If you feel overwhelmed with daily tasks, having a schedule will help you to be more productive, efficient, and organized. Experiment with a notebook, planner, or app to manage your time, and stick to the method you think works best. Be sure to set realistic results and prioritize a balance between responsibility and free time. To stay on track, make scheduling a part of your routine and reward yourself whenever you manage to tick a task on your to-do list.
Part 1 of 3: Making a Schedule

Step 1. Record the time you do routine activities
Keep a log of the time you get ready in the morning, do your morning laundry, go shopping, answer email, do housework, and complete other routine tasks. Go through it for a week and write it down in a notebook, worksheet, or Notepad app.
- By tracking your routine for a whole week, you'll be able to estimate the time you need to allocate to certain tasks.
- Maybe you'll find a way to be more productive. For example, you may find that you have spent 10 hours playing a video game and should spend more time studying.

Step 2. Try creating a schedule using a variety of tools, from notebooks to agendas to apps
Take advantage of a variety of handwritten or digital methods when first setting up a schedule. If you want to start with a blank sheet, use a notebook or Notepad app. If you want to use a sheet that includes the date and time slot, use an agenda or calendar app.
- Choose a method that suits you. If you don't like paper, use a digital app. If handwriting helps you stay focused, use a pencil and notebook.
- You'll know what you like and don't like when you use the schedule. When you find the right method, keep using it. Gather all your tasks in just one place, whether it's a notebook, to-do or app.

Step 3. Write down the date and day if necessary
If the date and day are not available on your device, just write them at the top of the schedule page. Use one page for only 1 day so you can focus on the current task. Make additional notes if needed.
- Listing the days on your schedule will help you keep track of the activities that take place on a given day, such as music lessons on Mondays and Wednesdays.
- If you're using a plain notebook, use the left page for the order of the schedule and then write down your daily priorities and other notes on the right page.

Step 4. Enter the defined activities first
Lessons, regular meetings, and other definite assignments form the outline of your schedule. Start by filling in a fixed activity column such as “08.30 - Introduction to Psychology” or “16.00 - Yoga class.”
- If you are using a blank notebook or worksheet, place a time slot to the left of the page using a time interval of every 30 minutes. This method will be very helpful. Give each a time slot so that there is enough space to add notes under an assignment.
- If you're using an agenda or schedule app, there's usually a time slot available.
Part 2 of 3: Timing

Step 1. Make a to-do list on a separate sheet of paper
It's easy to include routine tasks, but organizing the remaining time you have is not. Start by writing down everything you need to finish on a blank sheet of paper or on a new document on your phone or computer. indicate the priority of the task by writing a number or letter next to the task.
- For example, write 1 (or A) next to the most important tasks, These are the tasks that you will need to include first in your schedule. Write 2 (or B) next to tasks of medium priority, and 3 (or C) for tasks of low priority.
- When writing a task on your schedule, you can mark the priority level next to it or simply add an asterisk or exclamation mark next to the top priority tasks.
- If you're planning for a week, use a weekly to-do list. Write down a daily task if you want to make a schedule for one day.

Step 2. Schedule your most important tasks for times when you feel most productive
Start filling your schedule with the most important tasks. Estimate how long each task will take to complete, and schedule top priority tasks for times when you're most energized and distraction-free. To highlight top priority tasks, add an asterisk, underline, or highlight using Highlighter.
- For example, if you feel most productive in the morning, schedule important projects before lunch. Organizing files and deleting emails can be done later afterward.
- Try to make a reasonable time estimate. Don't try to time your homework or meeting with a client very short, say 30 minutes, when you know that 1 hour should be an hour.
- After entering the most important tasks, it's time for simpler tasks, such as washing or shopping.

Step 3. Include details that help you remember what to do
When you enter an assignment, include specific information so that you can remember the meaning of the assignment. If you only take brief notes, such as “Meeting” or “Search for data”, you will have a hard time remembering what it means.
- If you must attend a meeting, also include the time, location, and meeting participants. You can also add bullet points to meeting assignments.
- Remember, it's not necessary to write a whole essay for every assignment. Just enter the required details so you don't get confused while reading it.

Step 4. Write down the start and end times for each task
No matter what tool you use to schedule, apps or Notepad, writing down start and end times will help you keep all of the day's activities on schedule. You will have an idea of what your day will be like tomorrow and where you will be at any given time.
- For example, maybe you have to make an overview from 9:30-10:30, take lessons from 11:00-12:15, have lunch at 12:30, and attend meetings from 13:00-13:45.
- Always remember to set the estimated time sensibly. Pay attention to the notes you take while tracing the past to be able to accurately estimate how long it will take to complete a task.

