How to Stop Feeling Useless (with Pictures)

How to Stop Feeling Useless (with Pictures)
How to Stop Feeling Useless (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


In order to stop feeling useless, one of the first things to do is find out where those feelings are coming from. Maybe you feel useless because of your relationship or because of a stressful situation and once you figure that out, you can take the necessary steps to improve your life. Whatever the cause, the following steps below can help you deal with these feelings quickly.


Part 1 of 3: Feeling Useful

Become an Aesthetic Nurse Step 3
Become an Aesthetic Nurse Step 3

Step 1. Try to find the source of this feeling

Are there certain relationships that make you feel useless? Do you feel useless because of a certain situation that you have no control over? Do you feel useless because you feel you are not contributing to society properly? By knowing the source of these feelings, you are taking the first step towards changing your life.

  • One way to explore your feelings is to write them down in a journal. Think about the following questions as you write and try to figure out what's bothering you.
  • Alternatively, try discussing your problem with a trusted friend. Sometimes speaking out loud how you feel can help you figure out what's wrong.
Stop Feeling Useless Step 2
Stop Feeling Useless Step 2

Step 2. Find your passion

Find out what you're good at by exploring different hobbies and reading books. Find out what makes you happy and what you can contribute through those skills so that you can offer something to the world.

  • One way to explore interests is to take courses. Usually these courses are inexpensive and you can spend some time deciding whether or not you really have a passion for this interest. If you work full time, you can look for courses that are held in the evenings or on weekends.
  • You can also find out if the museum in your city offers art or history courses.
  • Another way to explore interests is to read books from the library. These books are free and you can take the time to learn about your interests.
  • If you want to meet other people who share your interests, you can search social media sites like Meetup and Facebook to meet people who are near you and share similar interests.
Stop Feeling Useless Step 3
Stop Feeling Useless Step 3

Step 3. Do something good every day

Buy someone a cup of coffee. Bring sandals to your loved ones without being asked. Offer a parking space to someone who looks stressed. The little things you do to help others each day can help you feel needed.

Stop Feeling Useless Step 4
Stop Feeling Useless Step 4

Step 4. Become a volunteer

Volunteering isn't the only way to make you feel useful, but you'll also be helping a lot of people by doing so. Choose a field you are passionate about and volunteer in it. If you love books, take the time to volunteer at the library. If you like working with children, offer to read books to the kids after school.

Stop Feeling Useless Step 5
Stop Feeling Useless Step 5

Step 5. Practice gratitude

Focus on the positive things in life. By focusing on what's good in your life, you too can overcome feelings of worthlessness or worthlessness. This attitude leads you to see the positive things in life so that you become happier.

One way to focus on the things that are going well in life is to regularly write gratitude in a journal. Every day, try to write down five things you are grateful for in life. Some people use social media like Facebook to do this. They post five things they are grateful for every day on this social media. Using social media can help you feel motivated about this project because you're more likely to receive positive feedback from your friends

Stop Feeling Useless Step 6
Stop Feeling Useless Step 6

Step 6. Talk to yourself in a positive manner

Sometimes feeling useless can stem from low self-confidence. Maybe you feel like you have nothing to offer the world. However, try to take some time each day to acknowledge what you did right. You make a difference to others and you have to look for that in yourself every day.

One way to build yourself up is to use a mirror positively. Every morning, look into your eyes and say something positive about yourself out loud

Stop Feeling Useless Step 7
Stop Feeling Useless Step 7

Step 7. Accept compliments

Just like talking positively about yourself to yourself, accept positivity from others, especially if it's about what you do or who you are as a person. You may feel like you don't deserve this compliment, but people are usually sincere when they take the time to compliment you. Think about the contributions you made so that people were inspired to give those compliments.

Help Save the Rivers Step 15
Help Save the Rivers Step 15

Step 8. Contribute to the things you care about

If you have a passion for protecting nature, try doing something for it. Try planning a demonstration. Write a letter. Talk to influential people. Fighting for something you believe in can help you feel more useful because you are doing something to help your friends and country.

Stop Feeling Useless Step 9
Stop Feeling Useless Step 9

Step 9. Try not to procrastinate

Stay away from things that can distract you, such as a computer, TV, phone, cat, or refrigerator. If you procrastinate, you will achieve nothing. However, if you complete the tasks you started, you will also find it more useful. Try starting with something small like cooking dinner for a couple and working on bigger tasks like cleaning the garage.

