How to Have Fun Alone (with Pictures)

How to Have Fun Alone (with Pictures)
How to Have Fun Alone (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Tired of being alone? Do not worry. You don't need other people to keep yourself busy. There are lots of easy, fun, and cool activities you can do to pass the time. Read the guide below to see the options.


Have Fun by Yourself Step 1
Have Fun by Yourself Step 1

Step 1. Take a photo

Go for a walk with your cellphone camera or regular camera, and take 10 great photos. See if you can run into weird people, weird graffiti, cute pets, pretty flowers, street stains, or anything else you think is photo-worthy. Take close-up shots of things you think are appropriate for an art project.

  • When you return home, you can annotate each image and print it out for an album or collage, or upload it online with a catchy title or heading.
  • Think of a title or story that connects all of the pictures to one another.
Have Fun by Yourself Step 2
Have Fun by Yourself Step 2

Step 2. Make a collage

Cut out pictures from old magazines and replace each person's head with another, or post pictures of Tiger Woods standing next to a cool car. In essence, put all your imagination into creating unique, funny, and creative collages and picture combinations.

  • Create multiple versions of the image on a fairly thick card.
  • Hang or stick your creations on the walls of your room or living room, then put on some nice clothes.
  • Drink water from a tall glass and take the pictures very, very seriously.
  • Say typical sentences issued by classical artists.
Have Fun by Yourself Step 3
Have Fun by Yourself Step 3

Step 3. Go to the library

You still think the library is a boring thing? Think again. The library is like a shop that lets you steal things. You can read books and comics, watch movies, listen to music, and all for free.

Alternatively, pull out a book you've always wanted to read but haven't had time to. If you have your own book collection, use it to explore again

Have Fun by Yourself Step 4
Have Fun by Yourself Step 4

Step 4. Shoot a 15-minute horror film starring you alone

Quickly create your own horror plot or storyline, then set up your karema or cellphone for themselves in your film. Does it make sense? Maybe not, but who cares. For a clear view of the results, make sure you adjust the lighting.

Instead of hiring actors, play each other character yourself and then edit using the computer. Or use a still image, but cut off the mouth and overwrite it with your own mouth or lips. Or use a doll

Have Fun by Yourself Step 5
Have Fun by Yourself Step 5

Step 5. Write a flarf and send it to someone you don't know

Flarf is a poem made from various internet quotes. Take quotes in multiple languages from a variety of sources, from internet ads, YouTube videos, magazines, books, and combine them into whimsical poetry.

To make analog flares, cut out each sentence from a magazine, or cut out various things from a magazine and put them all together into a whimsical ransom note. Send the note to a friend, or scan it and email it. Create a blog under your pseudonym, then make the blog famous for its weirdness

Have Fun by Yourself Step 6
Have Fun by Yourself Step 6

Step 6. Try to do an act of kindness

Take a few coins and donate them to every beggar or donation box you come across. Or just sit alone in a coffee shop and tell everyone who passes by that he looks pretty or handsome today. Praise the strangers you meet. Call someone you respect and tell them how much they mean to you.

Have Fun by Yourself Step 7
Have Fun by Yourself Step 7

Step 7. Chat with people you rarely contact

You rarely talk to your grandmother or old friends? Try calling them back. Instead of spending time watching TV or playing video games, get back in touch with people you never hear from again. Even a 15-minute phone chat can lift someone's mood and make them realize that you're still there and remembering you. Ask how he is, how busy he is now, and what he is doing at the time.

As an alternative, you can also take a super analog method, which is to write letters with paper and pencil or pen. Discuss things like your week, goals, and ask your friends how they are. Even if they live not too far from you, a letter or postcard can make a great gift. Email can also have the same effect

Have Fun by Yourself Step 8
Have Fun by Yourself Step 8

Step 8. Run

To make it even more fun, you can run while listening to music.

Have Fun by Yourself Step 9
Have Fun by Yourself Step 9

Step 9. Cleaning

Cleaning anything does not seem pleasant. But if you're alone and have a lot of free time, cleaning is one of the most productive things you can do. After all, a clean place, condition, or room can make you happier. Set a goal, for example you want to clean your room in less than 30 minutes, or you want to tidy up the whole house in just an hour so you try to do it as quickly as possible to make it more fun. Put on some fast-paced music to spark your passion and movement.

