Besides requiring no special tools or microwaves, making popcorn with a large pot at home is also very fun!
- A packet of corn
- Oil or butter

Step 1. Buy a packet of dry corn kernels
Nowadays, you can buy it in most supermarkets. In addition, dry corn kernels are also relatively easy to find in traditional markets. The larger the package size of the corn kernels, the more you can save in the future.

Step 2. Choose the largest pot with a lid (a pan with a transparent lid works great
). Place the pan on the stove and sprinkle some oil on it. If you have a spray bottle, spray the oil onto the walls of the pan as well.

Step 3. Estimate how many ears of corn you will need
Keep in mind the average size of the popcorn grains, and use them to estimate the amount that will fit in your pan.

Step 4. Place the corn kernels in a saucepan (about two small handfuls usually fit), then turn the stove on to medium heat

Step 5. Quickly cover the pot

Step 6. You will soon start hearing the ears of corn pop and hit the sides and lid of the pot
DO NOT OPEN THE BOTTLE COVER WHEN THE FIRE IS LOOKING AND THE POPULAR IS ERUNTING. When the noise subsides to only 1 or 2 pops every few seconds, turn off the heat and remove the pan from the stove.

Step 7. Open the lid of the pot slowly
The popcorn should be all over cooked, so open the lid. You will smell the butter.

Step 8. If you want sweet popcorn, take some sugar or artificial sweetener and sprinkle it over the popcorn (which is still in the pan)
Put the lid back on the pot, and shake the pot gently. The sugar should stick to the popcorn with the existing oil.

Step 9. If you prefer the taste of cheese, do the same steps as you did with sugar

Step 10. Serve

Step 11. Done
- If a lot of the corn isn't popping, several possible reasons could be that you didn't add enough oil, used too low a heat, or added too many kernels.
- If you want to use butter, first melt the butter in a saucepan instead of oil.
- Setting the heat in making popcorn with stainless steel cookware can be difficult without causing it to burn. So, it's best to try a little corn kernels first or use a heat diffuser (a round metal plate placed on the stove to distribute the heat).
- If you want salty popcorn, do the same as you would sweet or cheesecake, but use salt.
- If you open the lid while the pan is on the stove, the hot oil/butter that coats the popcorn will blow all the popcorn up.
- The oil, pan and stove top are in good condition hot. You have to be very careful if you want to make popcorn for kids.
- Don't try to make caramel/toffee popcorn at home. Besides probably not working, you also run the risk of starting a fire.
- Do not make popcorn a second time in the same pan after adding sugar or salt to it.