Stop Feeling Useless Step 10
Stop Feeling Useless Step 10

Step 10. Take good care of yourself

Improve your self-confidence and try to appreciate your time and skills more. You won't feel like you have a purpose if you don't take good care of yourself. Don't put yourself down and try to take time to rest and relax if you need to.

One way to respect yourself is to say "no" to offers that are not difficult for you to do because of limited time or energy. If you push yourself too hard to do everything, you won't be able to contribute fully to every task at hand

Part 2 of 3: Contributing to Your Relationship

Stop Feeling Useless Step 11
Stop Feeling Useless Step 11

Step 1. Listen to others better

Try to be active while listening. That is, pay attention to what other people say, instead of preparing everything that will be said in your mind. Try to be interested in what the other person is saying and respond in a way that lets the other person know you're listening.

Stop Feeling Useless Step 12
Stop Feeling Useless Step 12

Step 2. Be appreciative

Acknowledge what the people in your life have done for you. The acknowledgment shows them that you are aware of what they are doing for you and that you appreciate their efforts.

Stop Feeling Useless Step 13
Stop Feeling Useless Step 13

Step 3. Always be there for the people in your life

Your presence is one of the best gifts you can give to the people you care about. By doing so, you show that you love them.

Stop Feeling Useless Step 14
Stop Feeling Useless Step 14

Step 4. Celebrate what makes the people in your life unique, instead of embarrassing them for it

Instead of laughing at your boyfriend for crying, let him know that you value his emotional honesty. Instead of making fun of your friend for dancing silly in the kitchen, try to join him.

Stop Feeling Useless Step 15
Stop Feeling Useless Step 15

Step 5. Get out of a dangerous relationship

Some relationships just won't work, no matter what you do. If the other person in the relationship is being emotionally abusive or doesn't want to make time for you, it seems like it's time to step away from that person. Maybe you feel useless in a situation like this because maybe you feel like a failure. However, it could be because you don't fit in with the person, not because you failed to make a contribution to the relationship. Maybe the person has issues that they need to deal with before they can get into any kind of relationship, so you shouldn't blame yourself.

Part 3 of 3: Dealing with Stressful Situations

Stop Feeling Useless Step 16
Stop Feeling Useless Step 16

Step 1. Do what you can

Maybe you can't solve this problem, for example your mother will still be sick no matter what you do. However, you can accompany him. You can come when needed. You can offer support and encouragement. Maybe you didn't solve this problem the way you expected, but you did something that could make you feel more useful.

Stop Feeling Useless Step 17
Stop Feeling Useless Step 17

Step 2. If you are in a stressful situation, take some time to stop and breathe

You can pray, meditate, or take a few deep breaths. Whichever method you take, try to take some time to cool off. Just accept that you have no control over this situation.

Stop Feeling Useless Step 18
Stop Feeling Useless Step 18

Step 3. Focus on the things that are going well and work to make these things a big part of life

Maybe your mother is sick, but you can take the time to build a better relationship than ever with her.

Stop Feeling Useless Step 19
Stop Feeling Useless Step 19

Step 4. Try to talk about how you feel with other people who are also involved in this situation

While it won't change anything, it can help the other person realize that they're not the only ones dealing with these feelings and you can support them too. Plus, it can open the way for discussion so that other people can talk about their feelings too.

Stop Feeling Useless Step 20
Stop Feeling Useless Step 20

Step 5. See if there are any signs that you are depressed

Long-term stressful situations can lead to depression and feeling useless can be a symptom of depression, especially if other symptoms are present.

  • Symptoms of depression include difficulty focusing, feeling pessimistic, not being interested in things you normally enjoy, feeling guilty, feeling very tired, feeling constantly sad, and even experiencing physical symptoms such as dizziness or stomach pain.
  • Sometimes feeling sad doesn't mean you're depressed. Depression lasts for a long period of time with feelings of indifference and sadness. When your symptoms start to take control of your life, you may be depressed.
Be Independent and Unafraid Step 9
Be Independent and Unafraid Step 9

Step 6. See a doctor if you think you may be suffering from depression

If you are depressed, you may need treatment, or you may need to seek counseling to help you solve some problems that may help you feel more useful. Remember, being depressed is not a sign of weakness. Depression can be caused by a traumatic event in life, but it can also be caused by a chemical imbalance that must be corrected. In addition, some medications, genetic problems, and other problems such as illness can also cause depression.


  • Helping others can make you feel useful.
  • Acknowledge what you contribute to others.
