

The sudden change of extreme heat to extreme cold will only hinder the healing process

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Treat a Burn Step 7

Step 2. Immediately remove tight clothing or jewelry

As soon as you can, or while running water over the wound, remove any objects that are blocking the skin around the burn. If you are in doubt, let it go. This will help increase blood flow to the wound and begin to heal. Removing tight clothing or jewelry can also prevent skin damage from getting worse.

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Treat a Burn Step 8

Step 3. Apply a cold compress

If there is no cold water nearby, use a cold pack or ice wrapped in a towel. Place it over your wound. Compress the affected area for 10-15 minutes, pause for 30 minutes, then compress again for 10-15 minutes.

Never apply ice directly to the wound, as this will damage the skin layer. Give a towel as a barrier between the skin and ice

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Treat a Burn Step 9

Step 4. Take a pain reliever

Over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen, paracetamol, aspirin, or naproxen can help if the burn symptoms bother you. If the pain doesn't subside after a few hours, take another dose of the medicine. Do not use aspirin for children, or if you have recently recovered from the flu or chickenpox.

Follow the specific instructions for use on the packaging. These instructions will vary depending on the medication you choose

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Step 5. Clean the wound

After washing your hands, use soap and water to clean the wound and prevent infection. Apply an antibiotic such as Neosporin when you are done cleaning the burn. Aloe vera can also be used to soothe your skin. Look for aloe vera that contains several additional ingredients. Antibiotics and aloe vera can also prevent your bandage from sticking to the wound.

Don't pop the skin bubbles when you clean them, as these bubbles actually protect your skin from infection. Take care not to burst the skin bubbles and release the fluid, as your body is able to deal with the small bubbles on its own. Antibiotic ointment is not needed if your blisters haven't burst. But if these bubbles burst and your wound opens, use antibiotics to prevent infection

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Treat a Burn Step 11

Step 6. Cover the wound with gauze

You may not need to use a bandage on a first-degree wound, unbroken skin bubble, or unopened skin. However, even minor second-degree burns need dressing to protect them from infection. Gently bandage the wound with gauze and seal it with medical tape. You should change the gauze every day.

  • Do not apply gauze directly to any wound. Open wounds should always be coated with cream or ointment before dressing with gauze. Otherwise, when the gauze is removed, the newly formed skin layer will also be peeled off.
  • Remove the gauze in the direction of hair growth. If the gauze sticks to the wound, use lukewarm water or saline to help remove it. Make a saline solution by adding 1 teaspoon of salt to a gallon of water.
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Treat a Burn Step 12

Step 7. Avoid using home remedies like egg whites, butter, and tea

The internet is always filled with various "magic" remedies for burns, even though there is very little scientific research to support their benefits. Many reliable sources, such as the Red Cross, claim that this home remedy actually "worsens" the wound because it contains bacteria that cause infection.

Natural moisturizers such as aloe vera or soy may be helpful for easing cases of sunburn

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Treat a Burn Step 13

Step 8. Watch out for infection in the wound

Watch the wound for a change in color to red, brown, or black. Also watch for discoloration of the fat layer under and around the wound to green. A wound that doesn't heal can be a sign of a more serious complication, infection, or burn. Tell your doctor if you experience any of the following signs:

  • Warm feeling
  • Painful
  • Hardened burns
  • Body temperature over 39°C or less than 36.5°C (this is a sign of a serious infection in the body and requires immediate medical attention).
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Treat a Burn Step 14

Step 9. Relieve itching by applying medication

Itching is a common complaint among patients in the early recovery period of minor burns. Topical medications such as aloe vera or petroleum jelly can soothe the discomfort caused by itching. Oral antihistamines can also be taken to relieve itching.

Method 3 of 4: Treating Major Burns

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Treat a Burn Step 15

Step 1. Call the emergency department immediately

Major burns should not be treated at home, and require immediate professional help. Call an ambulance, or go to the doctor or emergency room immediately.

Do not trying to treat a serious burn yourself. The steps in this section are only the first aid steps until medical help arrives.

