Salsa dance, which is influenced by Cuban and Puerto Rican dance styles, began to develop in the '70s in New York City. The sensual and lively salsa dance is perfect for a party or dance club. Start practicing by learning different ways of stepping, such as basic salsa steps (On1 Timing), turning right (Right Turn), and stepping past the leader (Cross Body Lead). If you can, practice with a partner. Join a salsa class to improve your dance moves and improve your salsa dancing skills.
Part 1 of 5: Doing the Basic Salsa Steps (On1 Timing)

Step 1. Stand straight with your feet hip-width apart
Place both feet on the floor.

Step 2. Step your left foot forward
This step is done on tap 1.
The steps in salsa dance are performed on beats 1-8. Move to the rhythm of the 8-step salsa song

Step 3. Tap right heel on beat 2
Do not step on the right foot because you only need to transfer the center of gravity from the left foot to the right foot.

Step 4. Move left foot to starting position on beat 3
Don't move on beat 4.
You don't need to step on beats 4 and 8

Step 5. Step back right foot on beat 5
Keep the right foot on tiptoe after stepping back.

Step 6. Move center of gravity to left foot on beat 6
Do not lift or move the left leg.

Step 7. Move right foot to starting position on beat 7
Don't move on beat 8.
Part 2 of 5: Practice Turning Right (Right Turn)

Step 1. Stand at the starting point
Step left foot forward on beat 1.

Step 2. On beat 2, step your right foot back while turning so that your right toe is pointing back

Step 3. Use momentum to spin clockwise on beat 3
In order to rotate, lift your left leg and then return to the starting position.
After spinning, don't move on beat 4

Step 4. Step back right foot on beat 5
Place the sole of your right foot on the floor while lifting your left heel.

Step 5. Move center of gravity to left foot on beat 6
Do not lift your left leg as you lean forward. Instead, place the sole of your left foot on the floor.

Step 6. Return to the starting position on beat 7
Don't move on beat 8.
Part 3 of 5: Stepping Past the Leader (Cross Body Lead)

Step 1. Stand in the starting position
Step left foot forward on beat 1.

Step 2. Step right foot to the right on tap 2
Put your right foot on the floor.

Step 3. Place left foot next to right foot on beat 3 while turning left 45°
At this time, your body and the soles of your feet (in a parallel position) will be facing to the side.
Don't move on beat 4

Step 4. Set foot in place on tap 5
Shift the center of gravity to the right leg. Do not lift or move the sole of the foot.

Step 5. Rotate the sole of your left foot 45° to the left on beat 6 so that it is facing backwards
Place your left heel near the big toe of your right foot and position it perpendicular to your right foot.

Step 6. Place right foot parallel to left foot on beat 7
Don't move on beat 8.
Practice a few times before dancing with a partner. Directing a partner will be easier if you have mastered this step well
Part 4 of 5: Salsa Dance with a Partner

Step 1. Start dancing by holding hands
When dancing salsa in pairs, there is a leader (usually a man) and a lead (usually a woman). If you are the leader, use your left hand to hold your partner's right hand in a loose grip and point your thumb toward the back of your partner's hand. Place your right hand on your partner's upper back. Make sure there is still some distance between you and your partner.
- Don't hold your partner too tightly with stiff hands and feet. Let your body stay relaxed and comfortable.
- As a leader, you have to step forward when you start dancing. As the lead, start the dance by stepping back.

Step 2. Perform basic salsa steps (On1) with your partner
After holding hands, step your left foot forward and swing your hips to the left on beat 1. Your partner will step your right foot back while swinging your hips in the same direction as you. Then, move the center of gravity to the right foot on beat 2. The partner will move the center of gravity to the left foot. Step your left foot back on beat 3. Your partner will step your right foot forward. Return to starting position on beat 4 and don't move.
- Repeat the same steps for beats 5, 6, 7, and 8.
- Make sure you guide your partner's steps gently as they move back and forth while pushing their palms and pulling their backs. Partners must apply pressure in opposite directions for the movement to be balanced and flowing.

Step 3. Practice turning right with a partner
After standing face to face, hold your partner's right hand with your left hand and use your right hand to hold your partner's left hand. Straighten the thumb of your left hand up and then draw the letter J or a semi-circle in the air with your left hand. When you reach the top, open your hands and point your index and middle fingers to your partner's hand. He will turn to the right and then return to the opposite position while holding on.
As your partner rotates, press your fingers into the palms of your hands to maintain balance
Part 5 of 5: Improving Salsa Dancing Kemampuan

Step 1. Dance to the accompaniment of a salsa song
Practice doing basic steps to the beat of the salsa beat. Look for salsa songs online or at music stores. Listen to the song while counting so you can step up to the beat.
Salsa music is usually fast rhythmic so it can accompany the salsa dance well. If you're just starting out, choose a slow rhythm song. Over time, you'll be able to dance to the accompaniment of a faster-paced salsa song

Step 2. Watch a salsa dance video
Salsa moves are very easy to learn. So, take advantage of videos uploaded over the internet by skilled dancers. Learn how they hold their partner and move together to the beat of the music.

Step 3. Join a salsa class
Level your skills by taking courses in dance studios or community groups. Find out if you can join a Latin dancing community in your city.
Look for courses taught by experienced dancers or salsa instructors. Join a salsa class for beginners

Step 4. Come to the dance club
Find out if there is a salsa dance club nearby you can visit to see a salsa show by an experienced dancer. Learn how they move and improve by practicing in pairs with several people.
Look for information on the nearest dance club on the internet. Some clubs schedule certain days specifically for salsa dancing

Step 5. Have a salsa match
To make it more challenging, register for a salsa match in pairs at home and abroad. Prepare a salsa dance choreography with a partner to be displayed in front of the judges and the audience while competing.