There are many ways to do hypnosis. This article will describe some of them.

Step 1. To start hypnosis, use induction by lowering your hand
To continue hypnosis, follow the deepening hypnosis method, which is also described below.
Method 1 of 3: Induction Lowering the Hand

Step 1. Ask the subject you are going to hypnotize to sit in a comfortable chair (if possible)
Ask the subject to lean back on the chair and bring their knees together. Make sure that the subject is not standing - because after hypnosis, they will be so relaxed that you have to catch them!

Step 2. Reassure the subject about the safety of hypnosis, and that it will not cause any damage to the brain

Step 3. Take his hands and lift them straight above your hands
Your palms will touch and the backs of your hands will be on the table, with their hands resting on yours.

Step 4. Tell him to press your hand as hard as you can (within some limitations) while looking at the dot on the back of your forehead
Make sure the subject is fully concentrated on that one point, keeping your hands down.

Step 5. After a while, distract him
Tell him to spell his own name in reverse, or sing the alphabet song. When the focus is distracted, you need to do the following three things very quickly at once:
- Pull your hand away from his as quickly and smoothly as possible
- Say the word "Sleep!" with a loud voice
- Push the subject back slightly, pressing their shoulders with the palm of your hand.

Step 6. Subject is now unconscious
Continue to deepen the hypnosis (guide below).
Method 2 of 3: Deepen Hypnosis

Step 1. Your hypnotic subject's body should now be bent forward in his seat
However, the subject will not be in this position for too long, so you should perform these steps immediately after induction.

Step 2. Place your hands behind his neck and start rocking his head from side to side
While you're at it, say a sentence like this over and over again:
- "The more I rock your head, the deeper and deeper you will fall into your sleep."
- "The more I swing your head, the deeper and deeper you sleep the more comfortable you will feel, the better you will feel, the deeper you will sleep…"

Step 3. Keep repeating this sentence
If his head is in your lap, lift it carefully, so that it staggers to his side. Be sure to make sure the subject is okay, and whisper softly to him or her to stay calm.

Step 4. A countdown is essential for perfect hypnosis - use the following options to deepen the relaxation of your hypnotic subject
- "You sleep and sleep more deeply now. When I count from 10 to 0, you will feel your body sleep deeper and deeper. When I reach 0, you will relax completely and go into a very deep sleep.
Or, use this countdown:
- 10, you feel relaxed,
- 9, sleep deeper and deeper,
- 8, good, go on,
- 7, with every number I say, you will fall into an even deeper sleep,
- 6, deeper, good,
- 5, further and further, relax completely now,
- 4, 3, good, you are very good,
- 2, further from the world,
- 1, 0. now you sleep completely.
Method 3 of 3: Deepen Choice Hypnosis

Step 1. Tell him that the subject is at the top of a large ladder and will descend slowly
With each stage it goes through, the subject will enter and go deeper and more relaxed (just like the countdown in the previous method). When the subject reaches the ground floor, there is a door in front of him. Ask the subject to exit through the door and into the swirling room. Tell him that while the subject is in this room, the subject is hypnotized, whether the subject is awake or asleep.

Step 2. At this point, it's a good idea to include something convincing
Basically this is what proves your hypnotic subject that the subject is in deep hypnosis. The most common are the eyes. Repeat the following sentence for your hypnotic subject several times.
"Now your eyes are closed. Your eyes are so tired and sleepy that they can't be opened. The more you try to open them the tighter your eyes will close."

Step 3. Now ask the subject to open his eyes
Make sure that the subject WILL NOT open it, and affirm this failure to him. If all goes well, her eyelids will move slightly but not open. If they open their eyes, don't panic - rephrase them confidently that if they blinked back, their eyes would be ten times heavier.

Step 4. Now give the command (in a commanding tone at this point) that when you say the word "sleep" and snap your finger, the subject will fall back into a deep sleep twice as deep as before
Tell her that her body will feel completely paralyzed and relaxed. Tell him the subject will come back into the rotating room every time you snap your finger and that the subject will go deeper and deeper each time the subject returns.

Step 5. Now, have fun with it
After you have determined what you are going to instruct him to do, say that when you count back to three, the subject will wake up and _. You can get him to do whatever you want (be sure to read the warnings first!) Always be confident and DON'T PANIC!

Step 6. Once you are done, return the subject to the rotating room
Say that the subject will soon leave the room, but will still be as relaxed as before. You may need to say the following sentences:
You will soon regain consciousness, but stay relaxed and comfortable. When you wake up, you will be energized, as if you had drunk 10 cups of coffee, but without the side effects. You will feel good, feel better than before. I will start count. When I reach the number 10, you will wake up from your sleep. When I, and ONLY ME, snap your fingers, you'll be back in a relaxing rotating room.
When I wake you up, you will feel refreshed."

Step 7. Start counting down now, and as you count, make your voice louder and louder
When you reach 10, wait a few seconds. If the subject is not awake yet, DO NOT panic! Repeat the above sentence and try again.

Step 8. You don't need to say the bold sentence above - if you want to hypnotize the subject back easily again later, if not, just say it
- Do it with confidence!!! You may find it strange at first, but don't let this bother you. If you believe this will work, it probably will.
- If someone doesn't want to be hypnotized or is afraid to do it, chances are you won't be able to do it. While not impossible, it will be very difficult to do.
- When hypnotizing someone for the first time, make sure the subject is someone you trust, and more importantly, the subject trusts you.
- Make the subject believe that you can do it. If this is your first time doing this, say that you've done this to other people before.
- Under no circumstances do you ask someone to be a younger version of themselves. This can bring back stored memories that can be traumatic.
- Take responsibility for your requests for the subject of hypnosis. For example, don't ask someone with a broken leg to jump backwards. Don't ask ANYONE to do anything dangerous at all! Practice using your common sense in determining what you are asking for.
- Always control yourself. Believe in yourself and act like you know what you're doing. There have been cases where the hypnotizing person asked the hypnotic subject to wake up again and to no avail. This makes the hypnotist panic so that the hypnotizing subject believes that the subject cannot wake up.