Have Fun by Yourself Step 10
Have Fun by Yourself Step 10

Step 10. Record a song or album in acapella version

Don't worry, there are a lot of people out there who don't sound good. Sit down at the computer and download a free full-featured music editing app. GarageBand and Audacity are some of the most common choices. Create a new song and record your voice.

  • Make a cat choking sound, or a small mouse sound like a mouse invasion movie. Perform other weird sound effects, or make cool drum sounds using two pencils. Or imitate the sound of police sirens with your mouth.
  • Give your songs weird titles, like “transmission to the moon” and listen to a wide variety of people.
Have Fun by Yourself Step 11
Have Fun by Yourself Step 11

Step 11. Dance to music you rarely listen to

You rarely hear metal music from Japan, or traditional Chinese music? Try listening to the songs, and make unique dance moves. Explore until you find the music and moves you like. Here are some options you can take:

  • Robert Ashley
  • John Fahey
  • Black Moth Super Rainbow
  • Jeffre Cantu-Ledesma
  • DIIV
  • TV Ghost
Have Fun by Yourself Step 12
Have Fun by Yourself Step 12

Step 12. Exercise

Exercise is also fun when done alone. Do jumps, aerobics, or a few push-ups and sit-ups. Basically, move your body. Being healthy and sweating will improve your mood.

Have Fun by Yourself Step 13
Have Fun by Yourself Step 13

Step 13. Record a vlog and upload it to YouTube

YouTube is a place to get rid of boredom. There are a lot of communities that do weird things and upload the footage to YouTube, then get comments at the same time. Some of the vlog topics include:

  • What do you get or find. When you come home from the supermarket, mall, library, or any place where you buy a lot of things, shoot a video that goes over and shows what you bought or got into the camera and explains each item, starting with what it does and why you bought or borrowed it..
  • What's in your bag? Record yourself unpacking your bag or purse and discussing everything inside. Discuss each item in depth, starting with when you bought it and what interesting stories are in it.
  • Guide to do something. Teach people how to apply make-up, how to play a song, or whatever you know and maybe not everyone knows.
  • Review something. Are you an expert when it comes to shoes, metal music, food sauce, or whatever? Try taking one of the variations of the item and review. Show it to the camera, give a sample, then rate the item.
Have Fun by Yourself Step 15
Have Fun by Yourself Step 15

Step 14. Talk to a stranger

Are all your friends busy? Stop feeling bored and sad. Make new friends. Chat with people at a coffee shop or school. If he's fun, you can even make the conversation a little interesting and weird or crazy.

Try to find out and learn an interesting fact about someone you've never met. Chat with someone at the bus stop, or in the school cafeteria and try to make new friends for at least 10 minutes

Have Fun by Yourself Step 16
Have Fun by Yourself Step 16

Step 15. Find a place where people hang out and don't say anything

Look at the bulletin board or bulletin board at school, the library, or elsewhere. Find a place where many people meet and discuss their problems. Listen carefully without talking at all. You can be polite at the meeting, but sit back and learn new things about your community that you have never known or considered. These meetings are usually free and interesting to watch.

Alternatively, reading, lectures or courses, or even church services can be free and rare events that you can attend to learn something new

Have Fun by Yourself Step 17
Have Fun by Yourself Step 17

Step 16. Volunteer

If you're bored and alone, find productive ways to spend your time doing things with other people.

  • There are definitely many communities out there that need volunteers to carry out their actions or activities, ranging from mutual cooperation to being a pull out committee for an event.
  • Because there are many communities out there and lots of activities or events, don't be lazy to look for opportunities to volunteer if you really want to and are interested.
Be Happy With What You Have Step 12
Be Happy With What You Have Step 12

Step 17. Good luck


  • Enjoy your time and activities and don't worry if your alone time is unproductive or not being used well.
  • Listen to fun and engaging music.
  • Don't hold back and decide not to do something you feel would be fun. You may not be the type to go to the library. But trying to go there once certainly wouldn't hurt, right? After all, no one will laugh at you because you are alone.


  • Pay attention to safety and security. Don't just give out personal information to strangers.
  • Don't do anything dangerous and it could end badly. Even if you really want to hang your crystal chandelier, don't try to hang it solely by relying on piles of chairs and tables. Wait until you get ladders and reinforcements from others.