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Treat a Burn Step 16

Step 2. Carefully remove the victim from the heat source

If possible, do your best to prevent burns or injury from spreading. Extinguish the heat source, or remove the victim from it.

Never pull or move the victim using a burning tool. Because if you do, the damage to the victim's skin can expand and possibly make the wound more open. This can cause the victim to feel excruciating pain and trigger shock

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Treat a Burn Step 17

Step 3. Cover the wound

Place a cool, damp towel over the wound to protect it until help arrives. Do not apply ice or immerse the wound in ice water. This can lead to hypothermia or further damage to sensitive parts of the body.

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Treat a Burn Step 18

Step 4. Get rid of harmful chemicals

If your burn was caused by chemicals, clean the injured area of chemical residue. Run cold water over the burn or apply a cold compress while you wait for help to arrive. Do not try to use any home remedies for chemical burns.

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Treat a Burn Step 19

Step 5. Lift the injured area so that it is above the victim's heart

Only do this step if you can lift it without making the wound worse.

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Treat a Burn Step 20

Step 6. Seek immediate help for shock

Watch for symptoms of shock: weak or fast pulse, low blood pressure, clammy and cold skin, disorientation or fainting, nausea, aggressive behavior. If you notice any symptoms of shock caused by a third-degree burn, seek medical attention immediately. Call an ambulance to take the victim to the hospital immediately. This situation can be life threatening for the victim, as well as dangerous.

Severe third-degree burns can cause shock because the body loses a lot of fluids when large areas of skin are burned. The body cannot function normally with very low amounts of fluids and blood

Method 4 of 4: Understanding Hospital Treatment for Burns

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Treat a Burn Step 21

Step 1. Remove clothing and jewelry

Fire victims may soon be transferred from the hospital to the burns unit for follow-up care. So, remove all clothing or jewelry that is still attached to the victim's body if it can block the body that may swell.

Burns may cause severe swelling, resulting in too much pressure on certain body parts (causing compartment syndrome). If this happens, surgery may be needed to lower the pressure while helping to improve blood flow and nerve function

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Treat a Burn Step 22

Step 2. Check vital signs and administer oxygen

For all major burns, the doctor may intubate 100% oxygen, which is a tube inserted into the esophagus. Vital signs should also be monitored immediately. That way, the patient's current condition can always be known, and the treatment plan can be adjusted according to the condition.

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Treat a Burn Step 23

Step 3. Give fluids to the patient

Stop the discharge of fluids from the patient's body, and replace lost body fluids with intravenous fluids. Determine the type and amount of fluid according to the patient's burn.

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Treat a Burn Step 24

Step 4. Give antibiotics and pain medication

Give painkillers and analgesics to reduce the victim's pain. Antibiotics are also important drugs for patients.

Antibiotics are needed because the body's main defense against infection (skin) has been damaged. Medicines are needed to prevent bacteria from entering and infecting the wound

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Treat a Burn Step 25

Step 5. Change the patient's diet

Suggest a high-calorie, high-protein diet. This will help replace the energy and proteins that are essential for repairing all the cells damaged by the burn.


  • Anyone with third-degree burns or more needs to be taken by ambulance to the nearest hospital.
  • Wash your hands before touching or treating burns. Wear rubber gloves if possible.
  • Only use clean, pure cold water or a saline solution if available as first aid for major burns. Protect the wound with a very clean or sterile cloth, such as a sheet, while seeking medical attention.
  • The advice in this article should not be used as a substitute for medical attention. If you have any doubts, contact your doctor immediately.
  • Cover minor or severe burns with plastic wrap if gauze is not available. This plastic will prevent infection on the way to the hospital or other places.
  • You should never run a chemical burn of unknown cause with water as this could potentially cause the chemical to spread along with the water to other parts of the body. Water can also make some cases of burns, such as those caused by quicklime, worse.
  • Do not expose burns to hazardous materials.


  • In severe burns, see a doctor immediately. This type of burn will not heal on its own and requires medical attention.
  • Burns from radioactive materials are a completely different kind of wound. Seek immediate medical attention if you suspect radiation is the cause of the burn, and take steps to protect yourself and the victim.
