3 Ways to Make a Trapdoor in Minecraft

3 Ways to Make a Trapdoor in Minecraft
3 Ways to Make a Trapdoor in Minecraft

Table of contents:


A trapdoor is a door on the floor, which is useful for preventing anything from entering the building, keeping the floor level, and providing quick entry and exit. Trapdoor takes up one block of space.


Method 1 of 3: Obtaining Materials

Make a Trapdoor in Minecraft Step 1
Make a Trapdoor in Minecraft Step 1

Step 1. Find 6 wooden planks

Wooden planks are made by cutting down trees, then the resulting logs are made into planks.

Method 2 of 3: Creating a Trapdoor

Make a Trapdoor in Minecraft Step 2
Make a Trapdoor in Minecraft Step 2

Step 1. Place 6 wooden planks into the build table

Fill in the boxes in the table with:

  • Place 3 wooden planks on 3 squares along the middle row.
  • Place 3 wooden planks in 3 squares along the bottom row (or 3 squares along the top row).
Make a Trapdoor in Minecraft Step 3
Make a Trapdoor in Minecraft Step 3

Step 2. Transfer the resulting 2 trapdoors into the bag

Press the shift key and click on the trapdoor, then slide it into your bag.

Method 3 of 3: Using Trapdoor

Make a Trapdoor in Minecraft Step 4
Make a Trapdoor in Minecraft Step 4

Step 1. Use a trapdoor on your building

Trapdoor is useful for:

  • Prevent falling.
  • Prevents the entry of monsters into areas fitted with trapdoors.
  • Stops water, snow, rain, or lava from flowing into a specific area.
  • Works as a pre-opening in certain areas, such as poles.
  • The trapdoor still lets light in and doesn't block the redstone signal.
Make a Trapdoor in Minecraft Step 5
Make a Trapdoor in Minecraft Step 5

Step 2. To use it, place the trapdoor on the side of the solid block

This is the only way to put a trapdoor. Then you can build around with other blocks.

Make a Trapdoor in Minecraft Step 6
Make a Trapdoor in Minecraft Step 6

Step 3. Open the trapdoor

Right click on the trapdoor. The trapdoor will flip onto the block it was pasted on.


  • If you remove the block that the trapdoor is attached to, the trapdoor will be destroyed.
  • Trapdoor bridges are great to use over lava moats to create a good defense around your fort.
  • Trapdoor is also known as hatch.
