Waltz is a ballroom dance technique that is usually done in pairs. The step in the waltz is called the "box step" because it forms a box and must be performed at a slow rhythm. Before dancing, learn how to step up to be a leader or being led so you understand the basic moves. Then, practice with your partner to practice the steps you just learned. To find out how to waltz properly and improve your skills, join a dance class or watch a video show featuring a professional dancer.
Part 1 of 4: Studying the Waltz Steps as a Leader

Step 1. Stand facing one side of the room
Spread your feet hip-width apart and let your arms hang relaxed at your sides.

Step 2. Step your left foot forward
Step gently so that your steps seem light as if you are floating. Use the ball of your foot to rest and slightly bend your left knee.

Step 3. Step your right foot forward so that the soles of your feet are parallel
As you step forward, spread your feet wider than your hips and make sure they're parallel.

Step 4. Bring your left foot closer to your right
Bring your feet together so that the insides of your feet and the soles of your feet touch each other.

Step 5. Step back right foot
As you step back, slightly bend your right knee. Keep your upper body straight and relaxed.

Step 6. Step your left foot back until the soles of your feet are parallel
Make sure the left foot is next to the right foot with a distance of approximately 30 cm.

Step 7. Close the right leg to the left foot
This step is the final step to perform the "box step" or basic waltz movement. When you dance in pairs, you will repeat this movement as if you were drawing a square with the soles of your feet.
Part 2 of 4: Making the Steps as a Led Couple

Step 1. Stand facing one side of the room facing each other with the leader
Spread your feet hip-width apart and let your arms hang relaxed at your sides.

Step 2. Step back right foot
As you step, bend your right knee slightly and then place your right foot on the floor while resting on the ball of your foot. Keep your upper body straight and relaxed.

Step 3. Step back with your left foot so that it is in line with your right foot
Spread your feet 30 cm wide and point them straight ahead.

Step 4. Step right foot next to left foot
Bring your feet together so that the insides of your feet and the soles of your feet touch each other.

Step 5. Step your left foot forward
As you step forward, bend your left knee slightly so that you can gently place your foot on the ball of your foot.

Step 6. Step your right foot forward and make sure it's in line with your left foot
As you step, spread your feet wider than your hips and make sure they're parallel.

Step 7. Step your left foot to the side of your right foot
This step is the last step to perform the "box step". When you waltz, you will do this movement over and over again like you are drawing a box with your partner.
Part 3 of 4: Waltzing with Couples

Step 1. Stand facing each other shoulder-width apart
The leader stands facing forward and the lead faces opposite so that you both stand facing each other.

Step 2. If you are the leader, place your right palm on your partner's left shoulder blade
Grasp your partner's right palm with your left hand while raising your right elbow to shoulder height.

Step 3. If you are being led, place your left hand on the leader's right shoulder
Your right palm will be grasped with the leader's left hand. Raise your left elbow to shoulder height.

Step 4. If you are the leader, step your left foot forward
As the leader, you must make the first move by moving your left foot forward while directing your partner. Use your stride to lead the pair starting with the left foot forward and ending with the right foot close to the left foot.
With each move, bend your knees slightly so that you can stand on your tiptoes and rest on the balls of your feet after each step. Keep your heels on the floor as you step to the side

Step 5. If you are being led, step your right foot back
Let the leader direct your steps. As the lead pair, start the dance by stepping your right foot back and end it by bringing your left foot close to your right.
Step gently and elegantly using the ball of the foot. Lower your heels to the floor, especially when you step sideways

Step 6. Learn the waltz step with a 3 beat pattern
On the beat of "1", the leader must step forward and the partner must step back. On the "2" beat, step your foot sideways in the direction of the leader. On the "3" beat, bring your feet together.
- Perform each step at a slow rhythm while tiptoeing with each beat and down between beats. Repeat the above steps using 3 beats until you are able to move smoothly and confidently.
- Practice to the tune of 3 beats in 1 bar. Choose a song whose tempo is neither too fast nor too slow so that your steps don't fall apart.
Part 4 of 4: Learn More Challenging Steps

Step 1. Move around with the help of a partner
You can spin using or spin, depending on your preference. Before spinning, you and your partner must take the first two steps. In the third step, the leader places the left foot at a slight angle and must be followed by the partner by placing the right foot parallel to the leader's foot. That way, you can spin around a bit as you continue to dance.
When turning, the direction of rotation is always to the left side of the leader. Move in a gentle flow while turning left to finish the waltz

Step 2. Learn the technique of spinning the waltz
Stand facing each other diagonally against the ballroom wall. The leader puts the right foot forward and the partner steps the left foot back. The leader will turn turn to the left and the partner will close the left foot to the right foot as a final move. Use the 3-tap pattern to step while spinning.
- You should turn your body to the left or right when doing the circular motion, depending on whether you are the leader or the one being led.
- Raise your arms and elbows as you spin. Rest on the ball of the foot after turning.

Step 3. Do the underarm loop
Dance with your partner by doing the first 3 "box steps" or waltzes. In the fourth step, the leader will lower the right hand and release the pair then raise the left hand to rotate the pair to the left in a clockwise direction. On beats 4, 5, and 6, the leader must perform a "box step" as the pair rotates. While spinning, the pair should move forward on beats 4, 5, and 6. The two of you should meet again in the starting position on the sixth beat.
- The leader must take a shorter step on beats 4, 5, 6 so as not to hinder the partner's movement.
- The spinning partner should step forward while moving gently in a "heel, toe, toe" pattern. Shift your center of gravity to your heels on beats 4 and on your tiptoes on beats 5 and 6.
- To be able to waltz well, practice in a professional dance class or dance community. A dance instructor can help you improve your waltzing technique and teach you the right way.
- Watch videos of professional dancers waltzing. Attend a contest or dance show featuring the waltz and take this opportunity to learn from professional dancers and improve.