Step 5. Also make time for fun, family, and relaxation
You can't be productive all the time. So, make time for the people you love, hang out outside, and have fun. If you're the type of person who often forgets to rest, it's important to include reminders to relax and have fun.
For example, enter entries such as, “Tuesday, 6:30pm - Dinner with Mrs. Raras and Tanaya (finish work 5:45pm!)” or “Saturday, 12:00pm - Take Aurora to the park.”

Step 6. Leave 25% of your time idle
You'll have a hard time refining your schedule if you fill it with multiple tasks in sequence. Better yet, take the time to deal with any interrupts or delays. Spacing at least 15 minutes between each task is a great way to complete any time changes in your plan.
- if you have to go somewhere, always add 10-15 minutes (or even more, depending on where you live) just in case you get stuck in traffic.
- Even if you are not late or there are no distractions, you can use the excess time to rest, exercise, or even do additional tasks.
Part 3 of 3: Sticking to a Schedule

Step 1. Set your schedule at the same time each day
If you set a schedule at a fixed time, this activity will become part of your daily routine. You can check your to-do list over your morning coffee or the night before. You just have to make scheduling activities a daily habit.
It may be easier to plan a weekly schedule on a Sunday night, then make adjustments and set up a daily schedule each evening or morning

Step 2. Save your schedule where you can see it
Whether it's in your notebook, to-do or app, always make sure your schedule is easy to carry around. If you rarely touch your schedule, you'll have a hard time sticking to this timing goal.
- If you use the app, install and sync your account to all the electronic devices you use. Try using a desktop computer or home screen widget to pin tasks to the main display of an electronic device.
- Installing a whiteboard or calendar in the workspace will be very helpful. Write down easy-to-understand information at a glance such as important dates and weekly goals.

Step 3. Mark completed tasks to keep you motivated
It's simple, putting a tick next to a completed task is a lot of fun. Giving these marks will bring a certain satisfaction because you managed to achieve a progress while trying to stay responsible.
There's no need to panic if you fail to complete all the tasks. If something unexpected happens, revise the schedule and make it a priority the next day

Step 4. Reward yourself when you complete all the tasks
When there is an expected reward, tasks feel easier to complete, especially the boring ones. For example, if your day is full of presentations, meetings, and deadlines, reward yourself with an extra break, ice cream, or other simple reward.
In addition to a small gift as a celebration of the completion of a task, prepare a big gift for yourself after a busy day. Enjoy more time in the tub, playing video games, watching movies, or doing a favorite activity

Step 5. Use productivity apps to block distractions
If you tend to surf the web or access social media, download an app like StayFocused or Focusbar. These kinds of apps block websites that pop up and distract you in the times you've allotted for work.
It's even more helpful if you keep your phone in your pocket or bag instead of on your desk. That way, you can still use it whenever you need it, but relatively free from distraction by keeping it out of sight

Step 6. Schedule regular breaks to avoid fatigue
A tight schedule without rest breaks will feel tiring and even potentially trigger procrastination. Obviously you can't do your best if you treat yourself that way. Take time off so that work is more manageable while refreshing the body and mind.
- For example, taking advantage of the weekend to complete various household matters is good. However, if you mow the lawn, do the laundry, and clean the house on Saturdays, schedule Sundays for more rest.
- Every night, schedule a relaxing time for 1-2 hours before bed. Use this time to read an entertaining book, soak in the tub, or listen to relaxing music.
- Organize all your tasks on just 1 schedule, whether in Notepad, to-do, or an app. You will get confused if the different tasks are spread across different schedules.
- Stay flexible, write in pencil, and revise your schedule as needed. Don't panic when things don't go according to plan.
- Take advantage of the remaining time. Instead of going to social media to spend 15 minutes leading up to a meeting, try to do your daily tasks in installments. You can also use this time to eat healthy foods, stretch, or do brisk walking.
- Include possible distractions in your schedule, but do your best to work around them. If someone visits you at work or you need to pick up the phone, say "Sorry, I can only chat for a minute," or "Thanks for the question, but I'm sorry, I'll be able to answer that later."
- Don't delay! The tasks will continue to pile up if you continue to ignore them and your schedule will become more and more difficult to work on.
- If you can't work on schedule, don't be discouraged. Change it a little according to your condition and try to stick with it as much as possible.